Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care

September 28, 2021
2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by AACP

Members of the authoring committee for the National Academies' report Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care will discuss the report’s key messages and recommendations, highlighting the important role of pharmacists in the provision of team-based primary care.

High-quality primary care is the foundation of a strong health care system and essential for improving the health of the population. However, 25 years after the Institute of Medicine published its report Primary Care: America’s Health in a New Era (1996), this foundation remains under-resourced. Today, only about 5 percent of health care expenditures go to primary care, its workforce pipeline is shrinking, and unequal access to primary care pervades. In light of this, with support from a coalition of sponsors, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine organized a committee to study the state of primary care today and to develop an implementation plan that builds upon the recommendations of the 1996 report and strengthens primary care services in the U.S., especially for underserved populations.


  1. Discuss the reports key messages and recommendations for Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care .
  2. Discuss the important role of pharmacists in the provision of integrated, team-based primary care.
  3. Highlight the committee’s recommendation on reforming payment for team-based primary care and the significance of this for the delivery of team-based pharmacy clinical services. 


Todd D. Sorensen, PharmD
Professor and Senior Executive Associate Dean
University of Minnesota


Robert L. Phillips, JR, MD, MSPH
(Co-Chair) Founding Executive Director
The Center for Professionalism & Value in Health Care, American, Board of Family Medicine

Linda McCauley, RN, PhD
(Co-Chair) Dean
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University

Brenda Reiss-Brennan, APRN, PhD
(Committee Member) Director, Mental Health Integration
Intermountain Healthcare

Mary Roth McClurg, PharmD, MHS
(Committee Member) Executive Vice Dean, Chief Academic Officer
Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill