Hosted by the Chemistry Section
This is the second webinar in the series designed for 10 PharmD students to present 5 minute talks (4 minute talk, one minute for a question from a moderator) on the research performed with faculty at their School or College of Pharmacy, and how their research work enhances their career goals in pharmacy. Speakers will be recruited via connect from all science sections and the Graduate Education SIG. Should less than 10 speakers be recruited, length of talk will be increased. Should more than 10 volunteer, the two moderators will choose presenters to span a range of institutions and disciplines, and will submit a third webinar with this format to allow additional speaking opportunities.
- Create an annual forum for PharmD students to present research at the national level
- Disseminate the research performed by PharmD students at AACP institutions
- Showcase PharmD pathways to PharmD/PhD, residencies, and fellowships
- Engage students with AACP promoting the organization’s role in academic pharmacy
Matthew D. Metcalf, PharmD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
MCPHS School of Pharmacy, Worcester
Andrew Coop, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy