Echo-Targeting Advertisements

AACP Resource

Echo-Targeting Advertisements

AACP is pleased to provide an online student recruiting program directed exclusively at the future students who visit the AACP and/or the PharmCAS websites. Using this program AACP member schools have run millions of online banner ads to our proprietary audience of future students which generates hundreds of thousands of responses. Each and every banner ad reaches a prospective student and every response takes the pharmacy prospect to the pharmacy degree program website of the institution featured in the banner advertisement.

If your institution faces the recruiting challenges common to many of your peers, please consider joining AACP's echo-targeting program. At our suggested monthly investment of only $250, a Pharmacy Degree Program is able to run about 40,000 banner ads to our pool of prospects which will likely generate about 35–40 visits to your degree program’s homepage from a future student. It has proved to be a very cost efficient recruiting program as it reaches prospective students in the environment in which they're most

Please find below a primer on why the echo-targeting program should be a part of each school's recruiting efforts and how to get more information:

What is echo-targeting?

Echo-targeting is an affordable banner advertising tool that allows participating universities to market their Pharmacy program to prospective students.

Why is it important?

Echo-targeting is an extremely targeted and turn-key method of reaching prospects.

Participants can:

  • Target banner ads to only reach prospective student pharmacists.
  • Affordably reach prospective students in their preferred medium—online.
  • Reach prospects on their favorite websites, such as Facebook, Yahoo, magazine sites, social media, etc.

How does it work?

Prospects that browse the Future Pharmacy Student pages on the AACP and PharmCAS websites will be targeted to receive banner ads from participating AACP member institutions while surfing the Internet.

EchoTarget Pic

Echo-targeting will create year-round awareness of your institution to a targeted audience of prospects. AACP has adopted this platform as an affordable tool for universities to promote their pharmacy programs. We believe that this program will become a key component of your future recruiting efforts.

Who do I contact?

AACP has aligned with Echo-Interactive to make this innovative marketing tool available to your institution. Contact Owen Landon with Echo-Interactive at 617-877-6327 or for the specifics of echo-targeting, as well as address any questions you may have.

Retirement of the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)

Important PCAT Announcement for Future Cycles: The Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT®) was retired on January 10, 2024. No PCAT testing dates will be offered during the 2024–2025 admissions cycle or beyond. All test takers may continue to request Official Transcripts and Personal Score Reports through the Pearson website until December 2024.

PCAT Resources

The current PCAT Technical Manual and PCAT Score Interpretation Quick Reference are available to AACP member institutions in the Student Services SIG community of AACP Connect.

  • Current PCAT Test Blueprint (PDF)
  • History of PCAT Blueprint Changes (PDF) (2004–2018)
  • PCAT Requirements for Schools: Visit the PharmCAS School Directory
  • Pearson Report on "Test Bias, Fairness and Standardized Admission Test" (PDF): In a current climate of declining applicant pools and increasing competition among schools for applicants, many programs in higher education generally and pharmacy schools in particular are considering holistic and test-optional admission policies. Relevant to this reality are questions sometimes raised regarding whether admission tests such as the PCAT contain structural elements that are biased against candidates from certain demographic groups and whether test scores unfairly penalize such candidates. These questions are addressed by reviewing the recent trend toward test-optional admission policies in higher education and in pharmacy schools, by describing the rigorous procedures used by Pearson to construct PCAT test forms that are valid and fair for all candidates, and by presenting evidence that score differences between demographic groups are not attributable to inherent unfairness in the test or in how the scores are reported.

PCAT Research

PCAT Overview for Students

View general information about the PCAT test format, PCAT code for PharmCAS, Kaplan PCAT Test Prep, and PCAT requirements by school geared for current and prospective students.


Diversity and Inclusion


Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Federal Funding

Centers of Excellence (COE)

COE grants assist health professions schools to support programs of excellence in health professions education for minority individuals in health profession programs, including pharmacy COE strengthens the national capacity to train students from minority groups that are under-represented in these health professions and build a more diverse healthcare workforce.

Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP)

HCOP grants increase the number of individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds in the health and allied health professions, including pharmacy. HCOP enhances the academic skills of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and supports them in successfully competing, entering and graduating from health professions training programs. 

