2025 Election Open Positions
Nominations are now closed. The deadline for nominations was March 10, 2025. Please contact Adam Jackson, Manager of Governance, with any questions.
Nominations are now closed. The deadline for nominations was March 10, 2025. Please contact Adam Jackson, Manager of Governance, with any questions.
Nominees for President-elect in 2025 must be an active AACP member.
For complete descriptions of roles and responsibilities expected of Presidential officers throughout the three years of their term, please see the AACP Board of Directors Prospectus. Please contact Immediate Past President Craig Cox for more information.
A nominee must be an active AACP and COD member. The Chair-elect of the Council will alternate on an annual basis between a CEO Dean and an Assistant/Associate Dean. Nominees for 2025 COD Chair-elect position will hold the title of Assistant or Associate Dean. The Chair-elect shall be elected by the Council to a three-year successive term with one year as Chair-elect, one year as Chair, and one year as Immediate Past Chair, beginning with the termination of the annual meeting.
For complete descriptions of Council of Deans Administrative Board roles and responsibilities, please visit the COD Connect Community Library. Please contact Immediate Past Chair W. Tommy Smith for more information.
A nominee must be an active AACP and COD member. In 2025, the Secretary of Knowledge Management shall be elected by the Council to a one-year term, beginning with the termination of the annual meeting. The Secretary of Knowledge Management may be re-elected to serve an additional terms. The Secretary of Knowledge Management shall serve the Council by collecting the group's knowledge assets and sharing the knowledge assets within the group's Community in AACP Connect. This consists of keeping a record of the minutes of all business meetings as well as the group's other work products. Other work products include but are not limited to committee and/or taskforce reports, standing rules of procedures, policies and guidelines.
For complete descriptions of Council of Deans Administrative Board roles and responsibilities, please visit the COD Connect Community Library. Please contact Immediate Past Chair W. Tommy Smith for more information.
A nominee must be an active AACP and COD member. The Council elects one representative from its membership to serve as a liaison between the Administrative Board and the members of the Council. The term of office shall be two years. No representative may be elected to successive terms.
For complete descriptions of Council of Deans Administrative Board roles and responsibilities, please visit the COD Connect Community Library. Please contact Immediate Past Chair W. Tommy Smith for more information.
A nominee must be an active AACP and COF member. The Chair-elect shall be elected by the Council to a three-year successive term with one year as Chair-elect, one year as Chair, and one year as Immediate Past Chair, beginning with the termination of the annual meeting.
For complete descriptions of Council of Faculties Administrative Board roles and responsibilities, please visit the COF Connect Community Library. Please contact Immediate Past Chair Jennifer Hookstra Danielson for more information.
A nominee must be an active AACP and COF member. The At-Large Representative shall serve as a member of the Council’s Administrative Board and be responsible for increasing member engagement in the Council’s activities and representing the interests of COF members at all meetings of this Council and its Administrative Board. The At-Large Representative shall be elected by this Council to a two-year term, in odd numbered years, and the term of service shall begin with the termination of the annual meeting. The At-Large Representative may not be elected to successive terms of office.
Specific duties:
For complete descriptions of Council of Faculties Administrative Board roles and responsibilities, please visit the COF Connect Community Library. Please contact Immediate Past Chair Jennifer Hookstra Danielson for more information.
To be eligible to be elected Chair-elect of this Council, one must be an individual active member of the Association and have been an administrative officer of a section (Chair, Immediate Past Chair) or COS Secretary of Knowledge Management (member of COS Administrative Board) within the past year at the time of the election.
Specific duties:
For complete descriptions of Council of Section Administrative Board roles and responsibilities, please contact COS Immediate Past Chair Timothy Bloom for more information.
Election Nominations are now closed. Self-nominations are encouraged. The following materials must be submitted:
Please contact Adam Jackson, Manager of Governance, with any questions or for more information.
Subject to the limits set by the Bylaws, assumes leadership responsibilities for AACP, including but not limited to:
For complete descriptions of roles and responsibilities of all Board-rising offices, please review the AACP Board of Directors Prospectus.
All AACP leaders, including those who serve in Councils, Sections, and SIGs and on our nominating committees, shall strive to include and engage the full diversity of the Association's membership in leading AACP. Leadership roles include elected officers, chairs, and members of committees and task forces, as well as programming/grant/award reviewers. Diversity of thought and perspectives is critical to the vitality of our organization. Diversity in our leadership can only be achieved by inviting, encouraging, slating, and appointing people who bring different viewpoints afforded by their gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, physical abilities, geography, disciplinary expertise, rank, institutional classification, and many other attributes. AACP is committed to creating a culture of inclusion that welcomes all who support our mission.