INvigorate 2022 - Speakers

Lemrey “Al” Carter, Pharm.D., M.S., R.Ph.
Executive Director
Secretary, Executive Committee
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
Dr. Carter is the executive director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) and the secretary of the Association’s Executive Committee. NABP is an international organization whose membership includes the state boards of pharmacy in all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas, and all 10 provincial pharmacy regulatory agencies in Canada.
The purpose of NABP is to: (1) assist the state boards of pharmacy in protecting the public health, (2) serve as an information and disciplinary clearinghouse for the interstate transfer of licensure among the state boards of pharmacy, and (3) provide model regulations in order to assist the state boards of pharmacy with the development of uniform practice, educational, and competency standards for the practice of pharmacy.
Dr. Carter currently serves as a governor of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Board of Directors and chair of the PTCB Certification Council. Over the years, he has provided expert witness testimony and consultation in the areas of pharmacy practice and regulation. Dr. Carter is a former member and chair of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation – State Board of Pharmacy. In addition to serving on the Board, he was appointed by the Illinois House of Representatives to serve two terms on the Illinois Collaborative Pharmaceutical Task Force.
Previously, Dr. Carter oversaw pharmacy operations and professional affairs in the community pharmacy setting. In this position, he was responsible for the day-to-day operations and pharmacy regulatory oversight of more than 9,200 pharmacies in the US as well as oversight, management, and execution of all commercial, Medicare Parts B and D, and state Medicaid plans.
Dr. Carter has served on numerous committees and task forces for pharmacy organizations, including as chair of the 2019 NABP Overview Task Force on Requirements for Pharmacy Technician Education, Practice Responsibilities, and Competence Assessment. He graduated from Xavier University of Louisiana, College of Pharmacy, with a doctor of pharmacy degree, and received his master of science degree with studies focused on pharmacy regulation and policy from the University of Florida.
Kimberly K. Daugherty, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Professor, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Assessment
Sullivan University
Dr. Daugherty obtained her B.S. degree from Milligan College in 1995, her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Kentucky in 2000, and her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Organizational Development from the University of Louisville in 2020. Dr. Daugherty pursued a pharmacy practice residency at the University Kentucky in the year 2001, and followed with a specialty residency in primary care in 2002. She also became a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist in 2002, along with many other clinical certifications.
Dr. Daugherty is currently a Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Assessment with Sullivan University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. She has been very active in areas of publication, presentation and research, where she has over 40 publications. She has also received funding for her research.
Dr. Daugherty has been involved in national leadership serving as the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Assessment SIG Chair as well as several state leadership positions such as Education Committee chair for the Michigan Pharmacists Association and Kentucky Society of Health System Pharmacists board member. She also serves as a reviewer for several major professional peer-reviewed journals. She has received various awards, such as the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Award in 2004, the 2006 National Associates Competition of the American College of Physicians, and the AACP Assessment SIG Collaborative Publication Award for 2019 and 2020.
Judith L. DeLuca, Pharm.D.
Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Wilkes University
Dr. DeLuca is professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy. Prior to serving as department chair, her clinical focus was in transitions of care and critical care. Her recent scholarship was a collaborative effort through the AACP Council of Faculties Department Chairs Connect Community and was focused on optimizing well-being and productivity in pharmacy faculty.
Janet P. Engle, Pharm.D., Ph.D. (Hon), FAPhA, FCCP, FNAP
Executive Director
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
Dr. Engle is the executive director of the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). She is past president of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the national professional society of pharmacists with more than 60,000 members. She has served as a voting member of the FDA Nonprescription Drug Advisory Committee and continues as a special government employee consultant to FDA. Dr. Engle is a past member of the Board of Directors of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties. Dr. Engle was elected as a Distinguished Practitioner in the National Academies of Practice in Pharmacy. Dr. Engle has also been named a fellow of the APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management and a Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. She also has received the APhA Distinguished Achievement Award for Clinical/Pharmacotherapeutic Practice.
