How to Join/Renew

Pharmacist Educators

AACP is an association of individuals and institutions. Faculty, administrators and professional staff of member institutions can enjoy the benefits of individual membership which includes eligibility for awards, professional development programs and publications through a simple membership enrollment process.

New Members

Renewing Your AACP Membership:

Please Note: At this time, AACP has proposed an Open Membership model for individual membership beginning in 2025. This proposal has been submitted to the AACP House of Delegates (HOD), and if it is approved by the HOD in late January, all faculty and staff at member institutions would receive a complimentary individual membership. Given this proposed change, AACP is currently suspending individual member renewals for faculty and staff at member institutions. We are very excited about the Open Membership proposal and believe this will be a significant benefit to all pharmacy educators. If you should have any questions, feel free to contact AACP.