Council of Faculties Volunteer Opportunities

AACP Resource

Volunteer Opportunities

The Council Of Faculties is seeking motivated and committed volunteers to serve on COF Committees for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Service will begin during the COF Business Meeting at the AACP Annual Meeting (July 2025) and conclude when the charges have been completed.  Attendance at the AACP Annual Meeting is not required, merely encouraged. DEADLINE EXTENTED:  Please complete the Call for Volunteers online form by Friday, June 7.

Faculty Affairs Standing Committee
Joint with COD

There may be new standards that could potentially move academic pharmacy and the pharmacy profession forward. Likewise there may be collaborative efforts amongst pharmacy school programs and with AACP (and other associations) to address standards that could be considered 


  1. Review Standards 2025 and identify opportunities to advance academic pharmacy education to prepare graduates for advancements in pharmacists’ scope of practice and to ensure program quality.
    1. For example, Appendix 1 content regarding diagnosis
    2. For example, Standard 1.4.c evaluation of administrators 
    3. For example, the areas which ACPE will have accredited schools submit a report of compliance on after the standards are finalized in June 2024
  2. Obtain input from the academy via coffee chats or other mechanisms on proposed ideas.
  3. Submit a proposal for the Interim Meeting February 2025 by August 16, 2024.


Programming as outlined above. Committee members will provide interim and final reports on their progress on developing this programming and outline any relevant resources on the topic that they discover in their work, so that these materials could be posted to COF and COD Connect Community libraries. 
Members will produce a white paper on their ideas.

Teachers Seminar Committee
Back to the New Basics


  1. Select the topics within the theme of back to the new basics and design and develop the learning objectives, and instructional methods for the annual Teacher's Seminar to be held as a pre-meeting program prior to the 2025 AACP Annual Meeting, including recommendations for ways to offer touchpoints throughout the year in addition to the in-person day associated with the Annual Meeting. Offer educational programming that models state of the art, innovative, contemporary teaching and learning methods.
  2. Assist AACP staff to identify speakers and provide feedback to the program faculty during the development of the program materials. 
  3. Conduct a post-program evaluation and provide recommendations for future programs.


Learning objectives, speakers, and format for the pre-conference teacher’s seminar; suggested plan for continued touchpoints throughout the year (e.g. webinars, connect posts, etc)

Rules and Resolutions Committee


  1. Review standing rules and procedures and suggest any modifications that are deemed necessary. Review resolutions submitted by individual(s) or committees/task forces within the Council of Faculties. Committee is also encouraged to review recent resolutions that have been addressed by AACP and determine need to submit new resolution(s) for July 2025 AACP Annual Meeting to address issues directly impacting COF. 
  2. Once the ACPE Standards are finalized, consider a resolution to address curricular overload from the perspective of accreditation standards.
  3. Collaborate with the Academic Affairs Committee on a resolution related to competency-based pharmacy education.
  4. Review the 2023-2024 final report of the Rules and Resolutions Committee to determine if any other recommended topic should be considered for resolutions
  5. Plan to present topics being considered for resolutions for discussion at the Council of Faculties Forum at the 2025 interim meeting.


Present any resolutions developed for discussion by COF membership and report on final draft of the written process for generating new proposals.

Emerging Teaching Scholars Award Committee


Review award applications and recommend to the COF Administrative Board up to 5 individuals who are worthy of the Emerging Teaching Scholar Award. Identify speakers/panel members for webinars/coffee chats to provide interested COF members with guidance on preparing quality applications. Update/revise the Emerging Teaching Scholar Award scoring rubric to allow for better differentiation between candidates (if necessary). Develop marketing/communications campaign to increase the number of applicants (if necessary). 


Identify speakers for webinar (or coffee chat), update/revise rubric if needed, select emerging teaching scholars.

Quorum Committee


Work with AACP staff to determine if a quorum has been met during the COF Annual Business Meeting using the online check-in system
NOTE: Volunteers on this committee are required to attend the 2025 AACP Annual Meeting in-person


Report of quorum at the COF Annual Business meeting

Nominating Committee


Solicit and develop a well-qualified slate with at least 2 candidates for the COF election to be held Nov 2025 for each the following COF offices: Chair-elect and Secretary of Knowledge Management. Identify and nominate qualified candidates for the following AACP Offices: President-elect, Treasurer, and Speaker of the House.


