Pharmacy Education 2024 Submission FAQs

AACP Article

General Information 

How do I submit my proposal?

Annual Meeting programming proposals must be submitted via the Cadmium's Abstract Scorecard. A link to the submission site can be found on the AACP Annual Meeting Submission Information webpage. Please carefully read the Call for Proposals on the Submission Information webpage before proceeding to the submission site. It is recommended that all submitters review the guidelines and are apprised of the criteria by which their submissions will be evaluated.

How do I access the submission site?

The Abstract Scorecard is integrated with the AACP association management software, ProTech. AACP members will need to use their AACP email and password to login to the Abstract Scorecard. Individuals who are not members of AACP will not be able to login to the site to submit programming proposals; however, they may serve as speakers and/or moderators for annual meeting sessions.

When is the deadline to submit programming proposals for the 2024 Annual Meeting?

All Pharmacy Education 2024 programming proposals for mini-sessions, micro-sessions, special sessions, interactive workshops, and conversation world cafés must be submitted by Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at 11:59 PST.

Will I receive a confirmation email after I've submitted my proposal?

Yes, submitters will receive a confirmation email from “” after they have successfully submitted a programming proposal for the Annual Meeting. (Please note that the email account is not monitored by staff.) Questions related to the submission process should be sent to:

How long are the Annual Meeting program sessions?

The interactive workshops and conversation world cafés are 90 minutes in length, whereas the special sessions are 60 minutes, mini-sessions are 30 minutes, and each micro-session presentation is 10 minutes.  

What are the differences between the session types?

Interactive Workshops are 90-minute, action-oriented sessions structured around a variety of small group activities with a goal for participants to create, innovate, collaborate, and transform. Workshops are limited to five speakers. No more than 30 minutes of the workshop should be delivered in pure didactic form.

Conversation World Cafés are 90-minute sessions with facilitated conversations about hot topics in pharmacy education. Sessions will include a brief presentation (up to 20 minutes), 60 minutes of rotating table conversations, followed by a 10-minute Q&A and wrap-up. Each world café session is limited to two presenters.

Special Sessions are 60-minute presentations that address topics broadly applicable to contemporary pharmacy education. Each special session is limited to 5 speakers and include perspectives of multiple institutions, disciplines, or professions.

Mini Sessions are 30-minute presentations which typically describe innovations developed at one school. Each mini-session is limited to two speakers.

Micro-sessions are 10-minute quick presentations or “TED” type talks that cover specific and key take-away objectives based on an overall theme. AACP members are invited to submit micro-sessions on one of the following three designated themes: Inclusive Pedagogy, Experiential Education - Quality Assurance and Assessment, and Mid-Career Faculty – Advancement, Retention and Development.

Is there a limit on the number of program submissions an individual member can submit?

In an effort to further attract a diverse pool of high-quality submissions and ensure a diverse range of presentation topics and perspectives, the program committee has set a limit of three (3) programming submissions per individual. Please note, this applies to all submissions (mini-sessions, special sessions, micro-sessions, interactive workshops, and conversation world cafes) in which the individual is involved as a speaker, moderator, chair, or submitter. An individual may NOT be included on additional proposals, regardless of their role.

I submitted my proposal but realized that I made a few errors. Can I edit my proposal after submission?

Yes, you will be able to edit a proposal that you submitted. Note, if changes are made after you submitted the proposal, the status of that proposal will change from "complete" to "active" in the Abstract Scorecard. Submitters will need to save their edits and click on the "Submit" button to complete and resubmit their proposals.

Submitters will not be able to make any changes to their proposals directly in the Abstract Scorecard after Wednesday, November 15. Submitters whose proposals are accepted will have the opportunity to review their session details for accuracy and make edits as needed.

Can I submit my proposal without completing the tasks on the submission webpage?

No, all tasks must be completed to submit a proposal. Tasks are used to collect different program information from the submitter, such as speaker list, program description, learning objectives, room set-up preferences, etc. Submitters are more than welcome to login to the site at a later time to complete the tasks. All tasks must be completed by the submission deadline.

Can I have multiple presenters for a mini-session or micro-session?

Due to the limited time allotted for mini-sessions and micro-sessions, a mini-session presentation can have a maximum of two speakers (including any moderator, if applicable) and a micro-session presentation can have a maximum of one presenter.

Can I have more than five individuals listed on a special session or interactive workshop proposal?

Both the special sessions and interactive workshops are limited to five speakers. Note that this limit includes all individuals who are involved in the program, including any moderators. 

I do not have the names of all of my speakers. Can I submit my proposal without listing all the speakers?

Submitters are asked to list the names of all speakers in their program proposals. AACP understands that on occasion, session speakers may change due to scheduling conflicts and/or other priorities. Please inform AACP of any speaker changes after you have been notified of such changes. 

Programming Submission and Review Process

What is the process for the Annual Meeting programming submissions?

All members are invited to submit programming proposals for the special sessions, mini-sessions, micro-sessions, interactive workshops and conversation cafés during the Call for Proposals period.  All completed submissions that are submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by the program committee in late November through December.

The submission review reports for the 60-minute sessions and the 30-minute sessions will be shared with the SIG and Section leadership in early-mid January. The reports will include the full program information (including speaker/submitter names and institutions), as well as the scores and comments provided by the program committee reviewers.

