AACP Announces Recipients of Top Awards in Research, Teaching, Service and Publishing

AACP Article

For Immediate Release

Contact: Maureen Thielemans, 703-739-2330 ext. 1022

Arlington, Va. — The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy today announced the recipients of its top awards, which recognize three individuals, one institution and one scholarly paper, for their outstanding contributions made to pharmacy education, research, patient outcomes, community service and publication. Recipients will be honored at AACP’s annual meeting, Pharmacy Education 2020, July 18-22, in Long Beach, Calif.

Recipients are:

  • Gayle A. Brazeau, Ph.D., of Marshall University, will receive the Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award recognizing her outstanding achievements as an educator and mentor, her innovations in the classroom, and her overall impact on pharmacy education and the profession.
  • Betty Chewning, Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will receive the Paul R. Dawson Award for Excellence in Patient Care Research, recognizing her innovative and impactful research in the areas of social determinants of health, patient communications, and the medication use experience.
  • Kim L.R. Brouwer, Pharm.D., Ph.D., of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will receive the Volwiler Research Achievement Award recognizing her record of sustained excellence in drug metabolism and transport research.
  • “Aiding Transformation from Student to Practitioner by Defining Threshold Concepts for the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process” by Claire Kolar, Pharm.D., Ph.D., and Kristin K. Janke, Ph.D., will receive the Rufus A. Lyman Award, which recognizes the best paper published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education during the previous year.
  • The University of Texas at Austin will receive the Lawrence C. Weaver Transformative Community Service Award for its commitment to addressing unmet community needs through education, practice and research.

“AACP’s awards program highlights the very best of those who discover, learn and care, all of which improve the health of individuals and communities,” said CEO and Executive Vice President Lucinda L. Maine, Ph.D., R.Ph.

“Our honorees are truly the Who’s Who of the Academy.”

The recipients of AACP’s awards are at the forefront of healthcare professions education and through their work are advancing pharmacy innovation, enhancing patient care and adding value to the healthcare system.

AACP will present the Chalmers and Weaver Awards during the Opening General Session on Sunday, July 19. The Dawson and Volwiler Awards will be presented during the Science Plenary on Monday, July 20, and the Lyman Award will be presented during the Tuesday General Session on July 21.

About AACP

Founded in 1900, AACP is the national organization representing the interests of pharmacy education. AACP is comprised of all accredited colleges and schools with pharmacy degree programs, including more than 6,500 faculty, 60,600 students enrolled in professional programs and 4,400 individuals pursuing graduate study. To learn more about AACP, visit www.aacp.org.