How to Join
Dean's Statement of Commitment
If your college/school of pharmacy wants to be a part of the movement, have your designated ACT Champion complete the steps below to state your School or College of Pharmacy's commitment.
If your college/school of pharmacy wants to be a part of the movement, have your designated ACT Champion complete the steps below to state your School or College of Pharmacy's commitment.
Ensuring representation of racial and ethnic minority populations (REMP) as participants in clinical trials is a challenge in biomedical research. The Pharmacy Advances Clinical Trials (PACT) Network is being developed to address this by connecting, engaging, and mobilizing community pharmacists, community-based organizations, and pharmacy schools.
These Categories and Tags were developed by AACP staff members, with the assistance of Texas A&M University researchers, and assigned to activities being conducted by schools and colleges of pharmacy to increase diversity of clinical trials.