Empathetic leadership: Leading others with a special ingredient

Empathetic leadership can produce a deeper and more sustainable impact on those you lead, your organization and your career. This webinar will discuss the development and use of a special ingredient to lead others. 

Incorporating the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process into Self-Care

Presenters from three institutions will discuss examples of how they have applied the PPCP to self-care in their own classrooms. 

Leadership During Turbulent Times

This webinar will discuss some various scenarios that might occur during one’s leadership and will provide a collection of mindsets and habits, use of strengths, and behaviors that can be used to become authentic leaders during the turbulent times.

More Bang for Your Buck: Incorporating Learners into Your Practice & Scholarship

This webinar will discuss how to efficiently incorporate student and resident learners into all aspects of the academic triad, with a focus on scholarly activity.

Emerging Issues in Patient Confidentiality

This webinar will provide a foundational overview of patient confidentiality including how it differs from privacy and its connection to the pharmacist code of ethics.

Establishing A Longitudinal Student Leadership Development Program

In this webinar, speakers from various institutions will discuss how they integrate an established student leadership development program within their curriculum, with a focus on longitudinal integration.

Student Leadership Development: How do we train the next generation?

In this webinar, speakers will present desired leadership skills that help advance individuals in their careers. The overall objective of this webinar is to introduce leadership elements that can be incorporated into existing student programs.

Positivity & Gratitude for Wellness

During this webinar we will talk about the utilization of realistic optimism, investigate 5 decades of optimism research, and show the power of different mindsets through a case study considering the impact of approaching a situation as an optimist or pessimist. 

PharmGKB 101: What Every Pharmacogenomics Educator Needs to Know

This webinar will introduce participants to the many aspects of the PharmGKB website and offer insights into how these resources may be leveraged to advance pharmacogenomics education.

Tips and Best Practices for Obtaining Early-to-Mid Career Grant Funding

Stuck getting your first grant or unsure of how to develop a continuous line of funding. The goal of this session is to share examples and best practices to obtain viable streams of funding for early- and mid-career faculty.