Innovative Practices in Holistic PharmD Admissions Processes

June 03, 2025
2:00 p.m.-3 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Student Services SIG

PharmD programs remain focused on the admission of qualified candidates, capable of achieving academic ad professional success. Accomplishing this goal requires programs to assess the breadth and depth of candidate experiences in a holistic process. This webinar will provide insight on holistic elements of admissions processes and DEAI enhancement.


  • Describe your institutional structure for PharmD Admissions
  • Describe how you identify students who would benefit from holistic support in your admissions process
  • Describe any measures that have not worked well with a focus toward enhancing DEAI


Steven J. Crosby, MA, BSP, RPh, FASCP, FCP
Associate Dean of Student Engagement and Success, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Jennifer C. Miller, PharmD
Director of Co-Curriculum, Assistant Professor
Washington State University


Molly Minze, PharmD, FCCP, BCACP
Associate Dean, Student Affairs & Admissions, Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice
Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy

Duc Do, PhD
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
University of Georgia College of Pharmacy

Kathy Grams, PharmD, BSP, BCGP
Director of the Non-Traditional Doctor of Pharmacy Pathway, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

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