Prescription for Success: Thriving as a Pharmacy Faculty Member

October 01, 2024
2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Pharmacy Practice Section.

This presentation will focus on the challenges faced by pharmacy practice faculty in balancing personal and professional responsibilities. Different perspectives from faculty members and administrators will be explored. Strategies to achieve sustainability and career vitality will be a focus, including unique practice models, flexible work environments, doing more with less, and rewarding, retaining, and developing faculty.


  • Identify challenges and opportunities for work-life balance in pharmacy faculty
  • Explore strategies and solutions for achieving sustainable and fulfilling careers in pharmacy academia
  • Describe approach to fostering a culture of support within schools and colleges of pharmacy to promote work-life balance


Emily McCoy, PharmD, FCCP, BCACP
Associate Clinical Professor and Interim Assistant Dean, Mobile Campus
Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy


Kim Elder
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Sullivan University

Kristin Janzen
Division Head and Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
University of Texas at Austin

Jaclyn Boyle
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Assistant Dean of Student Success
Northeast Ohio Medical University

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