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Recent Updates

Dear Colleagues:

I trust your holidays were warm and the new year has gotten off to an excellent start! Virtually ...

Student pharmacists are developing business acumen, tapping into their creativity and demonstrating innovative thinking as they hone their entrepreneurial skills ...

Auburn Doctoral Student Earns University’s First R36 Grant

Tessa Hastings is the first Auburn University student to be awarded a ...

Pharmacists are key to communicating the risk of Achilles tendon rupture from statin use.

By Emily Jacobs

One adverse drug ...

Educators are seeing growing enthusiasm among students in schools embracing emerging technologies significant to the future of pharmacy education.

By ...

Museum exhibits improve social pharmacy skills of college students, ignite public knowledge and allow all ages to explore pharmacy up ...

Dear Colleagues:

American Pharmacists Month is now in the rearview mirror for 2018, but our work to help the American ...

The recently launched Pharmacists For Healthier Lives campaign will promote the message that pharmacists are fully qualified, capable and willing to positively impact patients’ health.

Past recipients of AACP’s New Investigator Award reflect on the doors that opened thanks to the research grant.

By Kirsten ...

Pharmacy faculty representing many disciplines took on a writing challenge that sparked conversations about the process and helped them inspire ...

The University at Buffalo research study could advance the development of personalized medicine for high-risk kidney transplant patients across the ...

AFPE scholarships help close funding gaps for student pharmacists who want to strengthen their clinical skills and participate in faculty-mentored ...