For Immediate Release
Contact: Maureen Thielemans, 703-739-2330, ext. 1022
The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, AACP’s flagship journal, has appointed two new associate editors. Anandi Law, Ph.D., is associate dean for assessment and professor of pharmacy practice and administration at Western University of Health Sciences College of Pharmacy in Pomona, California, where she has been since July 1999. Kyle John Wilby, Ph.D., is an associate professor for program evaluation at the College of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Wilby will join as an associate editor with an emphasis on international affairs.
In the role as associate editors, they will recruit manuscripts on teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning, solicit reviewers, initiate review of and make the final decision on manuscripts, serve as the liaison to journal taskforces, and participate in Journal meetings and activities.