2024-2025 Strategic Engagement Committee: Curricular Outcome Survey

AACP Resource

In Standards 2025, ACPE has updated the advocacy outcome:

  • 2.1.f Advocacy – The graduate is able to promote the best interests of patients and/or the pharmacy profession within healthcare settings and at the community, state, or national level.  

With your role in Assessment and/or Curriculum, the AACP Strategic Engagement Committee is requesting your help to identify learning outcomes and assessments established at your respective schools and colleges of pharmacy to identify best practices for teaching advocacy skills to student pharmacists that could be shared in a report, resource guide or programming for AACP members. We are asking that you submit this information for the school you represent. The expected time to complete this survey is 5 minutes. 

Please complete the survey by no later than Jan. 21, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Lacroix, Strategic Engagement Committee Member.

INitiate 2025 - Registration

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Conference Registration

Board of Directors


Anandi V. Law (Western University of Health Sciences) President

Robin M. Zavod (Midwestern University) President-elect

Craig D. Cox (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center) Immediate Past President

Gloria R. Grice (University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis) Speaker of the House of Delegates

David A. Holdford (Virginia Commonwealth University) Treasurer

Pharmacy Education 2025 Submission FAQs

General Information 

Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award

AACP Resource

The Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award is named for the late Robert K. Chalmers, former AACP president and distinguished educator and recognizes excellence in pharmacy education. The award recognizes an individual’s excellence in pharmacy education and consists of an inscribed glass sculpture and complimentary registration to the AACP Annual Meeting. Please contact Adam Jackson, AACP Manager of Governance, with any questions.

Applications for the Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award are due by 11:59 p.m. PST on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Visit the application site to begin the submission process.


  1. Nominees must hold a faculty appointment with a primary commitment to an AACP member college or school of pharmacy or be within five years of their full retirement from a faculty appointment.
  2. Nominees must be members of AACP and have shown a commitment to the Association and mission and objectives of pharmacy education. A nominee’s name may not be submitted posthumously.
  3. Nominees will be evaluated based upon contributions in the following areas:
    • Instruction including, but not limited to, effectiveness in undergraduate, post baccalaureate, professional and graduate instruction; curriculum development and innovation; special student educational projects; honors and awards for excellence in teaching and invited lectureships; and national educational involvement including active participation in AACP meetings, committees, teachers seminars and national workshops. Among the most important qualities are inspiration, leadership, and quality of contributions and the impact on educational programs and professional growth of individuals,
    • Research and Scholarly Activities relative to pharmacy education, which can be documented in terms of publications as well as invited presentations (teacher’s seminar, etc. e.g., curriculum development, evaluation instruments, and pedagogical methods). Quality of publications is of greater importance than quantity, and
    • Professional/Public Service and Outreach, including organized educational functions that combine knowledge and/or outreach activities of the school to practitioners and to society at large. Drug-related professional and lay public education should be recognized.
    • Impact on Pharmacy Education beyond one’s home institution, including evidence of positive change because of publications or professional involvement; accomplishments of former students and residents; recognition and awards from other educational institutions; and other contributions and activities that have a documented impact on pharmacy education.


Disclosure Required

AACP’s Board of Directors has adopted a policy affirming AACP’s right to grant, defer or decline to grant an honor or award, including a leadership position, to any person. AACP expects all recipients of honors and awards to embody the highest standards of professional and personal ethical behavior, therefore, AACP will not confer any honor, award or leadership position when, in its discretion, there has been a determination or credible question of unethical behavior. 

To implement this policy, AACP is instituting a disclosure process for nominees for the Robert K. Chalmers Award. The required disclosure form must be completed, signed and submitted by December 4 to disclosure@aacp.org.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Nominations may be made by any AACP member and are encouraged from faculty members of colleges and schools of pharmacy and from all segments of the Association (e.g., sections, special interest groups, affiliate members).
  2. The dossier’s contents shall include:
    • Cover letter from the nominator summarizing the nominee’s qualifications and commitment to the Association;
    • Résumé detailing education, appointments, activities, memberships, awards and honors, and other relevant data;
    • Summary of contributions to instruction;
    • Summary of contributions of research and scholarly activities relating to pharmacy education (a list of publications is not sufficient);
    • Summary of contributions to public/professional service and outreach relating to education;
    • Summary of impact of candidate contributions on pharmacy education, and
    • An additional three to five letters of support that reflect and are specifically related to the criteria, including those endorsements from individuals outside of the nominee’s home institution (supporting letters should interpret the impact that the nominee has had on his/her field and pharmacy education and provide evidence of contributions to instruction, research/scholarly activities in education, and professional/public service/outreach in education).
  3. The dossier should be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. PST on the date of the submission deadline. Materials will then be reviewed by the selection committee once an initial screening is completed.

Questions regarding the nomination or submission process should contact Adam Jackson, AACP Manager of Governance.