Dr. Engle is an internationally recognized expert on the topics of nonprescription medicines, pharmacy education, and leadership and is very active in international pharmacy. She has served as chair of the ACPE International Commission and is serving a third term as overseas expert of the Post Graduate Allied Health Institute Board at Singapore General Hospital. Dr. Engle has worked with National Taiwan University and was a guest professor at Harbin Medical University in China. She worked with the Pharmacy Council of Thailand and received an honorary Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Khon Kaen University in Thailand. She has served as a consultant to the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization. She has practiced pharmacy in community, hospital, long-term care and pharmacy-directed ambulatory clinic settings.
David Fuentes, Pharm.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
University of Portland
Dr. Fuentes joined the University in January 2021 as an associate dean for academic affairs and professor. He has had a career in pharmacy education, serving in administrative and leadership roles overseeing academic affairs, assessment, accreditation, diversity, equity, and inclusion, faculty development, admissions and enrollment, student affairs, instructional design, and curricular development.
Additionally, he has served as an academic, practitioner, and preceptor across different healthcare education programs in faculty and administrative roles. Passionate about interprofessional education, Dr. Fuentes has also taught at various levels in nursing, dental, medical, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology, and physician assistant curricula. Dr. Fuentes is certified in Gallup strengths-based coaching, lean systems, and human resources, in addition to having formal education in organizational leadership and organizational psychology. Clinically, Dr. Fuentes has been dual certified in psychiatric and geriatrics pharmacotherapy. In his personal time, he enjoys running, competitive sports, and reading about leadership and biographies about the resilience of past and current leaders.
Diane B. Ginsburg, Ph.D., M.S., R.Ph., FASHP
Clinical Professor and Interim Head, Pharmacy Practice Division
Associate Dean for Healthcare Partnerships
G.D. Searle Endowed Fellow in Pharmacy
University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Ginsburg completed her B.S. in Pharmacy at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy in 1984 and a M.S. at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy in 1990. She completed a two-year ASHP-accredited residency in hospital pharmacy administration in 1987 at The Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. She received her Doctor of Philosophy degree in higher education administration and leadership in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently a Clinical Professor and Interim Head in the Pharmacy Practice Division, Associate Dean for Healthcare Partnerships, and G.D. Searle Endowed Fellow in Pharmacy at the University of Texas at Austin, College of Pharmacy. She is also a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach.
She has been active with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and served as President and a three-year term on the Board of Directors. She has served ASHP in several capacities including: Chair, Council on Educational Affairs, AJHP Editorial Advisory Board, Texas Delegate, Co-Coordinator National Clinical Skills Competition. She is Co-Editor of Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment and an author and editor of ASHP’s Preceptor’s Handbook for Pharmacists. She was inducted as Fellow the ASHP in 1998. She also served as Chair of the ASHP Research and Education Foundation Board of Directors.
She is a Past President of the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists and TSHP Research & Education Foundation. She has received several honors and awards including the 2005 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy and is a 2016 recipient of the Texas Ex Students Association Texas Ten Award recognizing the 10 most talented and inspiring professors at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Ginsburg is internationally known for her work on ethics and the legal and regulatory aspects of pharmacy and healthcare.
Seena L. Haines, Pharm.D.
Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
The University of Mississippi
Dr. Haines is Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Professor at The University of Mississippi, School of Pharmacy. Prior to her position at The University of Mississippi, she served as associate dean for faculty at Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA-GSOP). She received more than $750,000 from local foundations for the creation and site replication of the pharmacotherapy model, Integrated Pharmacotherapy Services™ (a pharmacist-run, primary care, indigent clinic for the underserved in Palm Beach County). She served for seven years as director of pharmacy services at four community health centers and co-director of the Diabetes Education and Research Center. Dr. Haines has served as residency director for the ASHP (PGY-1) residency from 2008 to 2014. Achievements include board certification in ambulatory care practice, Fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Fellow of the American Pharmacists Association, Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, AACP Outstanding Service Award, Pharmacy Practice Section, Distinguished Fellow National Academies of Practice, 2021 Women Pharmacist of the Year Awardee, ASHP Distinguished Practitioner from the section of ambulatory care practitioners, AACP Innovation in Teaching Award, Preceptor of Distinction, Hero in Medicine, inaugural AACP academic leadership fellow, residency wellbeing coordinator, lead faculty for wellbeing and resiliency in the office of wellbeing, national board certified health and wellness coach, certified yoga instructor (RYT 500), Vice President for Professional Development with the National Academies of Practice, and Ambassador for the Whole Health Institute.
T. Kristopher Harrell, Pharm.D., M.A., FASHP
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Professor of Pharmacy Practice
The University of Mississippi
Dr. Harrell has been in academia and practiced as a pharmacist for more than 20 years. He received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from The University of Mississippi. He completed postgraduate residency training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Health System and a second primary care residency at The University of Mississippi Medical Center. He also received a Master of Arts degree in Higher Education and Student Personnel from The University of Mississippi. Prior to assuming his current academic dean role four years ago, Dr. Harrell was the director of experiential education for 12 years.
Jeremy Hughes, Pharm.D., Ed.D.c.
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Associate Professor
Chicago State University
Dr. Hughes is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor at Chicago State University College of Pharmacy. Dr. Hughes is certified through the Team-Based Learning Collaborative and has taught topics in endocrinology, sexual and reproductive health, veterinary pharmacy, compounding, and leadership. He oversees academic standards and progression, academic scheduling, and curricular and programmatic assessment. He has developed and implemented cross-cohort case-based learning and case-based interprofessional activities and has designed and executed student portfolios targeting affective domain development utilizing Reflective Journal Writing and Competency Assignments. Additionally, he is responsible for administrative aspects of the curriculum and assessment, instructional design/development activities, and contributes to faculty professional development.
He has served in academia for the past eight years in Academic Affairs, Experiential Education, and Student Affairs roles and as a practitioner and preceptor for five different colleges of pharmacy since 2002. Prior to working full time in academia, he worked in a variety of settings including veterinary pharmacy, independent pharmacy, compounding pharmacy, chain pharmacy, and manufacturing. Dr. Hughes graduated with his Pharm.D. from Washington State University and is currently pursing his educational doctorate in learning and leadership from Aspen University.
Richard J. Kasmer, Pharm.D., J.D.
Dean, College of Pharmacy, and Vice President, Academic Affairs
Northeast Ohio Medical University
Dr. Kasmer is the Dean, College of Pharmacy and Vice President, Academic Affairs at the Northeast Ohio Medical University in Rootstown, Ohio. Dr. Kasmer has 30+ years of diversified clinical, development, operations and leadership experience. A strategic minded individual with a documented history of building and leading teams to accomplish short- and long-term goals & objectives. His primary area of expertise is Pharmacy Law and legal related matters.
Michelle Hilaire, Pharm.D.
Clinical Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy
Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Health Sciences
University of Wyoming
Dr. Hilaire is a Clinical Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy. She is also the current Associate Dean for Student Affairs in the College of Health Sciences. Her research interests include diabetes and pain management, and her academic interests include leadership development, faculty retention, and mid-career achievement in academia. She teaches throughout the pharmacy practice didactic lectures and offers Ambulatory Care, Academic and Pre-Residency Rotations.
Dr. Hilaire is a Certified Diabetes Educator, a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, a Board Certified Ambulatory Care Specialist and a Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. She offers comprehensive chronic disease management at the Fort Collins Family Medicine Residency Program. She serves as a preceptor for the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, CO. Dr. Hilaire is actively involved in AACP, ACCP, ASHP and the Colorado Pharmacists Society and is an AACP Academic Leadership Fellow.
Cameron C. Lindsey, Pharm.D., M.P.H.
