2023 Elections


Slate of Candidates


Kerry Fierke

Kerry Fierke
University of Minnesota

Kerry K. Fierke, Ed.D., has a passion to enhance the leadership skills, talents and abilities of the people around her. She has a Doctor of Education in leadership from St. Mary’s University and is currently an associate professor and associate department head at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. Earlier in her career, Dr. Fierke was in management at Fortune 100 organizations—Honeywell Inc. and Medtronic—where she focused on marketing, communication and education. In 2006, she became manager of leadership and staff development at a 14,000+ employee health system.

Since 2011, Dr. Fierke has been devoted to providing students with valuable leadership educational experiences that will allow them to grow and further contribute to the pharmacy profession. She has taught leadership content in over 30 courses at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. She currently teaches pharmacy leadership education to students spanning all four years across the curriculum in five required classes and five electives (she is the co-course director of four). Dr. Fierke is the current course director of the LEA Advanced Practice Pharmacy Experience (APPE) as well as a preceptor. She is co-director of the Leadership Emphasis Area (LEA) and has advised over 150 students.

Dr. Fierke’s scholarship focus includes disseminating valuable outcomes in scholarship of teaching and learning to strengthen pharmacy leadership, education and innovation. The unifying theme of her work is her strive to develop student and professional leaders. She has published over 30 articles and has presented in over 100 venues, both nationally and internationally. Dr. Fierke also created and directed the one-day interprofessional leadership conference, Women Impacting Healthcare (2012-2016), and national virtual symposium (2017-2022). 

Presidential Statement
I'm honored and excited to be on the ballot for President-elect. We may have crossed paths throughout our work at AACP; perhaps we have served on a committee together, collaborated on projects, or witnessed each other’s work through our scholarship. If we haven’t met yet, I hope this statement provides you with insight of my leadership style to represent all members of AACP, including students, staff, faculty and universities.

“The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

In our current state, we may have difficulty finding solutions to the complex challenges facing pharmacy education. No one of us has the answers. Therefore, it will take diverse experiences, backgrounds, educations and perspectives to overcome the obstacles ahead.

My background may be a bit unique from my esteemed colleagues who have previously held this position. While I am not a pharmacist, I have management experience in Fortune 100 companies and large healthcare systems. One of my strengths is developing strong collaborations, partnerships, and teams. I have been able to contribute my experiences, education, and expertise in leadership to enhance the educational outcomes of students, faculty, and pharmacy practitioners.

My journey into pharmacy education…
The continual improvement of leadership development within the pharmacy profession is my passion. I have taught leadership development in 32 courses at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy [13 required, 19 electives]. I am a co-director of the Leadership Emphasis Area (LEA), a 16-credit sequence of courses and leadership experiences aimed at developing skills in leading change. I am also the director of the LEA APPE and precept students on an academic rotation. My scholarly activities focus on the study of leadership including teaching and learning, interprofessional, and international. This research has led to over 30 peer-reviewed articles and 100 presentations (national and international).

My journey within AACP…
My experiences and connections within the AACP community have been incredibly valuable. I have partnered with pharmacy practitioners and educators across the nation. Early in my AACP tenure, I served in formal elected positions: AACP Leadership SIG (LD SIG) Secretary [2014-2016] and Chair [2017-2020]. I was elected to the inaugural AACP SIG Cabinet Administrative Board Chair [2020-2023].

During this time, the Cabinet brought together SIG leaders with a focus on strengthening strategies and collaborations and developing best practices to improve the member experience.

My journey as a future AACP President-elect…
My focus on the future is trifold: strategy, communication, and engagement.

Designing the future of pharmacy education is an exhilarating challenge for all of us and AACP’s strategic plan includes foundational components we can build upon. As we continually re-assess our future needs, we can create an innovative and unique shared vision to meet the demands of the ever-changing landscape. The best part of strategic work is bringing together an enthusiastic team with diverse talents to imagine the possibilities. Clear, crisp communication is key for process improvement and includes all voices and input to create the best outcomes for our students and members. Together, we must foster engagement to overcome the significant challenges we all face. For example, the recent pandemic combined with decreasing student enrollment in our schools and the need to do more with less, increases the need to offer effective development opportunities for pharmacy educators to feel seen and heard.

Thank you for the chance to share my perspective. I would welcome the opportunity to apply my passion, leadership and collaborative inclusivity to further impact AACP.

Robin Zavod

Robin Zavod
Midwestern University – Chicago

Robin Zavod, Ph.D., is a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at Midwestern University College of Pharmacy and has been with the college since 1994. She earned a B.S. in biology/chemistry (Bucknell University), M.S./Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry (University of Kansas) and completed a post-doc in organic chemistry (Indiana University).

She has held leadership positions within AACP (Council of Faculties immediate past chair, chair and chair-elect, 2012-2015) and several leadership positions within the chemistry section. She is a fellow of the American Pharmacists Association and has served as APRS basic sciences chair (2013-2014) and Education Committee chair (2013-2014). Within AAPS she has served as the immediate past chair, chair, chair-elect, and vice chair of the DDDI Section (2013-2017); chair of the AAPS Content Advisory Committee (2012-2013); DDDI representative (2009-2012); chair of the AAPS Career Development Committee (2016-2018); and member of the AAPS Publications Committee (2012-2015). Dr. Zavod also participates as an AFPE grant reviewer and as an ACPE Accreditation Site Team member.

Dr. Zavod is an author in several editions of Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, APhA’s Nutrition in Pharmacy Practice, and Gibaldi’s Drug Delivery Systems. She co-wrote two ASHP publications—Basic Concepts in Medicinal Chemistry (3 editions) and Self-Assessment in Medicinal Chemistry—with Dr. Marc Harrold. She is the editor-in-chief of Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, a monthly publication, and was the founding editor-in-chief of the AAPS’ Introductions to Pharmaceutical Sciences book series.

Presidential Statement
At my first Annual Meeting in 1995, AACP became my “professional home” and the Section of Teachers of Chemistry and several SIGs, my affinity groups. Over the last twenty-eight plus years, I have cherished every opportunity that I had to give back to this organization and its members. Thank you for the distinct honor of being slated for AACP president-elect.

Elected as secretary and then chair (chair-elect, and past chair) of the Section of Teachers of Chemistry in the early 2000s, I began to appreciate the inner workings and AACP infrastructure. I championed our long-standing mentoring program, as well as encouraged joint section programming and cross-disciplinary presentations. These leadership opportunities solidified my internal drive and passion, as I was eager to create and maintain the infrastructure upon which others were successful.

