Past Webinars

People meeting in an open space.

Regular Webinars

Webinar recordings and slides hosted in the past months may be viewed on AACP Connect. To access archived webinars prior to 2018 please contact Tom Maggio, Associate Director of Public Affairs. You must specify the title and date of the webinar recording you would like to access.

Continuing Education (CE) Webinars

AACP offers a variety of Continuing Education webinars. AACP Members can view past CE Webinars on AACP Connect, and then claim the corresponding CE credit by following the instructions provided. Non-members, for a fee, may view/claim credit for past webinars on Learning Express. Direct links for both members/non-members, as well as webinar-specific information and instructions, can be found on their respective event pages.

Please contact Tom Maggio, AACP's Public Affairs and Engagement Coordinator, with any questions related to CE Webinars.

Use the drop-down filter option below to choose between Regular Webinars, Continuing Education Webinars, and Sponsored Webinars.

Webinar Archives

February 19, 2024
Regular Webinar
This webinar delves into the fundamentals of AI in and implications to pharmacy education, providing a understanding of its importance and future considerations. Through practical examples, we showcase how AI tools can be applied in the
February 6, 2024
Sponsored Webinar
Early identification of struggling pharmacy students is crucial for cultivating academic success, mental well-being, and professional development in Schools of Pharmacy. Timely intervention is key to improving retention rates by promptly
January 30, 2024
CE Webinar
This webinar will discuss the interpersonal and cross-departmental challenges associated with curricular innovation and integration. The Academy has seen significant evidence of the benefits of the final product of curricular change
January 16, 2024
Regular Webinar
Pharmacy educators frequently struggle in the assessment of course interventions. This session will summarize the literature on approaches to assess course interventions and provide a framework for such assessments
January 11, 2024
Regular Webinar
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. Educators worldwide are seeking ways to incorporate AI into their teaching methodologies, including pharmacy education. This webinar specifically focuses on
January 10, 2024
Regular Webinar
If you have ever found yourself lost during the promotion and tenure process, you are not alone. Attendees will receive tips on navigating the promotion and tenure process, being intentional with your time and effort for promotable
December 13, 2023
Regular Webinar
This session is designed to review critical thinking instruction and assessment as it applies to pharmacy education. We will delve into the importance of critical thinking skills in our learners as the profession continues to evolve. This
December 12, 2023
Regular Webinar
Beta-blockers are one of the most prescribed classes of drugs in the USA. In 2020, there were over 117,000,000 prescriptions for beta-blockers for more than 26,000,000 Americans, but until today, there has not been any pharmacogenomic
December 8, 2023
Regular Webinar
This webinar will describe the development and implementation of several activities that integrate pharmaceutical science content, clinical practice skills and therapeutic knowledge. The presenters will provide examples of activities
November 16, 2023
Regular Webinar
Stress and burnout are well-recognized among student pharmacists. Several factors influence student pharmacists' well-being. Evidence to support interventions to address well-being in the experiential setting is lacking. The purpose of this