Chair, Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration
University of Missouri–Kansas City
Dr. Lindsey is the chair of the Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration at the University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Pharmacy. She is the director of co-curriculum, a tenured professor, and has been actively involved with student pharmacists via didactic, experiential, and co-curricular learning venues in addition to her advisory role for the campus’ APhA-ASP and Kappa Epsilon Fraternity chapters. She has been Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management since 2003, a Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist since 2009, and a Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist since 2011. She is a certified immunizing pharmacist and has been educating students and pharmacists to become certified since 2004. She has been creative in leading multiple co-curricular activities over the years including community engagement projects, academic-service learning experiences, international missions, student leadership, and advocacy for the uninsured.
To assist patients, Dr. Lindsey has practiced and conducted research in a wide array of settings. Recently, she has led the school’s efforts to provide COVID-19 vaccine delivery across the Kansas City area and to our own UMKC faculty/staff and student family while also leveraging the school’s resources to help those in need across the state. She recently completed her appointment housed at the Clay County Public Health Center. Prior to that, she had instituted clinical pharmacy services at the local Veterans Affairs Medical Center and continued to expand her patient outreach having a 14-year presence as director of the patient assistance program at the Shared Care Free Health Clinic of Jackson County until its closure in June 2014. She, along with a dedicated group of students, obtained donated medications from drug companies free of charge with contributions reaching close to $9 million. Her scholarly activities have resulted in numerous papers, manuscripts, and a book chapter.
Some of Dr. Lindsey’s proudest accomplishments include her receipt of seven local teaching awards, the Governor’s Award for Teaching, the UMKC Student Government Outstanding Advisor Award, and the national APhA-ASP and KE Advisor of the Year Awards. She has been recognized by her state pharmacy association as a “Pharmacist Making a Difference” and “Outstanding Teacher Award” along with receiving Ingram’s “Heroes in Healthcare Award” and the KE Merck Vanguard Leadership in Pharmacy award. Recently, she was recognized as the UMKC Board of Trustees 2021 Leo E. Morton Community Service Award. She wholeheartedly believes that it takes a community to raise a pharmacist and with that, comes the responsibility to give back to that community!
Jodie Malhotra, Pharm.D.
Director of Practitioner and International Development, Associate Professor
Department of Clinical Pharmacy
University of Colorado
Dr. Malhotra is the Director of Practitioner and International Development and an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. As the Director of Practitioner and International Development for the school, she is responsible for leading communication and relationship-building with international contacts, promoting international academic programs, serving as a liaison with local and international pharmacy faculty to develop didactic and/or experiential curricula, coordinating the clinical training and development of international faculty, and coordinating the development of site-specific international programs.
Dr. Malhotra’s experience in global health started early in her career with the opportunity to collaborate and present at Clinical Pharmacy Week in Austria. She also participated in medical mission trips to Nicaragua and Jamaica. As Director of Practitioner and International Development, she has coordinated the development and implementation of the new ACPE-accredited Internationally-Trained Pharm.D. (ITPD) Program, assisted with curriculum development and served as a visiting professor at the Istanbul Kemerburgaz University School of Pharmacy, established an interprofessional APPE rotation at a new medical facility operated by the Colorado School of Public Health in Guatemala.
Dr. Malhotra’s teaching focuses primarily on psychiatric pharmacy, global health, and patient centered communication. She teaches in the school’s traditional and distance-based programs. Dr. Malhotra has served in leadership roles on local, state, national, and international committees.
Melissa S. Medina, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Dr. Melissa Medina earned her bachelor’s degree in experimental psychology and doctorate degree in educational psychology from Rutgers University in New Jersey. Dr. Medina joined the faculty at the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy in 2000 and is a Presidential Professor, a David Ross Boyd Professor, and the Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation. She directs the College’s co-curriculum program as well as the PGY1 and PGY 2 Residency Teaching Certificate Programs.