Interested in experiencing higher levels of AACP governance, I pursued additional leadership positions. Though I was slated for Council of Faculties chair-elect on several occasions, it wasn’t until 2012 that I was elected to the Council of Faculties as chair-elect. Working with then AACP president, Peggy Piascik, the Council of Faculty committees and I developed the Distinguished Teaching Scholar and Emerging Teaching Scholar Awards. It remains important to publicly acknowledge both existing, as well as upcoming, outstanding teaching talent within our ranks. During my tenure on the AACP Board of Directors, I gained an even greater appreciation for how our organization champions the development of new education standards, and the role of pharmacy education in the rapidly changing healthcare environment.

I took my inquisitiveness about organizational infrastructure “on the road” and was elected as chair of the basic sciences section within the APhA-APRS, as well as chair of the drug design and discovery interface section within AAPS over the next several years.  While serving in these roles, I gained a much fuller awareness for how organizations attract and retain their members. As travel funds declined, meeting members “where they were” meant an investment in asynchronous educational opportunities that extended the traditional reach of their respective Annual Meetings. These roles further strengthened my conviction to enthusiastically pursue activities that promoted member engagement regardless of location, thereby supporting the infrastructure on which faculty development could grow.

In 2008, my infrastructure journey took an important leap when I became the founding editor-in-chief of a, then new, journal, Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. It was evident that the Academy needed another home for scholarly dissemination, but more importantly, that faculty needed to be met “where they were” in their scholarship trek. It was (and still is) gratifying to be instrumental in the creation, and now expansion and maintenance, of a publishing infrastructure on which our Academy scholars are successful.

From a professional organization perspective, a healthy, balanced governance and policy infrastructure is certainly paramount to the longevity of an organization. This provides the stability necessary for academy growth, especially during challenging times. As the nation has begun to embrace the tenets associated with diversity and inclusion, perhaps our organizational mantra should be, “Meet people as they are and where they are, not who or where you’d like them to be.”

The student cohorts of late have brought with them unique challenges that have tested the limits of faculty understanding and expertise. It is long overdue that we meaningfully meet our students, not only where they are, but more importantly, as they are. This means that we, as an academy, need to reimagine student engagement. If we don’t know who they are, then why should we expect them to trust us and learn with us? If they are not actively engaged with the curriculum, the campus, or the faculty, why should they attend class or return as supportive alumni? Should I be elected to become the next AACP president elect, I would like to put into place an academy-wide effort to learn more deliberately “who our students are” and what they bring to our classrooms and campus relationships.  This could be implemented as:

Supporting SAFE Zone training to bring increased LGBTQ+ awareness and ally training. This includes a curricular presence in didactic, simulation, and experiential settings.

Exploring the challenges that a first-generation college student and/or international student faces to better support their academic journey. What are their unique needs in the classroom and experiential settings?

Engaging with neurodiverse students to improve educational accessibility/approachability that translates meaningfully into career-based skills and knowledge acquisition. This includes curricular recognition and inclusion of accessible patient education strategies.

Supporting mental health first-aid training for faculty and staff. Work to destigmatize mental health counseling and to train faculty to feel more competent as front line interventionalists.

I believe that my collective leadership experience has helped me hone the skills required to be an effective trailblazer within AACP. With a big personality and a strong conviction to make a difference, I believe that I have the skills and passion necessary to further propel AACP’s culture of accomplishment. I am drawn to the phrase “Go big or go home.” Let’s harness the considerable talent within the Academy to make an impact on the quality of our engagement with students. This effort has the potential to improve attrition/graduation rates, with the hope that students who feel understood and accepted may become better learners, leaders, and educators as a result. What more could we ask for as an Academy?

Council of Deans (COD) Chair-elect

Jen Adams

Jennifer Adams 
Idaho State University 

Jennifer Adams, Pharm.D., Ed.D., FAPhA, FNAP, is a graduate of Boise State University, Idaho State University and the George Washington University. She is employed as associate dean for academic affairs at the Idaho State University College of Pharmacy, providing oversight for the Pharm.D. curriculum, experiential education, interprofessional education and assessment. Dr. Adams teaches healthcare systems to first-year student pharmacists and pharmacy law to first-and-third-year student pharmacists and clinical psychopharmacology graduate students. 

Dr. Adams also served for nearly 10 years as the senior student affairs advisor at AACP, providing leadership and oversight for association national student affairs activities including PharmCAS, PCAT, the Pharmacy Career Information Council and student recruitment. Dr. Adams has been an active member of AACP for more than 15 years and has served as the AACP staff liaison to the Council of Sections, the Council of Deans, various ad hoc committees and the Student Affairs Standing Committee. As a non-staff member, AACP continues to be her professional organization home and Dr. Adams has served as the chair of the Administrative Services Section and on the Section Nominating, Resolutions, and Strategic Planning Committees. Dr. Adams has been the chair and later a member of the AACP Strategic Engagement Committee, a member of the AACP Programming Committee, chair of the Council of Deans Community-Based Pharmacy Taskforce, an AACP Walmart Scholar Mentor, and a delegate to the AACP House of Delegates. 

Julie Sease

Julie Sease 
University of South Carolina 

Julie M. Sease, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, CDCES, BCACP, is senior associate dean and clinical professor at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of South Carolina in 2003 and completed a primary care pharmacy practice residency at the Dorn VA Medical Center in 2004. 

Dr. Sease joined the faculty of the University of South Carolina in 2004 where she taught until 2009. Dr. Sease entered academic administration in 2013 while at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, eventually serving as associate dean for academic affairs. She returned to the University of South Carolina in July 2019 as senior associate dean and, from July 2021 through July 2022, served as the college’s interim dean. 

Dr. Sease is a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and, in 2017, completed the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program. Dr. Sease has been a long-standing, active member of AACP, serving on the association’s Strategic Engagement Standing Committee (2019-2020). Since 2022, she has served as a member of the AACP Council of Deans Administrative Board as secretary of knowledge management. 

Council of Deans (COD) Secretary of Knowledge Management

Jayesh Parmar

Jayesh R. Parmar
Larkin University 

Jayesh R. Parmar, Ph.D., is assistant dean of academic affairs and associate professor at Larkin University College of Pharmacy (LUCOP) in Miami, Florida. He graduated with a Ph.D. in pharmacy administration from the University of Louisiana at Monroe in 2010 and is a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Mumbai University (India). 

Since August 2016, he held an administrative role at LUCOP as a vice chair of the Department of Clinical and Administrative Sciences prior to accepting the assistant deans’ position in March 2020. His first academic position was for six years at University of Maryland Eastern Shore School of Pharmacy where he was tenured and promoted to the rank of associate professor in May 2016.  

Dr. Parmar’s research interests include comparative effectiveness & outcomes research, Pharmacoeconomics, public health and educational research. He has served as a principal investigator for several federal funded grants, has published his research in reputable journals and continues to serve as a reviewer for the journals. Dr. Parmar successfully completed the AACP American Leadership Fellows Program (2020-2021). 

