AACP Connect


Pharmacists Help People Live Healthier, Better Lives

AACP Connect is a platform that allows users to network, collaborate, share, and much more using the Community discussion boards and libraries. Keep informed and stay in tuned to what is happening with your peers by logging in and joining Communities. Each Council, Section, and Special Interest Group has their own Community. There are various specialized Communities as well accessible to all AACP members.

Benefits and Requirements

Communities provide an informal and flexible way for members with like-minded interests to discuss current issues facing the profession. 

  • Membership
    • With the exception of Section and SIG Communities members can join an unlimited number of Communities that are open to all AACP members. Invite only Communities will only be available to members specifically invited to that Community by the Community leader.  
  • Creation
    • AACP members have the ability to request the creation of a Community by completing the creation request form. An internal staff workgroup reviews the applications and will approve, reject, or defer the application.
  • Continuance
    • If a Community drops below 5 discussion posts per month on average and has less than 30 members the Community may be discontinued after the review of an internal group of AACP staff members. Communities are reviewed every 12 months. 
  • Funding
    • None
  • Sponsor Annual Meeting Programs
    • No, but members have the ability to use the discussion board to propose collaboration efforts to submit programming for the annual meeting.
  • Elected Officers
    • Select conveners using their own process. 
  • Subgroups
    • None
  • Council/Cabinet Representation
    • None
  • Standing Rules of Procedure

Create a Community

Are you interested in starting your own AACP Connect Community? View the AACP Connect Community Guidelines first. Then complete and submit the Connect Community Request form and AACP staff will contact you with more details.

View a full list of all the AACP Connect Communities.

AACP Connect Training

Are you interested in learning more about AACP Connect and all the things it can do? Sign up for a one-on-one or small team (up to six people) training session with Candelaria M. Moralez, the AACP Connect administrator.

2022 Digital Health Workshop: Post-Meeting Survey

AACP Resource

Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program Information

AACP Resource

General Program Overview

The purpose of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program (DPRP) is to nationally recognize preceptors who are not full-time employees of a college/school of pharmacy for their sustained commitment to excellence in experiential education and professional practice. The DPRP was developed based on recommendations from the 2012 AACP Professional Affairs Committee and was approved for implementation by the AACP Board of Directors. This award is funded in part by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) Foundation.

The DPRP consists of a recognition plaque, free AACP membership for the year of DPRP recognition, and national recognition from AACP and other pharmacy associations.


  1. Each application must be submitted by the Experiential Education Department from no more than two colleges/schools of pharmacy. Each college/school of pharmacy may nominate no more than one nominee per year. A nominee’s name may not be submitted posthumously.
  2. Nominated preceptors must not be full-time employees nor have a primary employment commitment (>50% of the nominated preceptor’s work salary) to a U.S. member college or school of pharmacy.
  3. Nominated preceptors must have a minimum of 6 years of preceptor experience for a college/school of pharmacy. The total years of experience do not all have to be from the same college/school.
  4. Nominees will be evaluated based upon demonstration of and contributions to the following areas:


Commitment to Experiential Education

The nominee’s participation in:

  1. Precepting and evaluation of pharmacy students for IPPE and APPE rotations
  2. Precepting and evaluation of students from other healthcare professions.
  3. Precepting and evaluation of pharmacy residents and residents of other healthcare professions. 
  4. Mentoring students or residents in the field of research. 

Commitment to Service

The nominee contributes to his or her professional and/or general community. Examples may include the following:

Service to the Pharmacy Profession

  1. Active involvement in local, state and/or national pharmacy organizations
  2. Development and delivery of CPE related to teaching and learning
  3. Development and delivery of CPE related to the candidate’s expertise/ practice area
  4. Committee work at the preceptor’s practice site
  5. Privileges related to the preceptor’s practice site (any examples)
  6. Service as a contributed paper, poster and/or abstract reviewer
  7. Publication in peer-reviewed journals
  8. Demonstration of pharmacy innovation (e.g., creating new or revised practice models)

Service to the College/School of Pharmacy

  1. Serving as an advisor for student pharmacists
  2. Serving on a college/school committee or advisory board
  3. Performing admissions interviews
  4. Teaching of didactic courses at a college/school of pharmacy or other healthcare programs.

