Co-curricular Opportunities in Rural Education

March 12, 2025
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by the Public Health SIG

Program directors from five colleges of pharmacy will share their rural health education and co-curricular approaches to delivering rural pharmacy education. Each presenter will describe their program’s unique activities that prepare students for rural rotations and graduates for the challenges encountered in rural pharmacy practice. After this session, participants will leave with a template for implementing didactic, experiential, and co-curricular strategies blending active-learning and interprofessional models meeting ACPE Standards 3, 10, and 11.


  • Compare and contrast the curricular overview of five rural health programs to map how their objectives and activities address ACPE Standards 3, 10, and 11.
  • Articulate instructional delivery and assessment options for providing social determinants of health, cultural competency, and advocacy training within rural health programs
  • Apply curriculum mapping concepts to describe current learning activities and lessons used in the rural health programs to the key elements of Standard 3, 10, and 11.


Tyler C. Melton
Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Rural Health Program
University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy

Stephanie Kiser
Executive Director of the Rural Pharmacy Health Initiative and Professor of Practice
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Heidi Olson
Director, Rural Pharmacy Education (RPHARM) Program; Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy

Megan Undeberg
Director of Rural Health Education, Clinical Associate Professor
Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Elizabeth Hall-Lipsy
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Assessment; Associate Professor of Practice
University of Arizona, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy


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