PharmCAS Resources

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PharmCAS Contacts

For Admissions Officers
Liaison Staff – Nicole Iarossi:, 617-612-2056
AACP Staff –
WebAdMIT –, 857-304-2020
Analytics by Liaison –, 617-402-5506

For Applicants
General PharmCAS questions –, 617-612-2050
AACP Code of Conduct –
PharmCAS Social Media – InstagramFacebook, & Twitter
PharmCAS Website

For System and Usage Questions, 857-304-2020

Resources for Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy

PharmCAS Resources

  • 2024–2025 PharmCAS School Manual (PDF) – The purpose of this manual is to assist AACP member institutions in understanding PharmCAS policies and procedures. The manual includes instructions specifically for participating Pharm.D. programs, as well as selected excerpts from the PharmCAS application instructions. The manual can be accessed through the PharmCAS Community on AACP Connect. Contact if you need access to the Community.
  • PharmCAS Program User Guide – This guide provides documentation, reference guides, and direct links that answer common admissions questions about the PharmCAS Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, and WebAdMIT.
  • PharmCAS Coupon Codes FAQ – Coupon codes are application fee discounts that colleges and schools can use to incentivize applicants to apply. If your institution chooses to use this program, it will purchase coupon codes from Liaison and provide them to selected applicants. Please carefully review the FAQ before you purchase any coupon codes.
  • Configuration Portal Quick Start Guide – Use this guide to configure your program(s) efficiently and completely in the prelaunch environment. Review the PharmCAS Program User Guide for additional information.
  • Sharing Supplemental Requirements with PharmCAS Applicants – Review this resource if your program requires applicants to send any application materials directly to the institution (and outside of PharmCAS) as part of the admissions review process.

WebAdMIT Resources

  • WebAdMIT Help Center – Programs are encouraged to bookmark this site for quick and easy access to help content for all things WebAdMIT.
  • WebAdMIT Getting Started Guide – New to WebAdMIT? This guide provides essential information to help you get up and running in WebAdMIT.
  • WebAdMIT Training and Support – Many training and support options are available in a variety of formats, including webinars, live training, virtual courses, and in-person workshops. All can be accessed through the Liaison Academy Portal.
  • WebAdMIT API Documentation Site – This site includes detailed information about using an API to migrate WebAdMIT data to your internal information system. Learn what the WebAdMIT API is and how it can help you automate data integrations between WebAdMIT and your SIS/ERP here.

Analytics by Liaison Resources

  • Analytics by Liaison Help Center – Programs are encouraged to bookmark this site for quick and easy access to help content for Analytics by Liaison, a tool that provides authorized users at colleges and schools of pharmacy with an interactive and visual representation of their local applicant pool for multi-year data analysis and reporting.