Criteria for Roundtable Topics

Pharmacy Education 2025


(Does the proposal present new ideas, concepts, or approaches? Does it offer new perspectives for a roundtable discussion?)

  • Score 0: The proposal lacks originality, rehashing widely known ideas/concepts. It offers little to no new perspectives for discussion.
  • Score 1: The proposal mostly reiterates familiar ideas, concepts, or approaches, offering limited originality. It may introduce new perspectives for the discussion.
  • Score 2: The proposal presents original ideas, concepts, or approaches. It offers new perspectives that might enhance the roundtable discussion.
  • Score 3: The proposal introduces highly original ideas, concepts, or approaches. It offers thought-provoking, new perspectives that will significantly enhance the roundtable discussion. 


(Is the topic area applicable to one or more academic pharmacy constituents? Will the information aid attendees in their academic activities?)

  • Score 0: The proposed information is not clearly applicable to any academic pharmacy constituent group and how it will aid participants in their academic activities is unclear.
  • Score 1: The proposal topic is applicable to limited academic pharmacy constituents  but how it will aid participants in their academic activities is unclear.
  • Score 2: The proposal topic is applicable to limited academic pharmacy constituent groups but will aid participants in their academic activities
  • Score 3: The proposal topic is broadly applicable to academic pharmacy constituent groups and will aid participants in their academic activities.


(Do the objectives indicate information the participants will reasonably take away from the discussion?)

  • Score 0: The objectives do not indicate what information the participants will take away from the discussion.
  • Score 1: The objectives are not clearly connected to the description of the discussion.
  • Score 2: The objectives partially indicate what information the participants will take away from the discussion. 
  • Score 3: The objectives clearly indicate what information the participants will reasonably be able to take away from the discussion.