Selection Procedure

  1. Dossiers will be screened for completeness by staff upon receipt. If time permits, staff will notify nominators of missing items. Applications that are incomplete at the deadline for submission will not be evaluated.
  2. A Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award Committee appointed by the AACP president will conduct peer review of nominations based upon the established criteria for the award.
  3. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, the committee will forward one name to the AACP Board of Directors for ratification at its February meeting. In addition, the award committee will provide to the Board of Directors a short justification for the selected award recipient. The committee may recommend that the Award not be presented in any given year.

Past Award Recipients

2024 - Frank Romanelli, Pharm.D.

2023 - Adam M. Persky, Ph.D.

2022 - Cynthia Boyle, Pharm.D.

2021 - Brian Erstad, Pharm.D.

2020 - Gayle Brazeau, Ph.D.

2019 - Susan M. Meyer, Ph.D.

2018 - Melissa S. Medina, Ed.D.

2017 - S. William (Sandy) Zito, Ph.D.

2016 - Terry L. Schwinghammer, Pharm.D.

2015 - John E. Murphy, Pharm.D.

2014 - Robert L. Talbert, Pharm.D.

2013 - Mary Lynn McPherson, Pharm.D.

2012 - Jean M. Nappi, Pharm.D.

2011 - Robert S. Beardsley, Ph.D., R.Ph.

2010 - Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, Pharm.D.

2009 - Bruce A. Berger, Ph.D.

Volwiler Research Achievement Award

AACP Resource

The Volwiler Research Achievement Award was established as the research prize in academic pharmacy to honor the late Ernest H. Volwiler, former president and research director of Abbott Laboratories. The intent of the Award is to recognize annually an individual within the ranks of pharmacy education recognized by his or her peers as one of the leading research workers in a given area of the pharmaceutical and clinical sciences, pharmacy practice and the social and administrative sciences, and for outstanding contributions to the respective disciplines. This award consists of a glass sculpture and complimentary registration to the AACP Annual Meeting.

Applications for the 2025 Volwiler Research Achievement Award are due by 11:59 p.m. PST on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Visit the application site to begin the submission process.


  1. Nominees must hold a faculty appointment with a primary commitment to an AACP member college or school of pharmacy or be within five years of their full retirement from a faculty appointment.
  2. Nominees must be members of AACP, and have shown a commitment to the Association and mission and objectives of pharmacy education. A nominee’s name may not be submitted posthumously.
  3. Nominations must indicate evidence of research and creative scholarship relative to the pharmaceutical and clinical sciences and pharmacy practice and the social and administrative sciences and will be evaluated based upon contributions in the following areas:
    • Evidence of research and creative scholarship relative to the respective discipline;
    • Impact on a specific area in the respective discipline and pharmaceutical education, in general, including the nominee’s home institution and beyond; and
    • Contributions to teaching at both the professional and the graduate student levels.


Disclosure Required

AACP’s Board of Directors has adopted a policy affirming AACP’s right to grant, defer or decline to grant an honor or award, including a leadership position, to any person. AACP expects all recipients of honors and awards to embody the highest standards of professional and personal ethical behavior, therefore, AACP will not confer any honor, award or leadership position when, in its discretion, there has been a determination or credible question of unethical behavior. 

To implement this policy, AACP is instituting a disclosure process for nominees for the Volwiler Research Achievement Award. The required disclosure form must be completed, signed and submitted by December 4 to disclosure@aacp.org.


  1. Nominations may be made by any AACP member and are encouraged from faculty members of colleges of pharmacy and from all segments of the Association (e.g. sections, special interest groups, affiliate members).
  2. The dossier’s contents shall include:
    • Cover letter from the nominator summarizing the nominee’s qualifications and commitment to the Association;
    • Résumé detailing education, appointments, activities, memberships, awards and honors and other relevant data;
    • A summary statement on behalf of the nominee which puts his or her major research and scholarly accomplishments into perspective in such a way that a person from another discipline can understand and appreciate the significance of the nominee’s contributions (this should not exceed two single spaced pages);
    • A summary of the nominee’s contributions to teaching at both the professional and graduate student levels;
    • Three publications representative of current research activity; and
    • Three to five letters of endorsement, in addition to the original nomination, focusing on the research and scholarly accomplishments of the nominee and the impact that the nominee has had on his or her field and pharmacy education. Two endorsements must come from persons outside the nominee’s home institution.
  3. The dossier should be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. PST on the date of the submission deadline. Materials will then be reviewed by the selection committee once an initial screening is completed.


  1. Dossiers will be screened for completeness by staff upon receipt. If time permits, staff will notify nominators of missing items. Applications that are incomplete at the deadline for submission will not be evaluated.
  2. A Volwiler Research Achievement Award Committee appointed by the AACP president will conduct peer review of nominations in light of the established criteria for the award.
  3. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, the committee will forward one name to the AACP Board of Directors for ratification at its February meeting.  In addition, the award committee will provide to the Board of Directors a short justification for the selected award recipient. The committee may recommend that the Award not be presented in any given year.

