Writing an Issue Brief
The issue brief is a short, written document that:
Contraception - Brief Vignettes Using Medical Eligibility Criteria
Contraception - Core Module Contraception
Contraception - Patient Case 1
Contraception - Patient Case 2
Contraception - Patient Case 3
Contraception - Patient Case 4
Contraception - Patient Case 5
Contraception - Patient Case 6
Contraception - Patient Case 7
Contraception - Prescription Labels Sprintec and NuvaRing 2014 for Patient Counseling Activity
Contraception - Vaginal Ring Counseling Grading Rubric
Contraception - Oral Contraceptive Counseling Grading Rubric 2014
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Core Module 03-18-15
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Finish-the-Note-Subjective & Objective Info
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Patient Cases
Pregnancy and Lactation - Core Module
Pregnancy and Lactation Case Studies 2013
Pregnancy and Lactation Case Studies 2014 and 2015
Pregnancy and Infectious Disease Drug Information Activity
Pregnancy DI Questions Computer Lab Session
Integrated Team Based Learning Plan- Faculty Unit Plan
Integrated Team Based Learning Application 1
Integrated Team Based Learning Application 3
Integrated Team Based Learning Application 4
Integrated Team Based Learning Application 6
Integrated Team Based Learning Application 7
Osteoporosis Pre-Lab Slides--Calcium Supplements
Osteoporosis Lab Calcium Food Log
Osteoporosis Lab Calcium Products Comparison Picture
AACP and its member schools are reaching out to young adults in innovative ways to promote pharmacy as a career choice.
By Jane Rooney, Maureen Thielemans and Kyle R. Bagin
A new finding from the University of California, San Diego went unnoticed for almost a century. It could have broad implications for vaccine design and treatment of toxic shock syndrome.
By Heather Buschman, Ph.D.
A Wayne State University researcher is translating basic science knowledge into clinical application, with the hopes of developing better treatments for patients suffering from anxiety disorders
By Maureen Thielemans
The mission of AACP Strategic Engagement is to facilitate an enhanced recognition, understanding and utilization of the education, practice and research activities at pharmacy schools, among public policy makers, funding agencies and the public.
Compare and contrast sex and gender differences in the etiology, epidemiology, course and treatment of chronic diseases in women (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental health, gastrointestinal disorders, neurologic disorders).
Biological Considerations and Basic Sciences ‐Describe sex differences that may exist in biochemical mechanisms, pharmacokinetics of drugs, and in the pathogenesis of disease and disease mechanisms.
Identify disease states that are specific to women or that affect a disproportionate number of women compared to men and their treatment
Core EPAs for New Pharmacy Graduates are discrete, essential activities and tasks that all new pharmacy graduates must be able to perform without direct supervision upon entering practice or postgraduate training and operationalize the CAPE Educational Outcomes.
Core Entrustable Professional Activities for New Pharmacy Graduates (also published in AJPE)
Appendix 1 - Core EPA Domains and Example Supporting Tasks
Appendix 2 - Glossary
This EPA map shows the linkage between the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for New Pharmacy Graduates and the CAPE 2013 Educational Outcomes (CAPE 2013) and the Pharmacist Patient Care Process (PPCP) and is published in the American Journal for Pharmaceutical Education.
Additional Resources:
Example of a Core Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) and Foundational Knowledge using Diabetes Management