Jamie Leigh Wagner

I cannot emphasize enough the importance all the relationships and connections I’ve made due to my involvement within AACP. I count so many people as not just acquaintances, but as colleagues, friends, mentors, and mentees that will stay with me for the rest of my career.

Cultural Competence

AACP Resource

Cultural Competence Resources

AAMC Health Equity Research and Policy

AACP Health Disparities and Cultural Competence SIG Webinar: Exemplars in Interprofessional Cultural Competency Training

Access to Health Care: Influential Factors and Cultural Competence

AJPE Search for Cultural Competence

ASHP Ad Hoc Committee on Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Competence Report - by Hannah K. Vanderpool for the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacists 2005;62 1924-1930.

Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity - Compendium of cultural competence/health disparities.

Cross Cultural Healthcare Program - Books, resources, training programs, research projects and video.

Cultural Competency - Selected resources for instruction.

Ethnogeriactrics - Stanford University - A center for multidisciplinary ethnogeriatric education, focusing on faculty development, training for healthcare providers, research and policy analysis.

EthnoMed - Contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle or the U.S.

Family Physician’s Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care - This continuing medical education activity is jointly sponsored by Ciné-Med Inc. and Astute Technology, and supported through the Office of Minority Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion - 2004 IOM report.

National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC)

Nine Constructs of Cultural Competence for Curriculum Development - AJPE 2010; 74 (10) Article 181

Think Cultural Health - U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services: Cultural competence continuing education resources.

Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT) - TACCT is a self-administered assessment tool developed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) that can be used by medical schools to identify areas in the curriculum where specific aspects of culturally competent care are currently taught, including previously unrecognized educational elements. The TACCT permits gaps to be identified, as well as planned and unplanned redundancies. It may be used for both traditional and problem-based learning curricula.

Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care - IOM report assesses the extent of racial and ethnic differences in healthcare that are not otherwise attributable to known factors such as access to care (2003)

Diversity and Affirmative Action

See also diversity and affirmative action resources for student affairs personnel

Inspire Future Student Pharmacists


Help inspire and recruit the next generation of student pharmacists! We want to learn about your personal journey towards a career in pharmacy and your insights into life as a student pharmacist. Share your story with us today by contacting!

Selected stories will be featured on the Pharmacy is Right for Me (Pharm4Me) website and social media. The Pharm4Me campaign is overseen by the Pharmacy Career Information Council (PCIC), a collaboration of AACP with national pharmacy organizations committed to promoting the pharmacy profession and the pharmaceutical sciences. Pharm4Me provides students, parents, and educators with interactive tools, resources, and first-person testimonials that give insight into the exciting and diverse career opportunities that exist within the field of pharmacy.

Follow Pharm4Me on the following platforms:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Tiktok
  • YouTube icon

EMP: Enrollment Marketing Platform

Liaison - Enrollment Marketing logo

Reach prospective pharmacy students in the most relevant and immediate way and showcase what makes your school their perfect choice -- with EMP. See how you can use EMP to build a relevant and completely automated cross-media admissions program that will integrate with WebAdMIT.

View the webinar: Empowering Your School with Enrollment Technology

  • Streamline admissions outreach.
  • Access your entire student record database - any time, anywhere.
  • Automate and track all communications.
  • Seamless import/export from unlimited sources, including PCAT and PharmCAS.
  • Print, text, voice and email integration.
  • Track student and counselor activity in real time.
  • Unique microsites with payment options, dynamic checklists and info-capture forms.
  • Mobile-ready responsive design.

If you would like a personal EMP demo, please contact Chris Barnhart, Marketing Technology Specialist, at Liaison.

Research Funding Opportunities

AACP Resource

Please regularly visit the following websites and directly search for funding opportunities and deadlines in your research field.

New Opportunities 

Advancing HIV service delivery through pharmacies and pharmacists: The National Institutes of Health has released two new Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) soliciting "research designed to capacitate, transform, and scale the delivery of HIV testing, prevention, and care services through pharmacists and pharmacies in US and/or global settings. This includes the advancement of training curricula to enable pharmacy students, pharmacists, pharmacies, and pharmacy systems to deliver the spectrum of needed HIV services with ease, equity, and effectiveness." Both the R21 and R01 mechanisms will be used for these programs. More information is available within each NOFO. Applications are due August 13, 2024.

