PharmON FAQs

The Pharmacy Opportunity Network (PharmON) was established collaboratively by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) and the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) in 2022 to provide a diverse array of corporations, associations and other entities one national career center to promote internships, fellowships and other experiential learning opportunities to current PharmD students, residents, fellows, and graduate students, as well as practicing pharmacists that might be interested in exploring new career paths. The co-sponsors share the commitment to enable current and future pharmacists to explore the myriad career pathways that exist today and will emerge in the future.

This page will provide answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you are unable to find an answer, please contact Tom Maggio, AACP's Manager of Public Affairs and Engagement.

Where/how can a prospective intern host or candidate access the Network?

Both opportunity providers and opportunity seekers can access PharmON via this link:

How long are these positions and are they only available in the summer months?

The length of each experience is up to the host entity and, while many internships are traditionally available for 10 to 12 weeks in the May to August timeframe, the co-sponsors encourage host companies to think about flexible experiential learning opportunities. This is especially important for learners in 3-calendar year PharmD programs as they are in class or on rotations in the summer months. Longitudinal experiences, most likely offered in virtual or remote models, could last a full semester or even longer depending on the needs of the host entity. Nontraditional Advance Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs), which can also be promoted on the Network, typically are 4 to 6 weeks in length.

Is there a cost for posting a position?

Yes, host entities will pay $199 per 30-day posting for their available positions. This covers the costs of the PharmON vendor. Net revenues from the Network will allow AFPE to expand the number of awards in support of research by PharmD and graduate students as well as pharmacy faculty.

How do I post a job?

To post a job you must be a registered user and be logged in to your account. Accounts on the PharmON are free to create. 

Once logged in, hosts can click on the “Post an opportunity” link, which brings you to the “Post/Create an Opportunity” page. Choose the type of posting you wish to purchase and scroll down to enter your posting details.

Please be sure to fill in all required fields marked with a red *. All other fields are not required; however, we do recommend you provide as much information as possible to the job seekers. When you have entered all the information you can preview and post your opportunity.

How do I renew a posting?

You can begin renewing your posting up to 4 days before it is about to expire and up to 4 days after it expires. To renew a posting, login to your employer account and click on the “My Opportunities” tab. Here you will see the name of your position and to the right an icon with the heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Renew link.

What payment options do I have?

We offer a variety of payment options. You will be prompted with available options after you create the posting and click on “Post an opportunity” button which will direct you to the final payment page.

How do I edit my currently posted job?

To edit a currently posted job, log in to your employer account and click on the “My Jobs” tab. Here you will see the name(s) of your position(s) listed and to the right an icon with the heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Edit link.

How long does it take for my job posting to be searchable by job seekers?

The job postings may take up to an hour to become viewable on the career site by job seekers. Please note that you may not be able to search for your position by all possible search terms immediately after the posting goes live, as it can take up to 24 hours for all the possible keyword combinations to be entered into our search system.

Is the information I enter protected?

Absolutely. Our vendor’s Privacy Statement clearly states that we will not sell your contact information to third parties for the purpose of marketing directly to you.

Can I upload my resume to my PharmON account?

Yes! Click on the Resumes/Letters tab and you should see a button towards the bottom of the page that says Upload a Document. Click on this button to upload your resume to your account.

What types of files does the website accept if I want to upload my resume?

Currently PharmON accepts either Word documents (.doc) or PDF documents (.pdf).

What if I don’t have a document to upload? Can I build a resume online?

Yes! Click on the Resumes/Letters tab and you will see a button towards the bottom of the page that says Build Online. Click on this button to build your resume online.

What is my resume used for the PharmON?

Your anonymous resume gets listed in the resume bank for employers to view. They will see everything you put in except for your name and contact information. When an employer reviews your anonymous resume and decides they want to consider you for an opportunity, they will construct an overview that will be emailed to you and placed in the "My Contact Requests" section of your account. You will be able to review these opportunities and decide whether you want to be considered for the position. You can also use your resume to apply for job postings currently posted on the job board that have the Allow Online Applications button enabled.

Is my information listed anonymously?

Yes. Employers will be able to review all the information you decide to include in your career profile except for your name and contact information. If you are concerned your current employer may come across your PharmON posting, there are ways that you can further disguise yourself. Examples of limiting your information in your career profile may be using a short phrase that describes your job instead of the name of your company ("small pharmaceutical company"). Another way to limit information may be to list the county your current company is in rather than listing the town. Tactics like this may help you further protect your anonymity.

Does my resume have to be listed in the resume bank?

No. It is not required that you have your anonymous resume listed in the resume bank, you can simply use it to apply online for opportunities if you wish. Though listing your anonymous resume in the resume bank will give you increased exposure to find your perfect position.

How can I search for opportunities?

You can search through the currently posted opportunities by clicking on the Opportunity Search tab at the top of the page. Here you will be able to search by Keyword, location, industry, or job function; or a combination of the four opportunity search options.

Can I sort the opportunities by date?

Yes! At the top of the column of dates, you will see the word “Posted” clicking on the word “Posted” will change how the job postings are sorted. Opportunities are initially sorted by the most recent positions listed at the top and they get older as you go down the list.

Can I save an opportunity to my account?

Yes! When you pull up an opportunity to view its full description you will see a button at the top of the posting that will say Save Opportunity. Clicking on this button will save it to your account. To retrieve the posting once it has been saved click on the My Account tab, here you will see a section labeled My Saved Opportunities, all the opportunities you have saved will be listed in this section.

Can I save my PharmON search?

Yes! Once you do a search either by keyword, location, industry or function you will be able to save this search criteria by clicking on the Save this Search link at the top of the page. This will allow you to save your search for future use and will also allow you to name it so that you can easily reference the search in case you have multiple saved searches. Once you are ready to pull up a saved search you will want to login to your account and click on the Opportunity Search tab. Here you will see a new tab at the top of the page that says Saved Searches. Click on this tab to bring up a list of the searches you currently have saved.

Can I search the postings by city?

There is no way to search the postings just by city, you can however search the postings by state and then do a keyword search for the city.

What is an Opportunity Alert?

An Opportunity Alert is an automated search that will search the most recent postings on the PharmON, when it finds postings that match the criteria you set it will send you an email alerting you of these opportunities. This is a great tool to use as it does not require you to visit the PharmON every day to check on the new opportunities that have been posted, instead the postings will be sent straight to you!

How do I create an Opportunity Alert?

Once logged into your account, click on the Opportunities Alerts tab. Here you will be able to select the criteria you wish your Opportunity Agent to search for. The broader your criteria the more postings you are going to receive each day or week depending on your delivery preference. When creating an alert, you will have the ability to select the Function, Location, and Industry you wish for your Opportunity Agent to search for.

Can I start and stop an Opportunity Alert?

Yes! When you click on the Opportunity Alert tab you will notice the name of the alert will be listed and towards the right three links, stop, update, and delete. Stopping the alert will put it on hold so that you do not receive any more emails. Updating the alert will allow you to update the criteria you previously selected. Deleting the alert will delete it completely from your account.

Can I edit my account settings such as my email address or name?

Yes! Once you log in to your Opportunity Seeker account and click on the My Account tab you will see a section labeled Quick Links. Under this section will be a link that says Edit Account Settings. Clicking on this link will allow you to change information such as your email address, name, or password.