Jennifer Robinson

Jennifer D. Robinson 
Washington State University 

Jennifer D. Robinson, Pharm.D., received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Washington State University (WSU) College of Pharmacy. Immediately after graduation, she managed Jones Pharmacy, an independently owned community pharmacy. At Jones Pharmacy, Dr. Robinson oversaw the delivery of several innovative services including rapid influenza and strep throat treatment, point-of-care testing, consulting services, psychiatric care in long term care facilities and group community education classes. 

In 2008, Dr. Robinson joined the faculty at Washington State University. Since 2011, she has served in various administrative roles with oversight over the offices of recruitment, admissions, student affairs, experiential education and academic affairs. She currently serves as the associate vice president for interprofessional education for the health sciences. 

Dr. Robinson serves as the instructor of record for point-of-care and clinical services. Her scholarship and grant funded research are focused on the science of teaching and learning, expanding pharmacist's clinical roles, psychological flexibility and mental health.  

Council of Deans (COD) Administrative Board Representative

Kim Tanzer

Kim D. Tanzer 
Texas A&M University 

Kim D. Tanzer, Pharm.D., received her Bachelor of Science in pharmacy from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and her Pharm.D. from MCPHS University, Boston. She completed the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program in 2014.  

Dr. Tanzer currently serves as clinical professor of pharmacy practice and associate dean of academic affairs at the Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy. In this role, Dr. Tanzer is responsible for providing leadership of the overall academic professional program for the Kingsville and College Station campuses. Previously, Dr. Tanzer served as professor and assistant dean for experiential affairs and director of continuing education at Western New England University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.  

Dr. Tanzer served 3 years on the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy, serving as president in 2020. She served as the chair of the AACP Experiential Education Section in 2020 and has chaired several committees for the section including the Programming, Master Preceptor Recognition Program, Nominations, and Awards Committees. Dr. Tanzer currently serves on the Nominations Committee in the Council of Sections and on the Mentoring Committee in the Council of Deans.  

Dr. Tanzer serves as an appointed member on the NABP Advisory Committee on Exams (ACE) and the Committee for Law Enforcement and Legislation. She has participated in NABP work as a member of the Task Force on Requirements for Pharmacy Technician Education and as a Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) item writer. Dr. Tanzer has served as an ACPE Accreditation Site Team member since 2017.  

Dr. Tanzer’s areas of scholarship include pharmacy education, experiential education and assessment. 

Rosalyn Vellurattil

Rosalyn P. Vellurattil 
University of Illinois at Chicago 

Rosalyn P. Vellurattil, Pharm.D., is assistant dean for academic affairs and clinical associate professor in pharmacy systems, outcomes, and policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy (UIC COP). She has overseen the Office of Assessment since 2013, and engages in curricular/programmatic assessment, accreditation, strategic planning and continuous quality improvement initiatives.  

Dr. Vellurattil earned her Pharm.D. from UIC COP and completed post-graduate training in primary care and education at Midwestern University. She was an education scholar in the Teaching Excellence Fellowship at the UIC College of Medicine and a fellow in the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program.  

Dr. Vellurattil has served as an educator, researcher and mentor in pharmacy for two decades. She is nationally recognized in assessment and education, receiving the 2016 AACP Award for Excellence in Assessment and the 2018 Award for Excellence in Educational Design from the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions. In 2019, she was a double awardee; part of multidisciplinary teams receiving the prestigious Rufus A. Lyman Award and Assessment SIG Collaborative Publication Award.  

Dr. Vellurattil’s most rewarding publications include authoring Pharmacy Research: A How-To Guide for Students, Residents, and New Practitioners, to engage novice students and clinical pharmacists in research principles, methods and practices. Further, recognizing the struggles faced achieving work-life balance, she was lead editor of A Pharmacist Parent’s Guide to Work-Life Balance, aimed at promoting personal and professional success amongst pharmacists. 

Dr. Vellurattil has served on numerous college/university and national committees, and currently is chair of the Big Ten Academic Alliance Pharmacy Assessment Collaborative. She is an active AACP member, most recently serving on the Assessment SIG Executive Committee, the COD Resolutions Committee, and the COD Mentoring Task Force. Her interests include the scholarship of teaching, learning and assessment, leadership and personal/professional development. 

Council of Faculties (COF) Chair-Elect

Jeff Cain

Jeff Cain 
University of Kentucky 

Jeff Cain, Ed.D., M.S., is an associate professor and vice chair for education in the Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy. He also serves as the director of the Office of Teaching Innovation and Scholarship. In addition to his administrative duties, he is course director and instructor for pharmacy operations and financial management, contributes to the college’s leadership course and provides guidance to students participating in the community service-learning course. Dr. Cain also leads the ASHP-University of Kentucky Teaching Certificate Program and mentors pharmacy students and residents on his academia rotation.  

Dr. Cain is actively involved in social and behavioral sciences research with numerous publications and national presentations pertaining to digital media, well-being and contemporary pharmacy education topics. In recognition of his leadership in academia, he was selected for the 2013 AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program, and in 2017, was honored as an AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholar. He has received several teaching awards, including the Michael J. Lach Faculty Award for Innovative Teaching  (2013, 2019), as well as numerous awards from students. In 2021, Dr. Cain was the recipient of the University of Kentucky Provost’s Award for Outstanding Teaching.  

Dr. Cain serves the pharmacy academy in numerous ways including serving as associate editor of Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, founding editor for scholarly blog Pulses, and co-host of the pharmacy education podcast, Pharmacy Fika. He currently represents the AACP Council of Faculties as a representative-at-large.  

Of note, the above information in Dr. Cain’s bio sketch means diddly to his teenage daughter, who affectionately refers to him as “just Dad.”

Judy DeLuca

Judith DeLuca 
Binghamton University, The State University of New York

Judith DeLuca, Pharm.D., is the associate dean for academic and student affairs at Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences since 2023. Prior to this role, she served as professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Wilkes University. 

In 2019, her name changed from Kristeller to DeLuca. She joined the Wilkes University faculty in 2002, initially with a focus in critical care and a scholarly focus on improving outcomes for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. During this time, a highlight of her scholarship was serving as primary investigator on a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate in preventing kidney injury following cardiopulmonary bypass. 

In 2013, Dr. DeLuca shifted her clinical focus to the pharmacist's role in preventing medication-related problems during care transitions. She secured over $300,000 in grant funding between 2013 and 2016 collectively from the Community Pharmacy Foundation, the Cardinal Health Foundation and the Moses Taylor Foundation. In 2018, she left clinical practice to become department chair. During this time, she focused her professional service toward AACP where she has served as a reviewer for SOTL grants and New Investigator Awards as well as a mentor for three faculty in the mentorship program. 