Past Award Recipients

Paul R. Dawson Award for Excellence in Patient Care Research

AACP Resource

The intent of the Paul R. Dawson Award for Excellence in Patient Care Research is to recognize annually an active scientist within the ranks of pharmacy education as a leader in the broad range of research related to health services delivery directly affecting patient outcomes, including basic, clinical, translational and health services research. Since 2015, the award criteria include all research that has made sustained contributions to the quality of patient outcomes. This award consists of a glass sculpture and complimentary registration to the AACP Annual Meeting.  The award was endowed by Amgen in honor of its former Vice President of Marketing and Sales Paul R. Dawson.

Applications for the 2025 Paul R. Dawson Award for Excellence in Patient Care Research  are due by 11:59 p.m. PST on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Visit the application site to begin the submission process.


  1. Nominees must hold a faculty appointment with a primary commitment to an AACP member college or school of pharmacy or be within five years of their full retirement from a faculty appointment.
  2. Nominees must be members of AACP, and have shown a commitment to the Association and mission and objectives of pharmacy education. A nominee’s name may not be submitted posthumously.
  3. Nominees will be evaluated based on contributions to contemporary teaching and research that have made sustained contributions to the quality of patient outcomes.
    • Research and Scholarly Activities: research and creative scholarship relative to the quality of patient outcomes that can be documented in terms of publications (number and type) and grants/contracts.
    • Instruction: including, but not limited to, effectiveness in professional and/or graduate instruction; curriculum development and innovation; accomplishments of former students; and honors and awards for excellence in teaching related to the quality of patient outcomes. Contributions beyond the local college level are considered particularly important.
    • Other Contributions: activities and recognitions of a varied nature that have a documented impact on the quality of patient outcomes.


Disclosure Required

AACP’s Board of Directors has adopted a policy affirming AACP’s right to grant, defer or decline to grant an honor or award, including a leadership position, to any person. AACP expects all recipients of honors and awards to embody the highest standards of professional and personal ethical behavior, therefore, AACP will not confer any honor, award or leadership position when, in its discretion, there has been a determination or credible question of unethical behavior. 

To implement this policy, AACP is instituting a disclosure process for nominees for the Paul R. Dawson Award. The required disclosure form must be completed, signed and submitted by December 4 to disclosure@aacp.org.


  1. Nominations may be made by any AACP member and are encouraged from faculty members of colleges and schools of pharmacy and from all segments of the Association (e.g., sections, special interest groups, affiliate members).
  2. The dossier’s contents shall include:
    • Cover letter from the nominator summarizing the nominee’s qualifications and commitment to the Association;
    • Résumé detailing education, appointments, activities, memberships, awards and honors and other relevant data;
    • Contributions to scholarship in the realm of directly impacting the quality of patient outcomes;
    • Contributions to instruction in the relevant area; and
    • An additional three to five letters of support, including those endorsements from individuals outside of the nominee’s home institution (supporting letters should interpret the impact that the nominee has had on his/her field and pharmacy education).
  3. The dossier should be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. PST on the date of the submission deadline. Materials will then be reviewed by the selection committee once an initial screening is completed.


  1. Dossiers will be screened for completeness by staff upon receipt. If time permits, staff will notify nominators of missing items. Applications that are incomplete at the deadline for submission will not be evaluated.
  2. A Paul R. Dawson Award Committee appointed by the AACP president will conduct peer review of nominations in light of the established criteria for the Award.
  3. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, the committee will forward one name to the AACP Board of Directors for ratification at its February meeting. In addition, the award committee shall provide to the Board of Directors a short justification for the selected award recipient. The committee may recommend that the Award not be presented in any given year.

Please contact Adam Jackson, Manager of Governance, with any questions.

Past Award Recipients

2024 - M. Lynn Crismon, Pharm.D.

2023 - Sandra Kane-Gill, Pharm.D.

2022 - Rajender Aparasu, Ph.D.

2021 - William Doucette, Ph.D.

2020 - Betty Chewning, Ph.D.

2019 - Karen S. Hudmon, Dr. P.H. 

2018 - S. Suresh Madhavan, Ph.D.

2017 - Eric W. Schmidt, Ph.D.

2016 - Albert I. Wertheimer, Ph.D.

2015 - Marie A. Chisholm-Burns, Pharm.D., M.P.H., MBA

2014 - Anil Gulati, M.D., Ph.D.

2013 - Alexander S. Mankin, Ph.D.

2012 - Tejal A. Desai, Ph.D.

2010 - Harold L. Kohn, Ph.D.

2009 - Rodney J. Ho, Ph.D.

2008 - Laurence H. Hurley, Ph.D.

Twenty-One Student Pharmacists to Receive CVS Health/AACP Community Pharmacy Health Equity Award

Stipend will provide support to outstanding student pharmacists as they pursue their degree. Each awardee will receive a $20,000 scholarship, up from $8,000 awarded to five students in 2023.

Pharmacy Education 2025 Call for Interactive Workshops