Show the World Who You Are: Creating an Evidence-Based Teaching Philosophy

April 06, 2023
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Pharmacy Practice Section

Teaching philosophies are evidence-driven documents conveying your understanding of and goals for teaching and learning. It should provide evidence of teaching practices by including specific examples of in-class methods, assignments, and evaluation methods, while allowing readers to visualize you in the classroom, interacting with students and structuring learning experiences. This workshop will provide a hands-on stepwise approach to developing/revising your teaching philosophy. Faculty at any point in their career will benefit from this workshop. 


  1. Describe why an evidence-based teaching philosophy is critical to successful and reflective teaching
  2. Define the 9 key steps in developing an evidence-based teaching philosophy
  3. Develop an individualized evidence-based teaching philosophy


Pamela Moye, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP
Clinical Professor
Mercer University College of Pharmacy


Melissa Medina, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation
Director of Preparing Future Faculty
University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy

Adam Persky, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Professional Education
University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy

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