Unstick Yourself: Using the SCARF Model to Harness Threat Responses

November 08, 2023
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Well-Being and Resiliency Community

Relationships guide our wellbeing. Our relationships with others lower stress and improve wellbeing. Reducing our natural threat response is key. Studies show each daily positive interaction helps return our cardiovascular system to resting levels, and overall, protects us from negative effects, such as burnout. Whether direct interactions or mediating conflicts between others, managing our emotions and our behaviors when faced with threat response are our best strategies.


  • Describe the SCARF model biological foundation, of approach or avoid response,
  • Compare and contrast typical default reactions and identify other responses to use 
  • Develop an action plan to build more adaptability of individual and team behaviors in responding to workplace threats. 

Moderator and Speaker:

Seena Haines
Professor of Pharmacy Practice; Director of Professional Wellbeing and Belonging
University of Mississippi


Sue Stein
Professor Emeritus
Pacific University

Jeff Cain
Associate Professor; Director of Office of Teaching Innovation & Scholarship; Vice-Chair, Pharmacy Practice and Science
University of Kentucky

Jenny Van Amburgh
Clinical Professor; Assistant Dean Academic Affairs, Department of Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences; School Leadership Team, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Northeastern University

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