Dr. Medina is also the Director of Preparing Future Faculty for the University of Oklahoma Graduate College and oversees the Scholarship and Teaching Excellence Program for faculty on campus. She served as the 2013 Chair and is the current 2021 Vice-Chair for the Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education Outcomes Committee for AACP. She is also the Associate Editor for the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
Dr. Medina has delivered over 120 local and national teaching-related presentations and has written over 75 peer-reviewed articles related to the scholarship of teaching and learning. She has won 12 university teaching awards, including the OUHSC Student Government Association Advisor of the year, the OU Regent’s Award for Superior Teaching, and the OU College of Pharmacy Teacher of the Year Award. Nationally she has received 8 awards including the American Association of College of Pharmacy (AACP) Distinguished Teaching Scholar Award, the AACP Chalmers Educator of the Year Award, and the AACP Social and Administrative Sciences SOTL Publication of the Year.
Monica L. Miller, Pharm.D., M.Sc.
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Purdue University College of Pharmacy
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine
Dr. Monica L. Miller is a Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice, at the Purdue University College of Pharmacy and an Adjunct Assistant Professor, at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr. Miller has had 10 years of experience working as an internal medicine clinical pharmacist with underserved populations and has also been a member of the Purdue/AMPATH pharmacy team since 2010. Dr. Miller is currently the College of Pharmacy Wellness Fellow, coordinates the Purdue University/USAID Global Health and Health Equity Fellowship, assists with student preparation for international APPEs and other educational programming development. She teaches several didactic courses in the Pharm.D. curriculum and co-coordinates the elective courses entitled: Pharmaceutical Care in Developing Countries, Preparing for Postgraduate Residency Training Program, Advanced Clinical Skills and From Apathy to Empathy. Her research interests include student and faculty wellness and wellbeing, global health education, service learning, pharmacy education, professional development for students, and the development of sustainable care models for the underserved.
John M. O'Brien, Pharm.D., M.P.H.
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC)
Dr. John M. O'Brien is the president and chief executive officer of the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC), which sponsors and participates in research on the appropriate use of pharmaceuticals and the clinical and economic value of pharmaceutical innovation. NPC’s research contributes to the scientific foundation for informed discussions about health care access, coverage, appropriate use and value. As president and chief executive officer, Dr. O'Brien is responsible for overseeing NPC’s policy research and communications capacity, partnerships with other health care organizations, and strategic vision.
Dr. O’Brien’s broad experience spans the private sector, academia and government. Prior to joining NPC, Dr. O’Brien was senior advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and deputy assistant secretary of planning and evaluation (health policy). He has also held senior policy positions in the life sciences and managed care industries, including at CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, was a career official at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) during the Obama administration, and served as a health policy fellow in the U.S. Senate.
Dr. O’Brien earned his doctorate in pharmacy at Nova Southeastern University, his master’s degree in public health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and studied pharmacy and public policy at the University of Florida. His post-graduate experience includes the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Executive Fellowship in Association Management and Leadership and the America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) Certified Health Insurance Executive Fellowship.
He has held a number of academic appointments, including senior fellow at the USC-Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, clinical assistant professor at the Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship program, and assistant professor of clinical and administrative sciences at the Notre Dame of Maryland University College of Pharmacy, the first program of its kind created by a U.S. women’s college.
Denise H. Rhoney, Pharm.D., FCCP, FCCM, FNCS
Ronald and Nancy McFarlane Distinguished Professor
Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Dr. Denise H. Rhoney is Professor of the Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Eshelman School of Pharmacy in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She has been a pharmacy educator for over 25 years with her career largely focused on developing and sustaining an active and continuous interdisciplinary clinical research program within neurocritical care that is focused on the scholarship of application. Over the course of her career, she developed research program that focused on answering research questions directed towards optimizing the care of critically ill patients, specifically improving intensive care management, and optimizing the dosing and administration of medications. She has authored or coauthored 9 book chapters, 5 book reviews, and more than 100 articles and abstracts published in peer-reviewed journals such as Pharmacotherapy, Neurology, and Neurocritical Care. Dr Rhoney is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the Presidential Award of Teaching Excellence at Wayne State University and the 2019 AACP Innovations in Teaching Award. Dr Rhoney’s current focus is using this strong clinical background and research dedication and translating this to the interface between practice and education. Her research efforts are now related to educational innovations, specifically around development of clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making skills and incorporation of feedback into self-directed learning in pharmacy education.
