Dear Colleagues:
2019 National Conference of Pharmaceutical Organizations
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy is honored to host the 2019 National Conference of Pharmaceutical Organizations (NCPO) in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. The conference will provide a forum for NCPO members to discuss the challenges and opportunities for pharmacy in the current health care landscape, featuring dynamic speakers, open networking sessions, and roundtable discussions.
A student hotspotting program gives future pharmacists and healthcare providers insight into how to care for patients with complex needs and encourages interprofessional collaboration.
By Jane E. Rooney
INvolve 2019
Annie McKee, Ph.D., has always been passionate about experiences in the workplace.
By Maureen Thielemans
A Novel Approach to Pharmacy Instruction
By Jane E. Rooney
Schools of pharmacy are incorporating the arts and humanities into the curriculum to give students more insight into patients’ experiences, foster greater empathy and strengthen the patient-provider connection.
Pharmacy Education 2018 Registration
AJPE Survey
The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE) Leadership is dedicated to its role in publishing high-quality and impactful research advancing pharmaceutical education.
The AJPE Leadership also remains committed to serving AACP members in advancing their ability to publish their scholarship of teaching and learning as the foundation for advancing pharmaceutical education.
We are requesting your input on the future of the Journal and its role in publishing high-quality research. Please answer the following questions, excluding issues and concerns related to Journal operations.