Microlearning Miniseries

AACP Resource

Bite-sized educational content for your busy day

AACP’s Microlearning Miniseries provides learners with educational content in brief (ranging from 1 to 10 minutes), accessible and engaging modalities that will improve your scholarship, leadership, and teaching.

In weekly videos shared via email to AACP members and catalogued here, you’ll hear directly from experts within the Academy address the following topics:

  • Leadership Series - Inclusive Leadership
  • Good Pedagogy Series - Improving Lectures
  • SOTL Series - Improving Educational Survey Results

Watch and learn as they are released or on-demand at your convenience.

Teacher Professional Identity

A strong teacher identity is associated with quality of teaching, career satisfaction, confidence and more. Explore the concept further with Dr. Kristin Kari Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, in this latest 4-minute installment of the AACP Microlearning Miniseries. 


  • Day C, Elliot B, Kington A. Reform, standards and teacher identity: Challenges of sustaining commitment. Teaching and Teacher Education. 2005;21(5):563-577. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2005.03.001
  • Galanti, T.M., Holincheck, N. Beyond content and curriculum in elementary classrooms: conceptualizing the cultivation of integrated STEM teacher identity. IJ STEM Ed 9, 43 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-022-00358-8
  • Hanna F, Oostdam R, Severiens SE, Bonne, Zijlstra BJH, Assessing the professional identity of primary student teachers: Design and validation of the Teacher Identity Measurement Scale, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Volume 64, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.100822
  • Hanna F, Oostdam R, Severiens SE, Zijlstra BJH. Domains of teacher identity: A review of quantitative measurement instruments. Educational Research Review. 2019;27:15-27. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2019.01.003
  • Hsieh BYC. Exploring the Complexity of Teacher Professional Identity. University of California, Berkley; 2010.
  • Jacobson, D., & Mustafa, N. (2019). Social Identity Map: A Reflexivity Tool for Practicing Explicit Positionality in Critical Qualitative Research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18. https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406919870075
  • Jue J, Ha JH. Influence of Art Therapy Students’ Art Practice on Their Professional Identity and Career Commitment. Art Therapy. 2021;38(1):13-21. doi:10.1080/07421656.2020.1743609
  • Karousiou C, Hajisoteriou C, Angelides P. Teachers’ professional identity in super-diverse school settings: teachers as agents of intercultural education. Teachers and Teaching. 2019;25(2):240-258. doi:10.1080/13540602.2018.1544121
  • Sun B, Zhu F, Lin S, Sun J, Wu Y, Xiao W. How Is Professional Identity Associated with Teacher Career Satisfaction? A Cross-Sectional Design to Test the Multiple Mediating Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Work Engagement. IJERPH. 2022;19(15):9009. doi:10.3390/ijerph19159009
  • Zhao Q. On the Role of Teachers’ Professional Identity and Well-Being in Their Professional Development. Front Psychol. 2022;13:913708. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.913708
Administrative Leadership

In this edition of our Microlearning Miniseries, deans from schools of pharmacy across the country discuss their perspectives on the important qualities that foster successful leadership.


3 Best Practices for Online Teaching

Overcome information overload, explore different learning methods and learn how to actively engage students with the 3 best practices from today’s 3.5-minute Microlearning Miniseries episode.


See One, Teach One, Research One

Inviting students as research collaborators can build their confidence in research skills, interest in academia in more. Faculty gain diverse student viewpoints and can grow their mentorship skills. 


  • Franks AM and Payakachat N. Positioning the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Squarely on the Center of the Desk. Am J Pharm Educ. 2020 Sept;84(9):8046. 
  • Kassab SE, Taylor D, and Hamdy H. Student Engagement in Health Professions Education: AMEE Guide No. 152. Med Teac. 2022;1-17.
  • McLaughlin JE, Dean MJ, Mumper RJ, Blouin RA, Roth MT. A Roadmap for Educational Research in Pharmacy. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(10):218. 


Critical Thinking

What is critical thinking? What are the "core skills" required to do it? Explore the building blocks of critical thinking, as well as common teaching and assessment methods to engage students in it, in this 3.5-minute installment of the AACP Microlearning Miniseries.

5 Steps to Build a Thinking Classroom

In this 2.5-minute installment of our Microlearning Miniseries, explore 5 steps to building a thinking classroom, and help your students develop critical thinking and the confidence to solve complex problems.

Demonstrate Real-World Applications

In this 3.5-minute installment of our Microlearning Miniseries, learn to define the levels, their types of data and how to effectively analyze each.

Survey Analysis - Levels of Measurement

In this 3.5-minute installment of our Microlearning Miniseries, learn to define the levels, their types of data and how to effectively analyze each.


5 Tips for Enhancing Group Facilitation Skills

In this 2-minute installment of AACP's Microlearning Miniseries, discover five tips to engage quiet or reluctant participators, hold unprepared learners accountable and ensure your group discussion time is effective.


