Interprofessional Education

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Interprofessional Education Collaborative

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education

Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation

Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education

National Academies of Practice

Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice

Journal of Interprofessional Care

Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professions Education

Health, Interprofessional Practice & Education

IPE Collection on MedEdPORTAL


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AACP's Meeting & Event Entry Policy

Revised 12/1/2022

Effective December 1, 2022, AACP will no longer require proof of vaccination status or a negative test result to attend any AACP in-person meetings or events.

Distinguished Teaching Scholars Instructions

cap and gown

The AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholar Award is designed to recognize excellence of our academic pharmacy faculty engaged in and/or supporting scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In recognizing service and outstanding contributions to our academy, pharmacy education and schools, the AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholars will raise the bar for scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. The AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholars will be models for advancing the profession of pharmacy through education by enhancing student learning and the knowledge base of teaching and learning in professional and/or graduate pharmacy education. Collectively, this group will guide the Academy in furthering scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Due to the prestigious nature of this award, up to three (3) AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholars will be selected each year.

The AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholars will receive an award that can be displayed, will be publically recognized during the AACP Annual Meeting the year of that they receive the Award, and will be invited to submit a Viewpoint article to the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE). In addition, AACP will provide other forms of national recognition of the Scholars via various AACP communication modalities.


  1. Nominees must be a current full member of AACP with cumulative membership of least 10 years prior to the nomination.
  2. Nominees must have had at least ten (10) scholarly works related to teaching and learning accepted in peer reviewed forums (e.g., peer-reviewed journal, peer reviewed book or book chapter, peer-reviewed abstract for a poster or podium presentation at a professional meeting).
  3. Nominees must be the first/primary author or creator of at least five (5) scholarly works related to teaching and learning:
    1. Nominees must have at least 10 years of experience in pharmacy education with sustained, consistent contributions; and
    2. Nominees must hold a faculty, administrator or staff appointment at a school/college of pharmacy


  1. Nominations may be made by any AACP member, including self-nomination.
  2. Complete the online award eligibility questions in the submission portal.
  3. The dossier’s contents shall be presented to include the following separate sections, each beginning on a new page, must accompany nominations:
    1. Table of Contents
    2. A required narrative (1,500 words or less) and up to twelve (12) artifacts (or pieces of evidence) can be divided as the nominee sees fit amongst the four (4) application areas. Note: narratives should not be rephrasing of CV but should demonstrate contemplation of the nominee’s career as it relates to their contributions. Details can found on the AACP website. 
      • Scholarly Teaching (ST): Scholarly Teaching promotes student engagement and learning using the educational literature and systematically assesses learning outcomes.
      • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL): SOTL goes beyond Scholarly Teaching and disseminates the application in the literature through publication or other peer-reviewed avenues. 
      • Advancement of ST/SOTL: Provide examples of your service to your institution, AACP and others that are specific to ST/SOTL.
      • Excellence in Teaching and Learning (ETL): Supporting content and documents should include: “peer review of teaching”, course evaluations, student feedback, evidence of teaching awards, etc.
    3. A current curriculum vitae of the applicant
    4. Each section must be submitted online by the deadline in a single PDF with a cover page dividing each section and artifact. Materials will then be reviewed by the selection committee once an initial screening is completed. Questions regarding the nomination or submission process should contact Michelle Assa-Eley


  1. The Award Application will initially be reviewed by AACP staff at the time of receipt for completeness. If time permits, staff will notify applicants of missing items. Applications that are incomplete at the submission deadline will not be evaluated.
  2. All completed applications will be reviewed by three (3) members of the award committee utilizing a standardized evaluation form. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, the award committee will select up to three (3) AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholars

2022–23 Professional Affairs Committee Recommendations Survey

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INnovate 2023 - Sponsors

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Gold Sponsor

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Pharmacy Practice Section - Resolution Submission

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FAQS for Implementation Science Virtual Training Session