Dr. DeLuca has also been active in the COF Teacher’s Seminar Committee and served as the chair of the COF Department Chairs Connect Leadership Group which continues their research and scholarship on the professional development of mid-career faculty. Prior to joining the faculty at Wilkes University, she graduated from the University of Kentucky, worked as a clinical hospital pharmacist, completed a critical care residency in Houston, Texas and was a critical care specialist at Rochester General Hospital in New York.

Council of Faculties (COF) Representative at Large

Michael Gonyeau

Michael J. Gonyeau 
Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences  

Michael J. Gonyeau, Pharm.D., B.S., received his Bachelor of Science and Pharm.D. degrees from Albany College of Pharmacy and completed a PGY-1 residency at Boston Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. Joining the faculty at Northeastern University in 2000, he initiated a PGY-1 residency and developed multiple practice sites, courses and new curricula. He is currently clinical professor and assistant dean of academic affairs and assessment. Dr. Gonyeau focuses on curriculum and co-curriculum development and delivery, developing/implementing new instructional and assessment strategies, and methods and technologies, while collaborating with colleagues in a general medicine practice at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  

Dr. Gonyeau is an engaged instructor and active scholar and clinician. He has received numerous teaching awards and continues to revel in the student-educator dynamic. His published and presented works focus on the scholarship of application, curriculum and course design/innovation. He is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist, a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and the National Academies of Practice and has completed the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program (Go cohort 5!). As chair of the Northeastern University Faculty Senate for the past two years, Dr. Gonyeau has worked closely with senior administrators to advocate for faculty issues in a shared governance model and will apply this experience to the Council of Faculties, if elected.  

AACP involvement includes chair of the Curriculum SIG, the COS Practice Section Classroom Engagement Task Force, Rules and Resolutions Committee and membership on the Pharmacy Practice JCPP Pharmacist Patient Care Process Task Force, Professional Affairs Committee, Annual Meeting Programming Committee, and the Academic Affairs Committee.  

Seena Haines

Seena L. Haines 
University of Mississippi 

Seena L. Haines, Pharm.D., is the director for professional well-being and belonging at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. She served as department chair of pharmacy practice at the University of Mississippi (2016-2022). Prior to joining the University of Mississippi, Dr. Haines served as senior associate dean for faculty and professors at Palm Beach Atlantic University. 

She is a nationally board-certified health and wellness coach (NBC-HWC) and certified well-being coach. Dr. Haines is a positive psychology practitioner and has completed certifications in trauma and resilience, managing happiness, mental health first aid and QPR training. Dr. Haines is part of two HRSA-funded well-being grants with the Office of Well-Being at UMMC and the American Association of Health-System Pharmacists, serving as a lead implementation coach for the Well-Being Ambassador Program. Her total grant funding to date is $7,061,799. 

Other achievements include: board certification in ambulatory care practice; fellow, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; fellow, American Pharmacists Association; fellow, American College of Clinical Pharmacy; AACP Outstanding Service Award; Pharmacy Practice Section, Distinguished Fellow National Academies of Practice; 2021 Women Pharmacist of the Year Awardee; ASHP Distinguished Practitioner from the Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners; AACP Innovation in Teaching Award; Preceptor of Distinction; Hero in Medicine; fellow, inaugural AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program; PGY-1 and PGY-2 residency well-being coordinator; lead faculty for well-being and resiliency in the Office of Well-Being; certified mindfulness teacher; certified yoga instructor; vice president, Professional Development National Academies of Practice (2019-2023); and co-lead, AACP well-being and resiliency community. 

Council of Sections (COS) Chair-elect

Rucha Bond

Rucha Bond
Virginia Commonwealth University 

Rucha Bond, Pharm.D., earned her Pharm.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2003 after receiving a B.S. from Mississippi State University. She completed a PGY-1 residency at Lovelace Medical Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico and worked as a clinical pharmacist in anticoagulation and managed care. In 2007, she joined the University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy faculty where, in addition to her ambulatory care practice and teaching in both the didactic and experiential curriculum, she served as interim director of experiential education. 

Dr. Bond is currently at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy as the associate dean of experiential education and associate professor in the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science. She is a 2013 AACP New Investigator Award recipient in experiential education, a graduate of the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program, former chair of the AACP Lab SIG, and has served as chair-elect, chair and is currently serving as past chair of the AACP Experiential Education Section. Her scholarship interests center on the scholarship of teaching, learning and assessment, DEIA and organizational effectiveness. She is currently obtaining a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in higher education leadership with an emphasis in DEIA (expected graduation date of summer 2024).

Omathanu Perumal

Omathanu Perumal 
University of New Mexico 

Omathanu Perumal, B.Pharm., M.Pharm., Ph.D., currently holds the position of associate vice president for research and is a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He has over 18 years of teaching and research experience in pharmaceutics and has served in various leadership roles. In his current capacity, he oversees research administration at the university level at UNM. He has also served in multiple other leadership roles, including associate dean for research, department head for pharmaceutical sciences, graduate program coordinator and director of two multidisciplinary research centers at South Dakota State University (SDSU).  

Dr. Perumal has developed and implemented an integrated 3D pedagogy for pharmaceutics based on disease, drug and delivery. His primary research focuses on drug delivery, and has over 50 peer-reviewed papers, several book chapters and over 100 presentations in national and international meetings. Dr. Perumal has also mentored several undergraduates, professionals, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and visiting faculty members.  

Dr. Perumal has participated in various leadership programs, including the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program, the SDSU Leadership Academy, the Assessment Academy, and the Philanthropy Academy. At AACP, he is the immediate past chair of the Pharmaceutics Section. He was a member of the AACP COD Task Force for Research and Scholarship, the Executive Committee of the Graduate Education SIG, the Department Chair’s Committee, and the PharmGrad Advisory Committee. He also contributed to the programming committee for the 2020 AACP Interim Meeting.  

Administrative Services Section Chair-elect

Fadi Alkhateeb

Fadi Alkhateeb 
South College School of Pharmacy 

Fadi M. Alkhateeb, Ph.D., is a professor of pharmacy administration and associate dean for academic affairs and assessment at South College School of Pharmacy. Prior to joining South College, Dr. Alkhateeb served in many administrative positions, such as the associate dean for academic affairs at University of Texas at Tyler, associate dean for academic affairs at Qatar University College of Pharmacy and director of assessment and accreditation office at Texas A&M University. 

Along with being a pharmacist, Dr. Alkhateeb has an MBA degree with a concentration in pharmaceutical marketing & management from Aspen University and a Ph.D. in social and administrative pharmacy from the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. He was also a member of the inaugural cohort of the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program (ALFP). 

Dr. Alkhateeb has published more than 70 peer reviewed articles and over 75 presentations and proceedings related to programmatic and curricular assessment, international accreditation for pharmacy programs and pharmaceutical marketing. Dr. Alkhateeb completed his three-year tenure as the chair of the Curriculum SIG (2019-2022), and he was the secretary of knowledge management for the Assessment SIG (2015-2016). Dr. Alkhateeb has served as a field reviewer for the following accreditation councils: Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), ACPE and ACPE International Services Program and the UAE Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA). 