Slate candidates for COF offices

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Committee


  1. Evaluate the usefulness of Dear Ernie program to support SOTL across the academy. Program goal originally was: The committee will work to standardize responses to questions posed to maintain quality of information on SOTL provided to membership. Reach out to the editorial staff at AJPE to see if there is a process to establish where they supply topics.
  2. Twice a year update resource library for SOTL and identify best place for hyperlink(s) to the library to make it easier for members to find.
  3. Review grant proposals and select final recipients to be awarded funding. Update/revise the scoring rubric (if necessary). Develop marketing/communications campaign to increase the number of applicants (if necessary).

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grants (SOTL) sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), provide research funding for active members of AACP who are engaging or would like to engage in educational research. The call for proposals will go out in the Fall 2024. We may seek additional volunteers to review the proposals in January to February 2025.  


Finalize recipients of SOTL grants. Continue to support “Dear Ernie” program for supporting SOTL projects across the academy. 
Update resource library for SOTL and make it easier for members to find.

Department Chairs Connect Community Leadership Group


  1. Topics for consideration this year include please pick at least 2:
    1. Strategies to help faculty balance workload and productivity
    2. Inclusive hiring practices
    3. Assisting faculty to create higher quality development plans
    4. Roles and responsibilities for vice chairs
    5. Mid-career faculty and AACP: Are we capturing the junior faculty SIG members in COF once they age out of that group?
  2. Organize and offer periodic webinars or Connect coffee chats on the topics listed above in #1.

Members of the community leadership group can either plan and execute the presentations and chats or identify appropriate speakers.  

Select a topic from bullet 1 above and present at Interim during a 60 minute session. This session should be opportunity for chair development and include active learning/ discussion which may result in a shared resource for chair community. (The group can, but does not need to, present on the topic.  A speaker can be identified and invited to present.)

Host a networking session at the interim meeting


Committee members will offer Webinars (or Coffee Chats), engage in Leadership Connect Community or larger COF community, and plan a Networking session and presentation at the Interim meeting. 

Junior Faculty Connect Community Leadership Group


The community leadership group is responsible for submitting a minimum of one formal proposal for a platform presentation at the AACP Annual Meeting in July 2025. Community leadership will also coordinate development of a minimum of two webinars and/or Coffee Chats (Fall 2024/Spring 2025) and monthly postings to AACP Connect to stimulate group discussion. One of the programs should address:

  • What does support and workplace wellness look like for junior faculty?

Members of the community leadership group are not expected to provide all of these programs, rather they are responsible for coordinating their development and implementation.


Submit at least one formal proposal for a program at the AACP Annual Meeting. and, offer periodic webinar or coffee chats as outlined above.
All formal submissions will still will be subject to review and acceptance

Curriculum Committee Chair Learning Community


  1. In collaboration with leaders in the Biology, Pharmaceutics, Chemistry, and drug information experts (Library Sciences) sections along with the curriculum SIG, explore and curate available resources (ie. build a global framework) for identifying critical and essential curricular content for what a pharmacist needs to know in the foundational sciences. This work should be shared widely at coffee chats and submitted for AACP Annual Meeting 2025.
  2. Check alignment of new science framework/toolkit with NAPLEX content blueprint.
  3. Create a dissemination plan for the toolkit.


Coordinate at least two coffee chat/webinars and/or submit at least one formal proposal for a program at the AACP Annual Meeting as outlined above.
In collaboration with representatives from other sections as outlined above, curate relevant resources for standardizing curricular content for the foundational sciences.

Task Force on Staff Involvement in AACP


  1. Conduct a needs analysis to determine the needs of professional staff in pharmacy academy and how AACP or other pharmacy organizations can meet these needs. Additionally, evaluate if and how professional staff would like to be more engaged in AACP. 
  2. Connect with AFO SIG and Administrative Services Section leadership to determine what works well for their group within the structure and function of AACP


A white paper or report on what staff need in order to be members of and participate in AACP

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