Guided Grant Writing for Pharmacy Faculty

February 03, 2025
September 30, 2025


grand writing

A Grant Writing Program for Pharmacy Faculty, Developed by Pharmacy Faculty

Registration for the Guided Grant Writing Program Research Track is now closed. Information about future programs will be posted here when available.

This virtual longitudinal program is designed for pharmacy faculty who are ready to begin preparing to submit their first large research or research career development grant proposal. Over an 8-month period, from February to September 2025, participants will prepare their proposal with expert and peer support, guided by learning modules and grant-writing examples from pharmacy faculty. The goal of the program is for participants to have a grant application ready for submission to their funder of choice at completion of the program. Pharmacy faculty in any discipline who are engaged in research but have not yet been awarded a significant external award (e.g., an NIH R01) are invited to participate in the program. You do not need to be an AACP member to participate in the program.

The focus of the Guided Grant Writing for Pharmacy Faculty program is development and construction of a well-organized, cohesive research proposal over the course of the program. Facilitators and peers will provide advice, feedback and support on grant writing and organization. Participants additionally must identify readers, collaborators and/or mentors from their research team to provide guidance for the scientific aspects of their proposal. 

Program Objective

  1. Reflect on the most appropriate funding opportunity for your research or career development project.
  2. Develop compelling specific aims for your project. 
  3. Construct a well-organized research narrative, including aims, significance and innovation, and approach, for your project. 
  4. Write a cohesive research proposal that meets the requirements for your funding opportunity of choice. 

What Is Unique About This Program

The Guided Grant Writing for Pharmacy Faculty Program was developed by pharmacy faculty, for pharmacy faculty. Conceived and designed by the 2023–2024 AACP Research and Graduate Affairs Committee to be responsive to the needs of pharmacy faculty. Learning modules for the program were created by pharmacy faculty leveraging their own experience in grant writing and review. Sample materials drawn from successful grant proposals donated by pharmacy faculty provide the foundation for lessons and active learning throughout the program, and pharmacy faculty with established records of successful grant writing and grant review have been recruited as program facilitators. The program is open to faculty in all disciplines. AACP particularly encourages participation by pharmacy practice faculty seeking to elevate their research careers.

Program Highlights

  • Structured guidance on preparing and writing a research proposal 
  • Asynchronous modules with active learning and discussion boards on AACP Learn, covering fundamental topics in grant writing, including Understanding NIH Processes, Specific Aims, Significance and Innovation, Rigor and Feasibility, and Career Development Plans 
  • Monthly small group grant clinics with an expert facilitator to review module content, track progress on proposal preparation, and provide advice and feedback on proposal writing 
  • Expert facilitator review and feedback on the first substantial draft of participants’ research proposal in Summer 2025 
  • Monthly check-ins and peer writing sessions to support program participants in meeting writing goals and completion of a proposal for submission in Fall 2025 
  • Course content and sample materials focused on the pharmacy context and drawn from successful grant submissions and experiences from pharmacy faculty

There will also be an in-person grant workshop at the AACP annual meeting in July 2025, optional for program attendees, with a separate registration fee. More information on the workshop will be available in Spring 2025.

Registration Fee

The registration fee is $1300 (early bird, up to December 16, 2024) and $1500 (after December 16, 2024) for the 8-month longitudinal program. Registration closes on January 15, 2025. 

Nomination and Registration Process

Participants will be admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Participants must have the support of and be nominated by their CEO Dean or Department Chair, given the time commitment of preparing a well-constructed and convincing research proposal. There are no application packet or letters needed, however, nominators must complete a form outlining the participant’s interest in the program. Participants should have a research project ready to be written up, scientific reader(s), collaborator(s) or mentor(s) identified, and a target funding agency or foundation in mind before applying to the program. Submitting a name does not guarantee you a spot. You will be sent an email with a link to officially register for the program and to secure your spot within 7-10 days. 

Important Dates

Early bird registration ends December 16, 2024. Nominations are due by Wednesday, January 15, 2025.