Each SIG will be allowed to select 1 sixty-minute session or 2 thirty-minute sessions for their groups and each Section will be able to select up to 2 sixty-minute sessions or up to 4 thirty-minute sessions. Programs selected by the SIGs and Sections will be designated as Section or SIG programming.

The program committee will convene in late January to select the remaining sessions for the Annual Meeting. 

All submitters will be notified about the status of their proposal ("accepted" or "rejected") by mid-February.

Can I submit a proposal for a Section or Special Interest Group?

All Sections and Special Interest Group members are encouraged to submit annual meeting programming proposals through the regular submission process and by the deadline indicated in the 2024 Annual Meeting Call for Proposals.

Only the 60-minute special sessions and the 30-minute mini-sessions can be designated as SIG and Section programming. A SIG may choose to select up to two mini-sessions for their programming. A Section may choose to select up to four mini-sessions for their programming. 

How will the program committee evaluate my proposal?

Each proposal will be reviewed by three program committee members using a set of criteria that include relevance of the topic to pharmacy education and/or the goals of AACP and its members. Please refer to the evaluation criteria for each respective session type.  

Each proposal will be given a numerical score and an average based on the total scores given by the three reviewers. To ensure that proposals are rated fairly, the names of the submitters and presenters will be hidden during the review process.

During the program committee selection process in late January, highly ranked proposals will be grouped by category. The program committee will select proposal(s) from each category. Submitter and speaker information, such as names and institutions, will be visible to the full program committee during the selection process. In making its decision, the committee will strive to ensure diversity of topics for the different audiences in the Academy, diversity of topics overall, to minimize any redundancy in topics covered at the Annual Meeting, and an adequate representation from a diverse group of speakers and institutions.

Are there additional guidelines for how reviewers will evaluate my proposal?

Yes, the following table provides guidance on how reviewers will assess programing proposals. Criteria marked with an asterisk are not applicable to all session types (e.g., micro-sessions and/or mini-sessions). Please refer to the rubric and guidelines in the Call for Proposals for the respective session types.

Criteria Reviewers will be looking for:

The program description is well written

A clearly written description that

  • Highlights what participants will take back to their institution.
  • Provides actionable content.
The program incorporates an innovative delivery method(s)*

Clearly described delivery methods that:

  • Model innovative delivery methods
  • Include active learning which goes beyond think-pair-share or Q&A and demonstrates active engagement through practice
  • Is/are appropriate for the topic.
  • Is/are appropriate for the length of the session.
The proposed learning objectives provide a good description of what participants will be able to do as a result of attending this session

Reviewers will be looking for learning objectives which:

  • Are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound)
  • Are linked with the session description.
  • Are carried through the entire submission.
The proposal is a collaborative effort*

Reviewers will be looking for collaborative efforts which:

  • Have the appropriate number of speakers.
  • Highlight how speakers have/will work together to deliver a cohesive presentation
  • Presenters come from different institutions, disciplines, and/or professions
The proposed topic is relevant to AACP and its members

Reviewers will be looking for submissions which:

  • Are timely (e.g. a “hot topic”); potentially related to the AACP Strategic Plan
  • Will appeal to meeting attendees.
  • Represents aspects of the strategic plan, Councils, SIGs, and Sections
The proposed topic stimulates innovative pharmacy education. (Innovation is a multi-stage process where ideas are transformed into new methods, processes, or approaches to advance education. It involves the application of an idea that is different, cutting edge or novel to the environment or organization.)

Reviewers will be looking for submissions which:

  • Are innovative in the sense of the definition provided.
  • Clearly describe how the presentation will stimulate further innovation.
  • Presents evidence-based information and innovation
Scholarly Rigor: The program was conceptualized on a sound theory, model or research method.

Reviewers will be looking for submissions which:

  • Clearly connect the presentation to a sound theory, model or research method
  • Describe how the work being presented furthers the theory, model or research method.
I submitted a strong proposal. Why was my proposal not accepted?

The programming selection process is complex. Unfortunately, strong proposals may be rejected for various reasons. The committee must consider various elements when making their decisions, including availability of rooms at the conference venue, availability of space within the program schedule, and the diversity of topics, speakers, and institutions reflected in the annual meeting programming. The committee may also consider whether similar programming was offered at prior annual meetings among other factors.

Recognizing the need to accommodate more high-quality proposals, the program committee is working on developing alternative mechanisms for members to share their work across the Academy. Submitters should indicate their willingness to be considered for a future in-person or virtual (recorded) event or share any content on AACP’s digital platforms (e.g., learning management system, Academic Pharmacy Now, website) when completing the submission form.

What should I consider when drafting my proposal.

Please review the instructions, guidelines, and evaluation criteria prior to drafting your proposal. Consider the elements within each criterion and be sure that your proposal addresses the “Excellent” descriptors for each criterion.  Avoid the following common pitfalls:

  • Incomplete or insufficient detail in the proposal.
  • The takeaways for attendees are not clearly specified.
  • The proposal does not incorporate a sound theory, model, or research method or it fails to show a clear connection to a sound theory, model or research method.
  • The data or information included in the proposal is outdated.
  • The learning objectives cannot be accomplished within the time allotted for the session.