Kelly Shields

Kelly M Shields 
Ohio Northern University 

Kelly M. Shields, Pharm.D., is associate dean of academic affairs at Ohio Northern University, with responsibilities in curriculum, accreditation and encouraging faculty and student professional growth. Her other administrative appointments include: five years as assistant dean of student services and five years as a director of drug information services. After obtaining her Pharm.D. from Butler University, she completed a fellowship at University of Missouri-Kansas City (natural products research and drug information). 

Since joining AACP in 2005, Dr. Shields has served in a variety of roles within the organization. She was part of the Academic Leadership Fellows Program (ALFP) Cohort 12. Her service in AACP has included appointment to the 2016-2017 Student Affairs Committee and the 2017-2018 Academic Affairs Committee. In addition to these appointed AACP committees, Dr. Shields has been active in a variety of SIGs, sections and task forces. This year, she finished her two years of service as secretary of knowledge management. She has been involved in the creation of the Women Faculty Mentorship Program (2018-2019) and the Council of Deans Mentorship Program (2022-present). 

Administrative Services Section Secretary of Knowledge Management

Tracy Hagemann

Tracy M. Hagemann 
University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy 

Tracy M. Hagemann, Pharm.D., is professor and associate dean at the University of Tennessee-Nashville College of Pharmacy. She received her Pharm.D. from University of Missouri-Kansas City, completed a pharmacy practice residency at Regional One Health in Memphis, Tennessee, and a pediatric pharmacotherapy residency at the University of Oklahoma. 

She has been in pharmacy academia for almost 30 years and is a long-term member of AACP, where she has served on several standing committees (Nominations, Chalmer’s Award, Resolutions and Policy). Dr. Hagemann has been a faculty delegate several times, was a founding member and chair of the Pediatrics SIG and served on numerous committees for several other SIGs. While a member of the Council of Faculties, she was an active member of the Rising Star Committee, as well as the Faculty Affairs Committee. Within the Administrative Services Section, she recently served as secretary of knowledge management and has past service with the Nominations and Awards Committee as well as co-chairing the Membership Engagement Committee. 

Dr. Hagemann served on many state and national committees and organizations, championing pediatric pharmacotherapy and professional advocacy, including a term on the board of directors for the Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA). She is a past member on the board of regents for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). She has been recognized for her teaching and precepting. Dr. Hagemann is a fellow of ACCP and PPAG and is an alumnus of the AACP Academic Leadership Fellows Program. She loves travel, spending time with her dog and big ideas. 

Biological Sciences Section Chair-elect

Melissa Burmeister

Melissa A. Burmeister 
William Carey University 

Melissa A. Burmeister, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in pharmacology from Louisiana State University and completed postdoctoral training in biomedical sciences at Cornell University. Her research focuses on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying CNS control of cardiorenal function, glucose homeostasis and energy balance during health and disease (hypertension, obesity, diabetes) using integrative physiology approaches. 

Dr. Burmeister transitioned to pharmacy education in 2017 and has continually sought opportunities to serve and lead at the programmatic, university and national levels. As a founding faculty member at a brand-new, accelerated Pharm.D. program, she collaborated with colleagues to develop, implement and refine the curriculum. She serves on multiple committees (Admissions, Curriculum, Academic Standing), including serving as Admissions Committee chair or co-chair since 2017. She has played an integral role throughout the school’s ACPE accreditation process as a regular member on the Self-Study Committee. As an appointed member of the Strategic Planning Task Force, she was heavily involved in developing the school’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. 

She has been an AACP annual meeting school delegate and was recently elected to be the school’s representative on the University Faculty Senate. Dr. Burmeister has served on several AACP Committees including within the Biological Sciences Section (Membership Committee: chair, Programing Committee: member) and on the Admissions Workshop Advisory, Council of Faculties Rules and Resolutions, Women Faculty SIG Nominating, and Volwiler Research Achievement Award Committees.

Sarah Collier

Sarah P. Collier 
Lipscomb University 

Sarah P. Collier, Ph.D., joined the Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy faculty as an assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences in the fall of 2018 after completing her doctorate degree from the Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology at Vanderbilt University (2014). She served as the senior project manager of special projects at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. Her research focused on resource operations, biobanking/genomics and healthcare informatics. 

Her AACP membership and involvement in the Biological Sciences Section began in 2018. As a trained biomedical researcher in immunology, she was welcomed immediately into the section with opportunities for service and networking. Dr. Collier engaged quickly as an abstract reviewer for the section and maintains that activity to date. She has also served on the Excellence in Teaching Award Committee (2019-2022; chair 2021-2022) and Strategic Planning Committee (2022-2023) where she connected meaningfully with colleagues and celebrated innovations in the classroom created by academy membership. Her scholarship portfolio expanded because of those interactions through collaboration on manuscripts (2022) and AACP annual meeting programming (2023). In the past five years, she’s benefitted greatly from the programming, resources, and community offered by the section and AACP overall.

Chemistry Section Chair-elect

Vicky Mody

Vicky Mody 
PCOM School of Pharmacy 

Vicky Mody, Ph.D., is an associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences at PCOM School of Pharmacy (PCOM-SOP) and has been actively engaged with AACP since 2011. He holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Houston and completed postdoctoral training in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Houston. 

Dr. Mody previously held faculty positions at Appalachian College of Pharmacy (ACP, 2009-2012) and South University School of Pharmacy (SUSOP, 2012-2015). Currently, he is an associate professor of medicinal chemistry at the PCOM School of Pharmacy.  

Within AACP, Dr. Mody has served on multiple committees for the Chemistry Section: Awards Committee (2014-2015, 2022-2024), Resolutions and Bylaws Committee (2017-2018) and Organizing Committee (2013-2014). He has also contributed to the Technology and Information in Pharmacy Education and Learning (2013-2014) and the Scholarly Awareness Task Force (2013-2014). Furthermore, he is part of the Organizing Committee for the Southeastern Regional Meeting for the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), set to take place in Atlanta in October 2024. 

Dr. Mody's dedication to teaching has earned him Teacher of the Year awards at ACP, SUSOP and PCOM-SOP. In addition, he has served as a faculty advisor for the Phi Delta Chi Society since 2012 and Phi Lambda Sigma since 2015. As a mentor, Dr. Mody has guided 21 students in research projects, such as COVID-19 drug synthesis and synthesis of nanoparticles. His work has resulted in numerous research articles, review articles, book chapters and podium and poster presentations by his students. 


