Past Webinars

People meeting in an open space.

Regular Webinars

Webinar recordings and slides hosted in the past months may be viewed on AACP Connect. To access archived webinars prior to 2018 please contact Tom Maggio, Associate Director of Public Affairs. You must specify the title and date of the webinar recording you would like to access.

Continuing Education (CE) Webinars

AACP offers a variety of Continuing Education webinars. AACP Members can view past CE Webinars on AACP Connect, and then claim the corresponding CE credit by following the instructions provided. Non-members, for a fee, may view/claim credit for past webinars on Learning Express. Direct links for both members/non-members, as well as webinar-specific information and instructions, can be found on their respective event pages.

Please contact Tom Maggio, AACP's Public Affairs and Engagement Coordinator, with any questions related to CE Webinars.

Use the drop-down filter option below to choose between Regular Webinars, Continuing Education Webinars, and Sponsored Webinars.

Webinar Archives

May 6, 2021
Regular Webinar
This webinar aims to describe alternative methods for performing impactful research in the pediatric population with a focus on how an early career faculty member can get involved in these research efforts.
May 5, 2021
Regular Webinar
Attendees will leave with systemic strategies for the design and implementation of active learning customizable to their home institution.
May 4, 2021
Regular Webinar
In this webinar, YMC will introduce you to the unique characteristics of Zoomers, discuss proven digital recruitment strategies, and provide tips for getting new digital strategies started at your institution.
April 30, 2021
Regular Webinar
The inaugural winners of the “Biological Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award” will describe their innovative teaching approaches focused on a city-wide science festival and a Comprehensive Reinforcement (CoRe) process for didactic courses
April 29, 2021
Regular Webinar
This webinar will present authentic case scenarios highlighting social and human resource elements with a focus on the complexities surrounding the LGBTQ+ acronym.
April 27, 2021
Regular Webinar
This webinar will discuss how graduate students (PhD/MS) in pharmaceutical sciences can cope with life changes and life transitions during uncertain times.
April 26, 2021
Regular Webinar
This webinar will describe the concepts of inequity and social injustice, discuss the intersection of social injustice and health disparities and engage participants on discussion of the initiatives within other Colleges/Schools of Pharmacy
April 22, 2021
Regular Webinar
This webinar will explain the multidisciplinary nature of medicinal chemistry in an industry setting. Soft skills that graduate students should possess upon seeking employment will also be discussed.
April 21, 2021
Regular Webinar
This session will compare two Big Ten Schools’ approaches and experiences with remote remediation. The goal is to stimulate good discussion and to share best practices.
April 20, 2021
CE Webinar
This webinar will be focused on describing how both medical and recreational use of cannabis has increased. It will provide information on the medicinal chemistry, pharmacological, and therapeutic application of cannabis for many