Embarking on a journey to shape the future of pharmacy practice globally, leaders look to education to begin the transformation.
By Athena Ponushis and Jane Rooney
Embarking on a journey to shape the future of pharmacy practice globally, leaders look to education to begin the transformation.
By Athena Ponushis and Jane Rooney
More universities partner with the IHS to train student pharmacists, and the benefits go both ways.
Two antibiotics fight bacteria differently than thought.
By Sam Hostettler
Together with the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, a local theater company wrote and staged a play based on patient experiences with healthcare and medication from a national survey.
By Olivia Johnson
In late 2016, healthcare professionals and students from the University of Minnesota saw the day-to-day intricacies of their industry performed in front of them.
All programming will be held at the Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort & Spa in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, Feb. 25–28. Please refer to the Hotel & Travel portion of the forthcoming AACP INfluence 2017 Web site for more information regarding room reservations.
All programming will be held at the Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort & Spa in Rio Mar, Puerto Rico, Feb. 25–28.
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Caribbean Salon 1
Academic Leadership Fellows Program (ALFP) 2016–17 Cohort 13 Session III
By invitation only
3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
Rio Mar Salons 1–2
New Deans ACPE Orientation
Pre-registration required, no additional fee
Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort & Spa
Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
We’re doing more than changing the name of this important meeting: We’re changing the direction, to focus on leadership strategies for a wider audience. Every year we’ll bring important discussions and practical recommendations to enhance leadership development at every level of the Academy.