Past Webinars

People meeting in an open space.

Regular Webinars

Webinar recordings and slides hosted in the past months may be viewed on AACP Connect. To access archived webinars prior to 2018 please contact Tom Maggio, Associate Director of Public Affairs. You must specify the title and date of the webinar recording you would like to access.

Continuing Education (CE) Webinars

AACP offers a variety of Continuing Education webinars. AACP Members can view past CE Webinars on AACP Connect, and then claim the corresponding CE credit by following the instructions provided. Non-members, for a fee, may view/claim credit for past webinars on Learning Express. Direct links for both members/non-members, as well as webinar-specific information and instructions, can be found on their respective event pages.

Please contact Tom Maggio, AACP's Public Affairs and Engagement Coordinator, with any questions related to CE Webinars.

Use the drop-down filter option below to choose between Regular Webinars, Continuing Education Webinars, and Sponsored Webinars.

Webinar Archives

June 8, 2021
Regular Webinar
The purpose of this webinar is to educate participants about the fundamental requisites for effective global health field experiences.
June 7, 2021
Regular Webinar
This webinar will provide insight into journals and offer ideas and best practices from both the editorial and scholar perspective to aid those looking to publish their work in leadership development. 
June 3, 2021
Regular Webinar
Biological Sciences Section is hosting the first webinar on mentorship to discuss the overall goals, holistic approaches, best practices, tools and types of mentorship offered to the section members.
June 1, 2021
Regular Webinar
This session is designed to answer some of your questions from researchers in different types of institutions (public, private) on how to create or expand your own successful research program at any institution. 
May 27, 2021
Regular Webinar
In this Webinar, Dr. Sbarra will discuss the many psychological challenges COVID-19 posed for higher education and, in particular, for higher education faculty.
May 25, 2021
Regular Webinar
Many pharmacy programs offer pathways or tracks within their didactic curriculum. This webinar is intended to give some insight into these student options, and the professional outcomes for the student participants. 
May 24, 2021
Regular Webinar
In this webinar, three faculty members will provide an overview of how they have adapted pharmacogenomics education for the online environment. They will share lessons learned, challenges encountered, and innovative practices that emerged
May 20, 2021
Regular Webinar
Are you teaching calculations in the most effective ways based on recent pharmacy calculations research? This webinar will highlight findings from three recent research projects and include an overview of recent research in the field.
May 17, 2021
CE Webinar
Pharmacy educators nationwide have recently been embroiled in change efforts. Significant curricular changes, increasing and changing assessment demands, and experiential education challenges are only a few examples of change efforts faced
May 12, 2021
Regular Webinar
This webinar will discuss how to utilize internal and external resources to develop mid-career faculty and ways schools can prepare these faculty members for future leadership positions.