Co-curriculum Accreditation: Lessons Learned

September 23, 2020
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Co-Curricular Community

Speakers will share experiences from recent accreditation site visits, with a focus on the co-curricular elements of their programs. Since addition of co-curricular elements of PharmD programs happened with implementation of ACPE Standards 2016, some schools have yet to experience this review and have their co-curricular programs critiqued. Standard 4 and some elements of Standard 3 can be supported by student involvement in co-curricular activities. Three speakers will describe their co-curricular programs, and their experience with accreditation site visits under Standards 2016.


  1. Describe co-curricular programs of a variety of institutions
  2. Explain the accreditation review experience with a focus on co-curriculum
  3. Discuss lessons learned about this process from a variety of institutions
  4. Implement changes to your co-curricular program to better meet accreditation expectations


Dana Hammer, RPh, MS, PhD
Faculty Lead for Student Professional Development
University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Stacey Olstad, PharmD
Pharmacy Professional Instructor and Coordinator for Student Professional Development
Oregon State University

Laressa Bethishou, Pharm.D, APh, BCPS
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Director of Co-Curriculum
Chapman University School of Pharmacy

Jaime Maerten-Rivera, PhD
Director of Assessment
University at Buffalo
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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