National Pharmacist Workforce Study: Request Process

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Request Process

Members of the Midwest Pharmacy Workforce Research Consortium involved in conducting the National Pharmacist Workforce Study are excited to collaborate with you or your organization regarding pharmacy workforce data and research. 

Collaboration Projects & Invited Speakers

If you are interested in collaborating on a research project or are searching for invited speakers, presenters, discussion facilitators, or experts in pharmacy workforce, please contact the principal investigators of the most recent NPWS report (see Table below). 

Survey Questions and Data 

If you are interested in requesting NPWS survey questions or data, please submit a brief proposal to the principal investigators of the NPWS associated with your request (see Table below). Depending on the nature or scope of the request and the investigator time required to accomplish the request, a fee may be required. The proposal should include and should address the following: 

  • Requester’s name, credentials, title, and organization. 
  • A brief description of the intended purpose or use for the survey items and/or data. 
  • A brief description or list of the survey items or data variables of interest. 
  • The funding source(s) and intended plans for publication (if any). 
  • Attestation that the NPWS research team and PWC will be appropriately acknowledged and cited in any presentations, publications, or interviews that utilize survey items or data received. 
    • NPWS survey items derived from previously published literature will also be appropriately acknowledged and cited. 
  • A timeline for when survey items or data is needed. 
NPWS YearPrincipal InvestigatorCo-Principal Investigator
2024David Mott, PhD
Professor, University of Wisconsin
Brianne Bakken, PharmD, MHA
Associate Professor, University of Iowa
2022David Mott, PhD
Professor, University of Wisconsin
2019William (Bill) Doucette, PhD
Professor, University of Iowa
Matthew Witry, PharmD, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Iowa
2014Caroline Gaither, PhD
Professor, University of Minnesota
Jon Schommer, PhD
Professor, University of Minnesota
2009Jon Schommer, PhD
Professor, University of Minnesota
2004David Mott, PhD
Professor, University of Wisconsin