Research and Education Poster Abstracts Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria and Categories of Work

The AACP Council of Sections (COS) which consists of the nine AACP Sections’ officers and an administrative board, is responsible for implementing the poster abstract review process. Abstracts are reviewed by the Section to which the abstract is submitted.

Pharmacy Education 2024 Call for Research and Education Poster Abstracts

Research and Education Poster Abstracts

The Council of Sections (COS) invites AACP members to submit Research and Education poster abstracts for the 2024 Pharmacy Education Live Poster Gallery.

INtegrate 2024: Post-Meeting Survey

AACP Resource

INtegrate 2024

Renaissance Phoenix Downtown

February 10-12, 2024

Thank you for attending INtegrate 2024, the AACP Interim Meeting. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey and share your feedback about the meeting. We value your input and your comments will assist us in planning future events.

This survey will close on Friday, March 29th. Your responses to this survey will remain confidential.

AACP Environmental Scan of Pharmacist Engagement in Education, Research, and Service Activities to Advance Diversity in Clinical Trial Participants

AACP Resource

The diversity of clinical trial participants does not reflect the population of the United States. AACP is seeking to learn about activities at its member schools related to clinical trial recruitment and diversity of clinical trial participants as part of our project, “Mobilizing a Pharmacy Advances Clinical Trials (PACT) Network and Community-based Organizations to Address Diversity in Clinical Trials,” funded by Genentech and the Genentech Foundation Health Equity and Diversity in STEM Innovation Grant. This project aims to create and train a network of community-based pharmacists and partners to enhance clinical trial participation among underrepresented populations.

This information collection is a continuation of a preliminary scan of activities related to clinical trials and participant diversity to gather insights from select schools as part of a collaborative agreement with researchers from the Texas A&M University Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy funded by the Food and Drug Administration Office of Minority Health and Health Equity. The results of the preliminary scan are promising, highlighting the active participation of pharmacists in initiatives enhancing diversity in clinical trials.

For the purposes of this scan, an activity is broadly defined as a collaboration, initiative, course, partnership, or program contributing to advancing clinical trial diversity in areas such as advocacy, education, teaching, outreach, practice, research, and/or service. The information collected will be used to create a public resource about pharmacy academia’s activities to enhance diversity in clinical trials. Information submitted will be analyzed by members of the project team, and insights from submitted activities and outcomes will be used to form the basis of a strategic framework for utilizing pharmacist-community partnerships to increase clinical trial diversity.

For more information about this initiative, please refer to this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document

AMA Statement on Pharmacists is Arrogant, Self-centered, and Out of Touch

APHA logo AACP Logo

AACP Executive Vice President and CEO Lee Vermeule

Pharmacy Education 2024 Call for Special Poster Abstracts

Special Poster Abstracts

New Investigator Award Recipient Posters

AACP New Investigator Award Recipients are invited to present the final research findings of their NIA-research-funded project at the Annual Meeting. 

Pharmacy Education 2024 Call for School Poster Abstracts

School Poster Abstracts

AACP member institutions are invited to submit one poster abstract per member institution to be displayed during the 2024 Annual Meeting. School Posters do not go through the review process, so once the abstract has been verified to meet the theme and subcategories, acceptance emails will be sent in April.

The School Poster Theme for 2024 is “Strengthening Faculty and Staff Success” and subcategories are: