Digital Recruitment Strategies That Work!

May 04, 2021
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by AACP

Generation-Z has never known a time without the internet—they're digital natives. Why not meet them where they already are? In this webinar, YMC will introduce you to the unique characteristics of Zoomers, discuss proven digital recruitment strategies, and provide tips for getting new digital strategies started at your institution.


  1. Learn about what makes Gen-Z different + how these differences should inform digital recruitment efforts.
  2. Obtain tips + tricks for engaging with prospective students using proven digital strategies.
  3. Develop a plan to get new digital recruitment strategies off the ground.


Rosie Walker
Director of Recruitment and Diversity
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy


Emily Price
Digital Marketing Director
Youth Marketing Connection