Coping with Constant Connectivity

March 13, 2025
Noon–1:00 p.m. ET

Strategies to Create Better Work-Life Boundaries

Hosted by the Well-Being and Resiliency Community

While digital connectivity can provide flexible work schedules and environments, it can also be an obstacle for adequate separation of work and non-work. Effective boundary management is a key factor for well-being and employee engagement. Identifying your personal work-life boundary management style can provide insights to promote work-life balance. We will discuss how individuals can incorporate strategies to promote boundary management and how organizations can support their employees’ boundary management styles though leadership and culture change.


  • Describe how boundary management is a key factor for well-being and employee engagement. 
  • Identify work-life boundary management styles.
  • List steps individuals can take to improve boundary management.
  • Describe strategies administrators can implement to promote better boundary control.


Michelle L. Hilaire, PharmD
Vice Provost-Undergraduate Education
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice
University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy


Kathy E. Komperda, PharmD, BCPS
Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Midwestern University College of Pharmacy – Downers Grove Campus

Susan Morley, Pharm.D., MS, MBA 
Senior Instructor I
College of Pharmacy
Oregon State University | Oregon Health & Science University

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