Matthew Metcalf 
MCPHS University School of Pharmacy Worcester 

Matthew Metcalf, Pharm.D., Ph.D., has been a member of AACP since 2014. He earned a B.A. from Juniata College, and his Pharm.D. and Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. He completed postdoctoral training at the University of Minnesota School of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry. 

Dr. Metcalf received an AACP New Investigator Award (NIA) (2017) and has served the Chemistry Section as reviewer for NIAs (2019) and ad hoc reviewer for NIAs (since 2020). He was an AACP faculty delegate in 2015 and will be again for 2024. His relevant leadership service includes chair of the Student Faculty Relations Committee, co-chair of the MCPHS Research and Scholarship Day, and as Worcester Representative of the MCPHS Center for Research and Discovery. Dr. Metcalf was inducted into the Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society in 2001, served as president of the Omicron chapter (2001-2002) and has been a faculty advisor for the Gamma Pi chapter since 2017. 

Continuing Professional Development Section Chair-elect

Tram Cat

Tram Cat 
University of California - San Francisco 

Tram Cat, Ph.D., Pharm.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of California-San Francisco School of Pharmacy. She earned her Pharm.D. degree from MCPHS-Worcester in 2003. For her post-graduate training, Dr. Cat completed a PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency at UMass Memorial Medical Center (2003-2004) and a PGY-2 critical care specialty residency at the University of Vermont (2004-2005). 

Prior to joining faculty at UCSF School of Pharmacy, Dr. Cat practiced in critical care where she was a burns/surgery trauma clinical pharmacy specialist at Detroit Receiving Hospital (2005-2007) and a critical care clinical pharmacy specialist at Antelope Valley Hospital (2007-2010). After spending several years practicing in critical care, Dr. Cat transitioned into an administrative role in 2010, where she served as a pharmacy supervisor and then education coordinator at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. As the education coordinator, Dr. Cat served as the PGY-1 residency program director as well as managed the student experiential education and internship programs (2016-2019). 

As the experiential education program director of the San Francisco Bay Area, she oversees the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) program for the Greater Bay Area. In this role, she works with students, preceptors, faculty and staff to meet the requirements of the APPE curriculum. She works collaboratively with the experiential education team to continually improve, as well as identify and implement, new experiential education opportunities to meet the increasing and expanding needs of pharmacists in unique roles. 

Anna Shook

Anna E. Shook 
Drake University College of Pharmacy & Health Services 

Anna E. Shook, Pharm.D., is a graduate of University of Kansas School of Pharmacy. She completed PGY-1 residency training at Salina Regional Health Center in Salina, Kansas; PGY-2 residency training in oncology at Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and completed her teaching certificate through the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Dr. Shook is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist, board-certified oncology pharmacist and holds an additional certification in non-malignant hematology through ASHP. 

She serves as an assistant professor of pharmacy practice at Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) in Des Moines, IA. As part of her faculty appointment, she teaches in the P1 and P3 sequences of pharmacy skills and application lectures and labs, as well as the oncology module of therapeutics. Her college service includes membership on the Faculty Affairs Committee and as a non-affiliated scientific member of the MercyOne Des Moines Investigational Review Board. She serves as a co-facilitator in the Student Leadership Development Series with CPHS and as an academic advisor to both pre-professional and Doctor of Pharmacy students.  

At her practice site, Dr. Shook serves as the PGY-1 residency program director, co-preceptor for the oncology learning experience and primary preceptor for the research and scholarship longitudinal learning experience. She also facilitates a hospital IPPE experience for Drake students at her site.  

She maintains active membership in ASHP, ACCP and AACP, and serves as a content reviewer and question writer for the Board of Pharmacy Specialties Recertification Program.

Drug Information and Library Science Section Chair-elect

Audrey Kostrzewa

Audrey Kostrzewa 
Concordia University Wisconsin School of Pharmacy 

Audrey Kostrzewa, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPS, received her Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Public Health degrees from the University of Iowa (2012), completed a PGY-1 community pharmacy residency at Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin (2013), and earned a board certification as a pharmacotherapy specialist (2014). 

Dr. Kostrzewa is an associate professor of pharmacy practice at Concordia University Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, where she specializes in drug information and public health. She also practices as a medication utilization pharmacist at Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin as part of her faculty appointment. 

Dr. Kostrzewa has been an AACP member since 2013 and actively involved in the Drug Information and Library Science (DILS) Section since 2016. She was on the section’s Membership Committee (2016-2023) and chaired the committee for the past three years. In addition, she helped start the section’s mentorship program in 2017 which is still active today (“peer groups”). Most recently, she joined the section’s Programming Committee and is actively involved in several scholarly projects within the section. Dr. Kostrzewa has a passion for evidence-based medicine and public health.



Drug Information and Library Science Section Secretary of Knowledge Management

Amanda Margolis

Amanda Margolis 
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy 

Amanda Margolis, Pharm.D., M.S., is an associate professor (CHS) and experiential learning coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy, a clinical pharmacy specialist in the William S. Middleton Memorial Veteran’s Hospital Centralized Specialty and Medication Management Service and pharmacist editor for The Journal of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin. Dr. Margolis received her Pharm.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy (2009), received her M.S. in clinical investigation through the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2011), and received her M.S. in social and administrative sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy (2017). 

Dr. Margolis teaches drug literature evaluation at UW-Madison and informally teaches an evidence-based medicine thread which spans the P2 through the APPE year. Her research focus is determining which learning interventions ensure competency among pharmacy students and finding ways to improve the consistency and quality of students’ experiences. Dr. Margolis has volunteered with the Drug Information and Library Science Section through the Resolutions Committee since 2021 but would like to become more involved in the section. She is always excited to learn about new ways to promote student learning and collaboration. 

Jessica Cook

Jessica Cook 
Belmont University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences  

Jessica Cook, Pharm.D., MHCI, completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy (LUCOP) in Nashville, TN. Alongside her Doctor of Pharmacy, she also completed her masters in healthcare informatics at Lipscomb University.  

While attending LUCOP, Dr. Cook published in Journal of Pharmacy Practice “Out with the Old, in with the New: What Rising Pharmacists Need to Know About Vancomycin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Adults.” She also helped research “Academic Career Outcomes of AACP Walmart Scholars: A 16-Year Analysis” alongside mentors, Dr. Robin Parker and Dr. Sarah Collier. This research was presented at the AACP 2023 Annual Meeting in Aurora, Colorado. 

Dr. Cook is currently completing her first year of post-doctoral fellowship at Belmont University College of Pharmacy, where she serves as an instructor of the PHM6315 Biomedical Literature Evaluation for Pharmacy and the PHM6160 Introduction to Drug Information courses. As the faculty fellow, she assists in course preparation and execution, as well as conducting responses to drug information questions within the Christy Houston Foundation Drug Information Center. She also serves as a preceptor for fourth year students during their experiential education. 

