EDI 2022 - FAQs

AACP Article
What is the EDI Institute?

The second annual Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Institute is hosted by AACP to promote the advancement of EDI at AACP member institutions. This institute will be hosted in a virtual format allowing you to actively participate from any location. Workshop organizers are utilizing a highly interactive format, which includes facilitated time for institutional teams to develop strategies to implement EDI action plans for their home institutions.

How will the EDI Institute be structured?

The institute will have three types of sessions:
1. Large Group Sessions- Participants will engage in sessions with all Insitute participants led by individual speakers or panels. These sessions will pose questions, provide perspective, and provide content that supports participants' knowledge of EDI topics.
2. Mixed Cohort Sessions- Each participant will work in an assigned small cohort throughout the institute to discuss the topics, crowdsource ideas from other institutions, and develop new ideas for implementing EDI plans with faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders.  You will work with the same mixed cohort throughout the institute.
3. Team Time Sessions-  Ultimately, we want you to take back these learning experiences and implement best practices and new ideas at your own institution.  To support kickstarting your own work, you will spend time with your home team throughout the institute.  During this time, you will share what you have learned from large group sessions and mixed cohort sessions to start identifying ideas that could be implemented at your own institution. On the final day of the Institute, your team will present a short micro-session outlining a rough draft of the plan you will take back to your institution.

Can teams attend the 2022 EDI Institute if they were unable to attend the 2021 EDI Institute?

2022 EDI Institute programming will build upon the 2021 EDI Institute, but previous attendance is not required by teams or individual members of teams. If you and/or your team was unable to attend the 2021 EDI Institute, please be sure to carefully review the Institute pre-work to ensure you are prepared to participate in this year’s programming. Even if you did attend the 2021 EDI Institute, please utilize the Institute pre-work to refresh yourself before attending the Institute.

The 2022 EDI Institute will provide additional breadth and depth regarding EDI topics, largely building on concepts addressed in the 2021 EDI Institute, but also, expanding the scope of topics addressed. 

Where will the Institute be held?

The EDI Institute will be hosted virtually using the SpotMeTM platform.

Who should attend the EDI Institute?

Everyone! But really, the EDI Institute is designed to support schools/colleges at all stages of EDI work, so we recommend you bring a diverse team that represents the core functions of your college/school. Team members should have the ability and support to take ideas and planning that emerges from the Institute and implement them on your campus.

AACP member institutions are encouraged to coordinate team composition of up to 10 team members. Schools/Colleges with EDI committees may wish to send members of the committee, as well as other leaders. Attendees should be willing to commit designated time during the EDI Institute, as well as after, to ensure their plan is implemented.  

What is EDI?

Equity: Equity is the intentional inclusion of everyone in society. Equity is achieved when systemic, institutional, and historical barriers based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and other identities are dismantled and no longer determine socioeconomic, education, and health outcomes.

Diversity: Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. It is all-inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of the diversity that should be valued.

Inclusion: A value and practice of ensuring that people feel they belong, and their input is valued by the whole (group, organization, society, or system), particularly regarding decisions that affect their lives.
Think about the relationship between diversity, equity, and inclusion this way: Diversity is about quantitative representation of people with different backgrounds. Equity is about the distribution of power and resources and ultimate outcomes on quality-of-work or quality-of-life measures. Inclusion is about the experience of belonging and meaningful participation in decisions that affect one’s life or work.

Why is this important?

Inclusiveness is a core value of AACP, and it strives to strengthen this value across pharmacy education. The effort was announced in February 2020, and the events of 2020 further shed a light on the need to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion at our member institutions. The 2021 Institute was the first major collaboration to this end.

Since the 2021 EDI Institute, focus on EDI efforts across the Academy has only increased, and AACP is committed to continuing to support members' growth in this essential area. During the last year, AACP adopted the new 2021-2024 Strategic Plan, in which Strategic Priority 3 is "Leading Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-racism (DEIA) Efforts". This institute is very much aligned with this AACP priority, which aims to cultivate and support a more diverse population of learners and faculty, to create and provide DEIA professional development activities, to enhance curriculum and co-curriculum activities in DEIA, and to expand collaborations and research in the areas of DEIA. Additionally, AACP's internal DEIA Committee has recently formed a DEIA Advisory Panel, which is made up of individual members with expertise in this area.


When does the EDI Institute begin and end?

The Institute begins at 10:00 a.m. ET on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 and concludes on Friday, January 21, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. ET. During scheduled meeting times, team members should anticipate attending presentations and/or team activities until approximately 6:15 p.m. ET on Wednesday and Thursday. After receiving feedback from the 2021 EDI Institute, additional time for breaks has been added for the 2022 EDI Institute. See the Institute agenda for more details. 

Will any portion of the Institute be recorded?

Most large group sessions will be recorded, but mixed cohort sessions and team time sessions will not be recorded.

What is the registration cost?

Registration for the full institute is $129 per person.

How is the payment for the institute handled?

Prior to registering, team composition should be determined, and schools/colleges are encouraged to have all team members register at the same time to ensure the full team can attend. The team maximum is 10 individuals per team. One person from the team/school can register the entire team via the online registration page. If you would like to register any students or staff who may not be listed in our records, please email AACP for assistance.

If an individual needs to register and pay separately, the AACP staff will make sure he or she is added to a team based on their school. If a school is unable to send a full team, individuals may still register for the institute using the online form and will be assigned a team for the Institute. Registration for the event is on a first-come, first-served basis. Credit card is the only form of payment method accepted. 

What is the refund and cancellation policy?

Refunds will be processed on all cancellations received in writing by January 7, 2022, excluding a $25 administrative fee. Due to meeting costs, no portion of the registration fee will be refunded for cancellations after January 7, 2022.

When will registration close?

Registration will close on Friday, January 7, 2022 or when space is full.

Will Continuing Education (CE) credits be available for the institute?

CE credit is available for select sessions delivered on January 19-21, 2022. Please refer to the CPD activity announcement for specific CE credit information.

ACPE LogoAACP is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.