International lnstitutional Members

AACP Article

International institutional membership is intended for international academic institutions located outside of the U.S. who are interested in joining the AACP network.

The mission of AACP is to both represent and be an advocate for all segments of the academic community in the profession of pharmacy. Further, we seek to be a conduit to build partnerships between interested stakeholders and members of the Academy. International membership provides direct access to other leaders in pharmacy education whose mission it is to develop the next generation of pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmacy educators.

International institutional membership includes:

  • The latest news within AACP through our electronic E-lert newsletter
  • Access to meeting sponsorship opportunities
  • Advertising discounts in the Academic Pharmacy Now magazine
  • Discounted advertising rates in the AACP Online Career Center
  • Discounts on AACP’s mailing lists
  • First-time faculty at member institutions may receive a complimentary individual membership to AACP.

The annual dues for this membership category is $500. Please contact Terry Ryan, Director of Enterprise Systems and Membership, if you are interested in joining AACP.

International Institutional Members

University of Alberta
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

8613 - 114th Street
MS 2-35
Edmonton, AB T6G 2H1


The University of British Columbia
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

2405 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3


University of Manitoba
College of Pharmacy
Apotex Centre

750 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T5


Memorial University of Newfoundland
School of Pharmacy Health Science Centre

300 Prince Phillip Drive
Health Scieinces Centre
Sr. John's, NL A1B 3V6


Dalhousie University
College of Pharmacy

5968 College Street
P.O. Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2


The University of Waterloo
School of Pharmacy

10 Victoria St. S.
Kitchener, ON N2G 1C5

University of Saskatchewan
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition

107 Wiggins Rd
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5


Lebanese American University
School of Pharmacy

P.O. Box 36
Byblos 12