Experiential Education Section Chair-elect

Lena McDowell

Lena McDowell 
Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy 

Lena McDowell, Pharm.D., is an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy (HCOP). She serves as the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) coordinator, overseeing the community, health-system, clinical, health and wellness, and population health experiences. 

Dr. McDowell received a B.S. degree in biomedical sciences from Auburn University and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Auburn University HCOP. She completed a PGY-1 community pharmacy residency at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy prior to joining the HCOP faculty in August 2017. Her areas of research and scholarship are focused on innovations in experiential education (EE) and community pharmacy clinical services. Dr. McDowell maintains a clinical practice site at the Auburn University employee pharmacy located within HCOP, overseeing the site’s clinical pharmacy services. She serves as a preceptor for the clinical IPPE and ambulatory care Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations. 

Dr. McDowell is actively involved in the Alabama Pharmacy Association, Southeastern Pharmacy Experiential Education Consortium (serving as chair in 2019) and the AACP Experiential Education Section. Within the EE Section, she has served as a poster reviewer and member of both the Webinar and Programming committees. Additionally, she has been involved with the EE Section Mentorship Program for the past three years. Participation in this mentoring program led to the collaborative development of the project titled “Optimizing IPPE Readiness Through Near-Peer Personal Insight and Reflection,” for which the mentoring group received an AACP Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant in 2022. 

Lena McDowell

Pamella Ochoa 
The University of Texas at Tyler Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy 

Pamella Ochoa, Pharm.D., serves as associate dean for experiential education and clinical professor at the University of Texas at Tyler Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy (FCOP). She is chair of the AACP Experiential Education Section Resolutions Committee and a facilitator for the AACP Leadership Development SIG Leadership Circles Program. She served on the Experiential Education Section Newsletter Committee (2019-2022), including chair from 2021-2022. She served as an AACP Dean Delegate, AACP Faculty Delegate, and participates in both the AACP Leadership Development SIG Leadership Circles Program and AACP Council of Deans Mentoring Program. 

Dr. Ochoa received a B.S. in biochemistry/genetics from Texas A&M University before earning a Doctor of Pharmacy from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy (TTUHSC SOP). After completing a PGY-1 pharmacy residency at the University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center, Dr. Ochoa practiced as an inpatient pharmacist prior to transitioning to academia in 2007 as founding faculty of the TTUHSC SOP Abilene campus. 

In this role, she practiced in adult medicine at Hendrick Medical Center where she helped develop a new rotation site for student and resident education, new clinical pharmacy services and a joint PGY-1 pharmacy residency program for which she served as program director from 2007-2018. Dr. Ochoa joined the FCOP in 2018 where she leads advancement of the experiential education curriculum, student-led patient care initiatives, preceptor development and experiential curricular assessment. She is co-author of the international resource Concepts in Sterile Preparations and Aseptic Technique. 

Pharmaceutics Section Chair-elect

Uyen Lee

Uyen Le 
California Northstate University College of Pharmacy 

Uyen Le, Ph.D., is currently chair and professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences at California Northstate University College of Pharmacy. She earned her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, specializing in pharmaceutics and minoring in statistics, from Oregon State University in 2008. With a career of over 15 years in academia, including six years as department chair, Dr. Le has excelled in multifaceted roles. Her leadership shines through extensive engagement in college and university committees, leading vital initiatives spanning curriculum, assessment, faculty development, promotion, mentoring, accreditation, and more.  

Dr. Le has diverse expertise, visionary leadership, and passion for advancing pharmaceutical education and research. For nearly 15 years, she's been an active member of AACP. Within AACP, she's contributed significantly to various sections, including pharmaceutics, laboratory, assessment, curriculum, and faculty council. Notably, she chaired the AACP Pharmaceutics mentoring committee, nurturing the mentorship of pharmaceutical scientists in the section. In the laboratory, Dr. Le conducts cutting-edge research in drug delivery and drug targets for cancer therapy, driving innovation to enhance patient outcomes. Simultaneously, her pedagogical research focuses on assessing teaching and learning, showcasing her commitment to elevating the educational experience.

Kevin Ita

Kevin Ita 
Touro University California 

Kevin Ita, Ph.D., is a professor of pharmaceutics in the Department of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Touro University California. He obtained his Ph.D. in pharmaceutics from North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa and his M.Sc. degree in pharmacy from Lviv Medical University, Ukraine. Dr. Ita teaches the pharmaceutics curriculum to the first and second year Pharm.D. students. He has won the ‘Most Efficient Lecturer’ award for three years (2021, 2022, 2023). He is a member of the AACP, AAPS and the Controlled Release Society (CRS). Dr. Ita is the current chair of the Awards Committee of the AACP Pharmaceutics Section. He is an ICRETT Fellow of the International Union Against Cancer (UICC). Dr. Ita’s research focuses on the use of microneedles for transdermal drug delivery. Microneedles are micron-sized needles that create pores in the skin and can enhance the percutaneous transport of drugs. Dr. Ita has 50 publications. He has published two books (Transdermal Drug Delivery: Concepts and Application, as well as Microneedles) with Elsevier. Dr. Ita has served as a reviewer for the United States National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Defense, as well as a reviewer for more than 20 scientific journals.

Pharmacy Practice Section Chair-elect

Daniel Malcolm

Daniel R. Malcom 
Sullivan University 

Daniel R. Malcom, Pharm.D., BCPS, is an associate professor and chair of pharmacy practice at Sullivan University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Louisville, Kentucky. He received his Pharm.D. from the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy (2008), then completed a PGY-1 and PGY-2 residency in critical care at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville. He has been an active member of the Pharmacy Practice Section since 2010 and has served on multiple section committees including Programming, Scholarship/Research Development and Faculty Development. Most recently, he served as vice-chair and chair of the Faculty Development Committee.  

Jamie Wagner

Jamie L. Wagner 
University of Mississippi 

Jamie L. Wagner, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCIDP, is the current secretary of knowledge management. She has been able to experience first-hand the discussions, direction and goals of the Section Executive Committee. With this opportunity to learn directly from the section’s leadership over the last 2 years, she has confirmed her desire to continue serving the section by pursuing the role of section chair. 

Dr. Wagner is looking forward to continuing and expanding upon the past chairs great work in achieving both the section’s strategic plan and AACP’s Strategic Plan. Within the Pharmacy Practice Section, she has served on the Membership Committee (2016-2017), the Scholarship & Research Committee (2017-2019), and the Strategic Planning Committee (2020-2022). Through these roles, she was and still can network with multiple other faculties and develop and employ ways to engage the Pharmacy Practice Section members on AACP Connect, and help influence the direction of the section as a current member of the Section’s Executive Committee. 