Federal Agencies

NIH Grants & Funding: A searchable database maintained by the NIH Office of Extramural Research on currently available biomedical research funding and training opportunities related to human health and diseases. Notice of Funding Opportunity of particular interest for pharmacy include:

  • The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) T32: "The goal of the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) is to develop a diverse pool of well-trained clinician-scientist leaders available to address the nation’s biomedical research needs. Specifically, this funding announcement provides support to eligible, domestic organizations to develop and implement effective, evidence-informed approaches to dual-degree training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the biomedical research enterprise and lead to the completion of both a clinical degree (for example, M.D., D.O., D.V.M., D.D.S., Pharm.D., etc.) and a research doctorate degree (Ph.D.)." Upcoming due dates: September 25, 2024, January 25, 2025 
  • NIH Loan Repayment Programs: The NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRP) were established by Congress to recruit and retain health professionals in biomedical and behavioral research careers. The LRPs repay up to $50,000 annually of a researchers qualified educational debt "in return for a commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research." Research areas include clinical research, pediatric research, health disparities research, contraception and infertility research, clinical research for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, and research in emerging areas critical to human health. More information is available on the LRP application page. The next LRP application deadline for new applications is September 1, 2024. 
  • Advancing HIV service delivery through pharmacies and pharmacists: "The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit research designed to capacitate, transform, and scale the delivery of HIV testing, prevention, and care services through pharmacists and pharmacies in US and/or global settings. This includes the advancement of training curricula to enable pharmacy students, pharmacists, pharmacies, and pharmacy systems to deliver the spectrum of needed HIV services with ease, equity, and effectiveness." Application due date August 13, 2024. 
    • R01 (Clinical Trial Optional): Applications with preliminary data and those proposing large-scale clinical trials or longitudinal analyses should consider using the R01 mechanism. 
    • R21 (Clinical Trial Optional): Projects that lack preliminary data or that propose to pilot a novel intervention may be most appropriate for the R21 mechanism.

NSF Funding: The Foundation supports basic research and education in most fields, including biological, chemical, environmental, social, behavioral and economical sciences, collaborative research between universities and industry, and graduate and postdoctoral fellowships.

CDC Funding: Supports research to keep Americans safe and healthy both domestically and abroad.

USDA NIFA Grants: Supports research and fellowships on nutrition and health, education, environment, biotechnology and genomics, economics and community development.

AHRQ Funding & Grants: Supports research to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of healthcare for all Americans.

DOD Grants: The Department of Defense (DOD) Office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) supports biomedical research across the development pipeline from basic to clinical through annual funding opportunities.

Additional Organizations, Associations and Foundations

Proposal Central Provides access to funding opportunities funders including the Alzheimer’s Association, American Association for Cancer Research, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and many others

American Brain Tumor Association 

American Diabetes Association

American Respiratory Care Foundation

Arthritis Foundation

Beckman Foundation

Cancer Research Institute

Gates Foundation

International Rett Syndrome Foundation

NACDS Foundation

National Pharmaceutical Council

National Psoriasis Foundation

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

PhRMA Foundation

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Susan G. Komen for the Cure


Council of Deans Mentoring Committee Survey

AACP Resource

The 2022–2023 COD Mentoring Committee is charged to generate a framework and develop a pilot program for a COD Mentorship Program in leadership/administration. As a part of their charge, the COD Mentoring Committee would like to solicit information from the COD members. Please answer the following short survey to provide guidance to the committee as they develop this program and gauge interest in this program. More specific information will be coming at a later time.

CEO Deans Survey

AACP Resource

The Council of Deans (COD) Administrative Board would like to gather information from the CEO Deans pertaining to the current impact and future work of the COD.  The results of this survey will be shared at the CEO Deans Roundtable at the 2023 AACP Interim Meeting in Orlando, Florida.  This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  Thank you for your consideration!