Institutional Research


AACP's office of institutional research and effectiveness (OIRIE) gathers, analyzes and summarizes data related to the pharmacy schools accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). The OIRIE functions include:

  • Administration and reporting of national, peer and institutional survey results
  • Communicating survey data through infographics and interactive Tableau dashboards
  • Development and provision of technical support for the Assessment and Accreditation Management System (AAMS), in conjunction with ACPEAssessment and Accreditation Management System (AAMS)


OIRIE’s annual surveys include:

  • Curriculum Quality Surveys (graduating student, faculty, alumni, and preceptor)
  • Application Pool, Enrollments and Degrees Conferred Surveys
  • Roster and Faculty Salary Survey
  • Tuition Survey
  • Survey of Vacant Budgeted and Lost Faculty Positions
  • Financial Survey

Student pharmacists, faculty and administrators, higher education organizations, and the federal government use these data to study trends and make decisions regarding pharmacy education. 

AACP Data Policy - These policies address the the ownership of data, the nature of data with respect to sensitivity and confidentiality, and the roles and responsibilities of individuals with access to data. Learn more about OIRIE in the infographic: What We Do.

AACP Survey System

AACP’s survey system is an institutional member benefit that provides schools with the ability to administer surveys, submit survey data and run customized benchmarking reports. Access to the system is controlled by each institution’s survey coordinator. Access the system via the link above.

AACP OIRIE Knowledge Base (KB) Library: The OIRIE KB library contains articles, visuals, videos, and step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the Survey System, AAMS, and Survey System 2.0.  

For access to your institution's data in either AAMS or the Survey System, your dean or dean's designate will need to provide approval to OIRIE. Alternatively, the dean or dean's designate may also do this directly in both systems. Please email your dean or to inquire about access.