Pharmacy Practice Section Secretary of Knowledge Management

Jane Krause

Jane E. Krause 
Purdue University 

Jane E. Krause, M.S., R.Ph., is a clinical associate professor of pharmacy practice at Purdue University College of Pharmacy. Her teaching/course coordinator responsibilities are associated with introductory pharmacy topics, pharmaceutical calculations, nonsterile compounding, substance use disorders and service-learning initiatives. She offers an academic pharmacy APPE along with teaching/research assistant positions. She is faculty chair of Pharmacy Women for Purdue, board member of the Purdue Pharmacy Alumni Association, faculty advisor to Phi Lambda Sigma, faculty fellow for the Pharmacy Learning Community, past chair of the college’s Pharm.D. Curriculum Committee and past chair of the college’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. 

Recent awards include the college’s Innovation in Teaching and Learning Award, the college’s Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, and being selected as a Purdue Teaching Academy fellow. She also received the Cardinal Health Generation Rx Champions Award and the Bowl of Hygeia Award.  

Dr. Krause is active with the Indiana Pharmacists Association (IPA) and was co-chair of the IPA Education Council for eight years. She presents at the IPA NAPLEX Review each May. Within the AACP Pharmacy Practice Section, she has rotated through the chair positions with the Membership Committee and the Awards Committee. She also served on the COF Teacher’s Seminar Planning Committee and has been an AACP-Walmart Scholar Faculty Mentor six times. Dr. Krause was honored to receive the 2023 AACP Women Faculty SIG Knapp-Matuszak Award. Her favorite part of being involved with AACP is getting to know and work closely with AACP members from across the nation. 

Social and Administrative Sciences Chair-elect

Michelle Blakely

Michelle L. Blakely 
University of Wyoming 

Michelle L. Blakely, Ph.D., M.Ed., NCC, is an assistant professor of social and administrative pharmacy in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division at University of Wyoming (UW) School of Pharmacy. Dr. Blakely earned her B.A. degree Summa Cum Laude from the University of South Alabama, and her Ph.D. and M.Ed. degrees from Auburn University. 

She is a former AFPE fellow and Walmart/AACP scholar. Dr. Blakely was recently nominated for two university level awards: the UW Presidential Scholarly Achievement Award and UW Provost’s Term Professorship. She has published 28 peer-reviewed articles, six book chapters and two books. 

Dr. Blakely has served AACP in a variety of roles. For example, she served as chair of the SAS Section Abstract Review Committee (2013), on the Faculty Affairs Standing Committee (2020-2021), and as reviewer on the SAS Section Abstract Review Committee (2020-present). She is currently a member of the Gender Equity Joint Task Force established by APhA-APRS ESAS and AACP SAS Sections. She has also served as the UW AACP Delegate (2021) and program reviewer for the AACP New Investigator Awards. 

At UW, Dr. Blakely serves on the School of Pharmacy Assessment Committee, the College of Health Sciences Research Committee and as a Network Advisory Council member of the Equality State Research Network. She is passionate about increasing access to quality and equitable healthcare for all populations, enhancing relationships between healthcare providers and patients, improving care, applying research in practice, teaching advocacy and communication skills, and helping students excel personally and professionally. 

Lindsey Hohmann

Lindsey Hohmann 
Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy 

Lindsey Hohmann, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is an assistant professor at Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy. She received her Pharm.D. degree from the University of San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2012) and her Ph.D. in health outcomes research and policy from Auburn University (2019). 

Dr. Hohmann’s research expertise is in implementation science focusing on 1) substance misuse prevention strategies and 2) broader implementation of preventive services in community-based settings. She is a very active member of the AACP SAS Section. Specifically, she has been a member of AACP since her first year as a graduate student in 2015 and has continued attending the annual meeting every year since then. She has served on the Postgraduate Education SIG as well as on the Graduate Education SIG Outreach and Planning Committee for the past several years. She served as the chair of the AACP SAS Summer Research Exchange Program Committee (2020-2021) where she was able to more than double research program mentors and student applicants. She has remained involved with this summer research exchange program and plans to continue doing so in the coming years, as it is something she is very passionate about. 

Social and Administrative Secretary of Knowledge Management

Marie Bernard

Marie Barnard 
University of Mississippi 

Marie Barnard, Ph.D., is associate professor and research associate professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. Dr. Barnard earned her M.S. in epidemiology from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center and her Ph.D. in pharmacy administration from the University of Mississippi. She is principal investigator of the $1.3M NIH-funded Student-Centered Outcomes Research Experience Project, the recipient of an AACP New Investigator Award and an Academy of Violence and Abuse Scholar Award. 

She currently has funding from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and Mississippi Department of Health. Dr. Barnard was appointed as the inaugural Distinguished Cotton Lecturer in Pharmacy Administration at the University of Mississippi. She has served the AACP Social and Administrative Sciences Section on the Programming Subcommittee, as an abstract and NIA Grant reviewer, and as chair of the Graduate Programs Committee. She also participates in the Graduate Education and Public Health SIGs. 

At the University of Mississippi, Dr. Barnard serves her department as the graduate program coordinator and Strategic Planning Committee chair; the school of pharmacy chair of the Research and Graduate Affairs Committee; and as a development associate in the division of pharmacy professional development. At the university level, she serves on the Faculty Committee for the graduate minor in applied statistics, Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women, and Sexual Assault Policy Taskforce. Dr. Barnard is passionate about engaging pharmacists in public health initiatives, enhancing the health sciences educational pipeline and supporting student success. 

Devraj Radhika

Radhika Devraj 
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 

Radhika Devraj, Ph.D., FAPhA, is a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She earned a B.S. in pharmacy from University of Bombay, India, a M.S. from the University of Toledo, and a Ph.D. from Purdue University. 

She received AACP New Investigator Award (2009) and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Award (2019). In 2023, she was recognized as a fellow of the American Pharmacists Association. Her primary research interests are in the areas of health literacy, patient education and patient-reported outcomes with nearly 40 publications and presentations in these areas. She teaches social and administrative science topics and mentors pharmacy students at her institution. 

She has served on editorial boards for the Journal of American Pharmacists Association and American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Additionally, she has served on committees for national and international organizations such as American Pharmacists Association, AACP, International Health Literacy Association, and Dutch Kidney Foundation. Her national service also includes serving as United States Pharmacopoeia Health Literacy expert panel member and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality panel member for designing healthy literacy teaching modules. 

Dr. Devraj has proactively served on multiple AACP committees such as Curriculum Committee (2009-2011, 2017-2018), Advocacy Committee (2013-2014), SAS Committee on Building Research Teams (2013-2015), reviewer for New Investigator grant proposals (2010-2013), faculty delegate (2013-2014), Council of Faculties (2016-2017), Summer Research Exchange Programs (2021-2022), Professional Affairs Standing Committee (2021-2022), SAS Programming Committee (2020-2021), Leadership Development SIG Nominations Committee (2020-2021), and AJPE Editorial board member (2020-2023).