Grant Writing Program Survey

AACP Resource

The AACP Research and Graduate Affairs committee, under the leadership of Chair Kathy Giacomini and Vice Chair Vicki Ellingrod, is developing a longitudinal (6-8 month), hybrid grant writing program for 2025, with virtual coursework and anchored by an in-person workshop at the AACP annual meeting in July 2025. The program is intended as an intensive grant writing course for pharmacy faculty preparing to submit their first large research or career development proposal (e.g., an NIH R01 or K08 award).  What sets the program apart from other grant writing programs is the extensive use of recently successful NIH grants, as well as examples and experiences drawn from pharmacy faculty and research. Though the focus is on large NIH or NIH-type grants, information presented in the program can be applied to smaller grants, for example from foundations or other entities.

Participants are expected to enter the program with a research project and target funding source and finish with a substantially complete grant proposal for submission in Fall 2025. Participants should have the support of their department chair or dean to attend, given the expected time and resource commitment for the program, including the registration fee and travel costs to the in-person workshop. AACP is currently gauging interest in the program and would appreciate your feedback on the following questions:

Is your institution private or public?
If you would consider supporting a faculty member attending this course, from what department(s) would you choose?
(Select all that apply)
To pursue what type of award?
(Select one or both)
Likely target funding source?
If you would not likely consider supporting a faculty member, can you share why not?

You can also contact AACP Senior Director of Science Policy/Chief Science Officer Dorothy Farrell ( directly with questions or comments