Good Pedagogy: Microlearning on Microlearning

An instructional unit that provides short engagement in an activity intentionally designed to elicit a specific outcome from the participant.


  • Kapp KM, Defelice RA. Microlearning: Short and Sweet. Alexandria, VA: ATD Press, 2019.
  • De Gagne JC, Park HK, Hall K, et al. Microlearning in Health Professions Education A Scoping Review. JMIR Med Educ. 2019; 5(2): e13997.
  • https://openstax.org/blog/9-ways-use-microlearning-your-teaching
Build a Better Survey Instrument

How reliable are your survey results? If you were to administer the survey again, would you get the same results or different ones? Explore the principles behind what makes a reliable survey in this 2-minute installment of our Microlearning Miniseries.

Take Your Institution from S.M.A.R.T. to S.M.A.R.T.I.E.

How wide is your lens when creating policies, procedures and practices for your students? What does it mean to turn your "SMART" goals into "SMARTIE" goals? Dr. Sally Arif, Midwestern University, uses her own story to share inclusive leadership tips in this 6-minute installment of AACP's Microlearning Miniseries.

Educational Research: Survey Validity

Are your surveys accurately measuring what you intend them to? Ensure a valid survey by asking the face, content, construct and criterion validity questions from this new 2-minute installment of AACP's Microlearning Miniseries.


  • Bagby RM, GoldBloom DS, and Schulte FSM, The Use of Standardized Rating Scales in Clinical Practice, Ed: Goldbloom DS, Psychiatric Clinical Skills, Mosby, 2006, Pages 11-17, ISBN 9780323031233.
  • DeLellis T, Maerten-Rivera JL, Zhao Y, Noureldin M, Chen AMH,  and Park SK, Examining Validity for the Pharmacy Affective Domain Situational Judgment Test, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Apr 2023, 87 (3) ajpe8932; DOI: 10.5688/ajpe8932.
  • Dronavalli M and Thompson S. A systematic review of measurement tools of health and well-being for evaluating community-based interventions, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2015, 69. 10.1136/jech-2015-205491.
  • Fink A, Survey Research Methods, Eds: Peterson P, Baker E, McGaw B. International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), Elsevier, 2010, Pages 152-160, ISBN 9780080448947, ISSN=2296-2565.   
  • Isaac, S., & Michael, W. B. (1995). Handbook in research and evaluation: A collection of principles, methods, and strategies useful in the planning, design, and evaluation of studies in education and the behavioral sciences (3rd ed.). EdITS Publishers.
  • Tanner K, Survey designs, Eds: Williamson K and Johanson G. Research Methods (Second Edition), Chandos Publishing, 2018, Pages 159-192, ISBN 9780081022207.
  • Westen D and Rosenthal R, Quantifying construct validity: Two simple measures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 2003, 84 (3): 608-618. 
Good Pedagogy: Try an Anticipatory Set in Your Next Lecture

An anticipatory set is a brief portion at the start of a lesson to get a student's attention, activate prior knowledge and prepare them for learning. What are 5 ideas to apply them to pharmacy education? Explore in this 2-minute, "Good Pedagogy" installment of the Microlearning Miniseries.


Inclusive Leadership with Dr. Miriam Purnell (Part 2)

You learned the concepts behind inclusive leadership in Part 1, but what do they look like in practice? Dr. Miriam Purnell of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore discusses inclusive leadership in practice in this 7-minute episode.

Tips for Developing an Educational Survey Instrument

What are the best practices for developing your educational research survey instrument? Explore seven steps to improve your educational research in this three-minute installment. 


  • Artino AR, La Rochelle JS, Dezee K, Gehlbach H. Developing questionnaires for educational research: AMEE Guide No. 87. Medical Teacher. 2014; 36: 463-474.
  • Gehlbach H, Artino A, Durning S. AM last page: Survey development guidance for medical education researchers. Academic Medicine. 2010; 85: 925.
  • Cor MK. Trust me, it is valid: Research validity in pharmacy education research. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching & Learning. 2016; 8: 391-400.
  • Wolcott MD, Lobczowski NG. Using cognitive interviews and think-aloud protocols to understand thought process. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching & Learning. 2021; 13: 181-188.
Inclusive Leadership with Dr. Miriam Purnell (Part 1)

What are the biggest challenges to incorporating inclusivity and what strategies can overcome them? Dr. Miriam Purnell, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, shares advice on inclusive leadership in the next of AACP's Microlearning Miniseries.

5 Tips to Make Learning Stick

Explore the “forgetting curve” and how to make learning stick with these five tips. How will you apply them to your next lecture?


  • Murre JMJ, Dros J (2015) Replication and Analysis of Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0120644. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0120644
  • Brown P, Roediger H, McDaniel M. Make It Stick: The Science Behind Successful Learning. Cambridge: Belknap Press; 2014.

Updates will be made periodically.