A spotlight on pharmacy closures affecting communities across the United States.
Know of a pharmacy that recently closed and isn't on the map? Send us the pharmacy name and address at our email: aacpcenter@aacp.org
Pharmacies are often the most accessible point of healthcare in a community, and the alarming rate at which both corporate and independent pharmacies are closing poses a grave public health risk. This map from the ACT Pharmacy Collaborative highlights only a fraction of these closures across the country, providing media stories where available about how each closure is affecting local communities.
Pharmacists are patient care providers and medication experts, and community pharmacies often serve as the “front door to health” for communities nationwide. When community pharmacies close, patients lose access to their crucial—and sometimes only—healthcare provider.
Explore closure stories in the media by clicking dots on the map or navigating to the states below. You can also toggle on different map layers my selecting the expand menu icon in the upper left corner of the map.
Check out this related resource on pharmacy closures in the U.S., led by Lucas Berenbrok, PharmD and supported by the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy and Department of Geology and Environmental Science, in collaboration with APhA: Mapping U.S. Pharmacy Closures