Ellen Schellhase, Pharm.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Purdue University
Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine
Indiana University
Dr. Ellen Schellhase is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Purdue University College of Pharmacy and an Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Indiana University. She is the Program Coordinator for the Purdue Kenya Partnership (PKP) and the Purdue Associate Executive Director for AMPATH, the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare. Dr. Schellhase also serves as the College of Pharmacy International Programs Officer at Purdue University. Her research and engagement are focused on the AMPATH practice site in Eldoret, Kenya, global engagement and global health education. In addition to her work within AMPATH, she has developed an internal medicine APPE at University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia and helped coordinate a clinical research APPE at Barts in London, England. She coordinates and teaches the elective courses Pharmaceutical Care in Developing Countries and International APPE Preparation. She has collaborated with students and community partners to build a robust service-learning program that coordinates with the PKP activities within Kenya. Dr. Schellhase is certified to provide intercultural learning training and assessment and has incorporated that into her global pharmacy education and research. She has presented extensively on the impact of clinical pharmacy education and services in resource-limited settings and the development of global health practice sites for pharmacy practice.
Scott K. Stolte, Pharm.D.
Dean, Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
Wilkes University
Dr. Scott K. Stolte joined the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy at Wilkes University as Dean in July 2017. Previously, Scott served as Dean of the College of Pharmacy at Roseman University of Health Sciences from 2012–2017. From 1998–2012, Scott served as a faculty member, Director of the Division of Technology in Education, Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy at Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA. Dr. Stolte earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN.
Cindy D. Stowe, Pharm.D.
Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Dr. Cindy Stowe began her pharmacy career at the University of Kentucky where she received a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy degree and completed a General Clinical Pharmacy Residency and a Pediatric Pharmacy Specialty Residency. Immediately following residency, she completed a Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Research Fellowship at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center College of Pharmacy. Following fellowship, she began her career in academia as a faculty member at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), College of Pharmacy (COP). Dr. Stowe maintained a clinical practice site at Arkansas Children’s Hospital from 1995 to 2005.
In 2014, Dr. Stowe became the second dean of the Sullivan University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. During her five-year tenure at Sullivan University, she led the stabilization of the structural elements of the College; enhanced the visibility of the College in Kentucky and region; and created a culture of inclusion, support, and programmatic pride.
In 2019, Dr. Stowe became the fifth dean of the UAMS COP. The College is a part of the only academic health center in Arkansas and has a strong interprofessional mission. The students, staff, and faculty of the College have demonstrated strong leadership during the pandemic with a focus on caring for and staying connected with each other, the UAMS community, the pharmacy profession, and the greater community through many acts of service.
Kyle Turner, Pharm.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy
University of Utah
Dr. Kyle Turner is an Assistant Professor (Clinical) at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy and a clinical pharmacist in primary care at University of Utah Health. He co-leads the University’s Relational Leadership Initiative, an interprofessional and cross-generational learning collaborative. He is also a National Trainer for Intend Health Solutions, a non-profit dedicated to advancing leadership development for more effective individuals, teams and organizations. His scholarly and teaching interests center on fostering leadership, team-based practice development, health care innovation and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Vernon A. Wall, M.S.