Other Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Related Community Service

  1. Active involvement in non-profit or non-profit or health-related organizations and events
  2. Participation in public awareness education campaigns
  3. Other community service not related to healthcare (e.g., PTA, Boy or Girl Scouts)

Awards, Recognitions, and Professional Credentials:

The nominee has received accolades from other organizations or institutions related to teaching/precepting, practice or service. This includes:

  1. College/School of pharmacy awards (i.e., preceptor, alumni, service)
  2. Employer preceptor or service award
  3. State and/or national association awards
  4. Other civic, professional or social recognition
  5. Attainment of professional/practice credentials

Nomination Procedure

  1. Nominations must be submitted by the Experiential Education department from a college/school of pharmacy. Each college/school of pharmacy may nominate no more than one nominee per year. A nominee’s name may not be submitted posthumously. Re-nominations of past preceptors nominated for the award are welcome.  The parts of the college/school of pharmacy application include:
    • A completed nomination form by the Office of Experiential Education, including a Letter of Recommendation from the office.
      • A co-nomination application requires two separate nomination forms/Letters of Recommendation
    • Signed acknowledgment statement from nominating college/school of pharmacy Dean
      • A co-nomination application requires two separate acknowledgment statements
    • Letter of recommendation from a direct supervisor or peer of the nominated preceptor attesting to the preceptor’s experiential and/or professional service competency;
      • A co-nomination application requires two separate recommendation letters
  2. Each nominated preceptor must provide the following information to complete the college or school’s nomination:
    • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • Completion of a brief questionnaire highlighting the key attributes of the award:
      • Experiential Education
      • Service to the Pharmacy Profession and College/School of Pharmacy
      • Other Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Service
      • Awards, Recognitions and Professional Credentials
  3. A complete application, including the nominated preceptor-provided information, must be submitted to AACP by 5:00 pm EST on Thursday, February 1, 2024. Materials will then be reviewed by the advisory committee once an initial screening is completed.
  4. Awardees of the DPRP will be notified in March 2024.
  5. Questions regarding the nomination or submission process should be directed to Tom Maggio, AACP's Associate Director of Public Affairs.

Submission Portal

The submission portal provides you with the necessary links, forms, and documentation for submitting a nominee. AACP will compile all the materials for each nominee and begin the review process once a submission is complete.

Submission Portal

Selection Procedure

  1. All nomination applications will be screened for completeness by AACP staff upon receipt. If time permits, staff will notify the nominators of missing items. Applications that are incomplete at the deadline for submission will not be evaluated.
  2. The DPRP Advisory Board will conduct a review of nominations considering the established criteria for the recognition program. The various elements of the application will be weighted as follows:
    • Commitment to Experiential Education: 40%
    • Commitment to Service: 30%
      • Service to the Pharmacy Profession
      • Service to the College/School of Pharmacy
    • Awards, Recognitions, and Profession Credentials: 10%
    • Recommendation Letter(s): 10%
    • Other Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Community Service: 10%
  3. After the evaluation process, the advisory board will select distinguished preceptors who meet the threshold of 95% of the total weighted score.

AACP Virtual Programs Code of Conduct

AACP is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and AACP staff. All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, AACP staff members, service providers, and all others are expected to abide by this Virtual Programs Code of Conduct. This Policy applies to all AACP meeting-related events.

Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program Submission Portal

Pharmacy Practice Section - Programming Ideas

AACP Resource

Pharmacy Practice Section - Nominate a Colleague

AACP Resource

Pharmacy Practice Section - Membership Spotlight Form

AACP Resource

Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program: Supervisor/Peer Recommendation Letter

AACP Resource