Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program Questionnaire

AACP Resource

This questionnaire should be completed by the preceptor being nominated for the AACP Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program (DPRP). The purpose of this questionnaire is to supplement the nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae and to provide additional insight of the nominee in areas pertaining to the DPRP award criteria.

Only the information provided in the questionnaire will be considered during the review process.

Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program: Office of Experiential Education Nomination Form

AACP Resource
  • Each nomination must be submitted by the Experiential Education Department from no more than two colleges/schools of pharmacy. Each college/school of pharmacy may nominate no more than one nominee per year. A nominee’s name may not be submitted posthumously. Re-nominations of past preceptors nominated for the award are welcome.
  • Nominated preceptors must not be full-time employees nor have a primary employment commitment (>50% of the nominated preceptor’s work salary) at a U.S. member college or school of pharmacy.
  • Nominated preceptors must have a minimum of 6 years of preceptor experience for a college/school of pharmacy. The total years of experience do not all have to be from the same college/school.
  • Application Elements include:
    • Signed Acknowledgement Statement from School/College of Pharmacy
    • Completed Office of Experiential Education Nomination Form
      • Including Letter of Recommendation from the Office of Experiential Education
    • Completed Direct Supervisor/Peer Colleague Letter of Recommendation 
    • Completed Questionnaire by the nominated Preceptor
      • Including submitted curriculum vitae/resume

Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program: Signed Acknowledgement Statement

AACP Resource


This form serves as the formal acknowledgment of your institution’s submission of a nomination application for the Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program. A co-nomination application requires two separate acknowledgment statements.


By signing below, you acknowledge your school/college’s intent to submit a nomination application for the Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program. You also affirm your support for the nominee your college/school submits for the Distinguished Preceptor Recognition Program.

AACP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-racism Committee Charter


AACP Mission: Advance pharmacy education, research, scholarship, practice and service, in partnership with members and stakeholders, to improve health for all. 

AACP Diversity Statement: AACP affirms its commitment to foster an inclusive community and leverage diversity of thought, background, perspective, and experience to advance pharmacy education and improve health. 

Council of Faculties

The Council of Faculties is composed of all individuals active, affiliate, student, and emeritus members not eligible for or not holding membership in the Council of Deans. Among the interests of this Council are interdisciplinary matters of curriculum, course content, education methods, faculty/administration relations, and national issues of general interest to pharmacy faculties.

Jennifer Hookstra Danielson (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) Chair

Five Student Pharmacists Awarded CVS Health Minority Scholarship

Stipend will provide financial support to underrepresented minority students.

For Immediate Release

Arlington, Va.—The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy has selected five underrepresented minority (URM) pharmacy students as recipients of the 2022 CVS Health Minority Scholarship recognizing their leadership, academic success, and a commitment to advancing the profession of pharmacy and patient care.

Pharm.D. and Graduate Programs Tuition and Fees

AACP Research

AACP asks schools to report their tuition and mandatory fees for the upcoming academic year for first professional Pharm.D., postbaccalaureate Pharm.D. and graduate programs.

Women Taking the Lead

Women in pharmacy academia reflected on their experiences in leadership positions during an AACP webinar that explored the challenges and rewards that come with moving to an administrative role. AACP’s 2021–24 Strategic Plan elevates the organization’s commitment to leading diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism efforts. Diversity, equity and inclusion in leadership roles with AACP and at various member institutions is part of this priority.

2022–2023 Strategic Engagement Committee

AACP Resource

Identifying Advocacy Champions