A Dose of Reality: Strategies for Managing Challenging Preceptor Situations

November 14, 2024
3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Experiential Education Section.  

The 2024-2025 EE Section Webinar committee offers three EE related webinars. This first webinar of the series will address challenges encountered by EE administrators when working with sites and preceptors.

Preceptors want development concerning working with challenging students; but are EE administrators equipped to navigate difficult preceptor scenarios? This highly interactive webinar will harness the wisdom and experiences of attendees to identify, discuss, and address challenges related to Experiential Education interactions with preceptors. Participants will emerge with several potential solutions to various problems encountered while partnering with preceptors.

The panelists would like to collect some information before the day of the session. If possible, please fill out this pre-survey: https://midwesterncop.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cx2982Su8BST4dU


  • Describe preceptor challenges experienced as they relate to communication, role modeling, and commitment to student development. 
  • Discuss approaches used to address preceptor problems.
  • Create an implementation plan using one or more discussed solutions for addressing preceptor challenges.


Janel Soucie, PharmD
Instructional Associate Professor, Office of Experiential Programs Regional Coordinator
University of Florida


Melissa Mattison, PharmD, CDCES
Clinical Professor, Asst Dean of Experiential Affairs
Western New England University

Lisa Kipper, PharmD
Director of Experiential Education, Assistant Professor
Marshall B Ketchum University

Lisa Vandervoort
Instructional Associate Professor, Office of Experiential Programs Regional Coordinator
University of Florida

Suzanne Larson, PharmD
Director of Experiential Education
Midwestern University, Glendale AZ Campus

Kate Cozart, MEd, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, BCACP
Clinical Pharmacist, PGY1 Residency Program Director, Preceptor
VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System

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