Author, Lecturer, Consultant
Vernon A. Wall has accumulated over 30 years of professional Student Affairs experience at Iowa State University, the University of Georgia, UNC-Charlotte and UNC-Chapel Hill. He has experience in Greek life, new student orientation, student activities, leadership development, global education and university housing. Vernon currently lives in Washington, DC, where he serves as the Director of Business Development for LeaderShape, Inc. Vernon is also President and Founder of One Better World, LLC – a consulting firm specializing in engaging others in courageous social justice and equity conversations. In spring of 1998, Vernon sailed with Semester at Sea as a member of the Student Life Team accompanying 600 students on a voyage around the world. Vernon is also a past President of ACPA – College Student Educators, International. With degrees from North Carolina State University and Indiana University, Vernon is the consummate scholar-practitioner. Vernon is a nationally known speaker in the areas of social justice and leadership styles and is one of the founders and facilitators of the Social Justice Training Institute. Vernon has written several articles and has co-edited two books on issues of inclusion on today’s college campus. His award-winning programs and presentations have been seen by thousands of students, faculty, and staff on campuses across the country. Vernon’s passion for social justice and inclusion is grounded in a quote from his late grandmother: “May the work I’ve done speak for me.”
Annesha White, Pharm.D., M.S., Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Assessment and Associate Professor
University of North Texas Health Science Center College of Pharmacy
Dr. Annesha White is an Associate Dean for Assessment and Associate Professor at the University of North Texas Health Science Center College of Pharmacy. Dr. White has worked on funded projects with the Florida Medicaid program including studies on COX-2 Inhibitors, Hepatitis C and End Stage Renal Disease. She also worked at the Government Accountability Office (the investigative arm of Congress), to examine Pharmacy Benefit Managers impact on Health Plans, Enrollees, and Pharmacies.
Dr. White's primary research interests include the design of studies to address issues in the health services research arena. Areas of focus include Medicare, Geriatrics, Managed Care, Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. Her research has included a focus on a variety of disease states, such as heart disease, chronic pain and end stage renal disease with the goal of providing care that is balanced in quality and cost.
Regarding her passion for faculty and staff well-being, Dr. White co-developed a pharmacy faculty Scale To Recognize and Evaluate Stress and Satisfaction (STRESS©) in an effort to identify indicators for targeted wellness initiatives. She also serves as Chair of the College of Pharmacy Work Life Journey Committee leading the recent implementation of a Strategic Plan for Wellness.
Michael D. Wolcott, Pharm.D., Ph.D., BCIDPS, BCPS
Director of Educational Resources and Scholarship
Adams School of Dentistry
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dr. Michael D. Wolcott is the Director of Educational Resources and Scholarship at the University of North Carolina Adams School of Dentistry. In this role, he supports faculty to optimize teaching and learning, enhance their teaching experience, and inspire educational scholarship. He completed his Ph.D. in education at the UNC School of Education specializing in the learning sciences and psychological studies. He received his Doctor of Pharmacy from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy followed by a pharmacy practice residency at Duke University Hospital, where he worked as a clinical infectious diseases pharmacist. Michael is also a clinical assistant professor in the Center for Innovative Pharmacy Education and Research (CIPhER) at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy where he supports educational research initiatives within the School. Michael’s research focuses on creative problem-solving, curriculum change management, preceptor development, and assessment.
Jonathan Wolfson, J.D.
Principal, The Great Debate
Jonathan Wolfson is an attorney, policy advisor, author, teacher, and speaker whose career includes multiple roles in both the private and public sectors. He has been a senior executive for the United States Department of Labor, a litigation attorney at an international law firm, an adjunct faculty member at the Honors College at the University of South Florida, a policy analyst at the White House, and a debate and public speaking coach and consultant. As the author of The Great Debate, a debate textbook used by students around the globe, he has provided debate, public speaking, and organizational decision-making training to businesses, nonprofit organizations, academics, and students alike. He studied Economics at Washington University in St. Louis and later earned his law degree at the University of Virginia School of Law. He presently is General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor at the Cicero Institute, a nonpartisan think tank focused on creating entrepreneurial solutions to the most challenging public policy problems. Wolfson lives in Richmond, Va., with his wife and four children.