This session focuses on strategies to identify key anatomical parts and functions of the brain that play a significant role in how we function and organize (pre-frontal cortex), manage stress and emotional regulation (amygdala), develop trust, connection, and empathy (mirror neurons), and analyze/synthesize conflicting information and manage cognitive dissonance (anterior cingulate cortex).
Neuroscience of Leadership and Well-Being
Adapting Pharmacogenomics for Online Education: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
In this webinar, three faculty members will provide an overview of how they have adapted pharmacogenomics education for the online environment. They will share lessons learned, challenges encountered, and innovative practices that emerged from teaching pharmacogenomics virtually.
The ABCs of ALFP
Join us for this informative webinar where we answer your questions on all things ALFP! Attendees will learn about ALFP from the following perspectives: fellow, program alumni, dean mentor, and leadership facilitator.
The Path Less Traveled: Pathways and Tracks in Pharmacy Education
Many pharmacy programs offer pathways or tracks within their didactic curriculum. This webinar is intended to give some insight into these student options, and the professional outcomes for the student participants.
Curricular Efforts in Active Learning: One Size Does Not Fit All
Attendees will leave with systemic strategies for the design and implementation of active learning customizable to their home institution.
Biological Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award Winners
The inaugural winners of the “Biological Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award” will describe their innovative teaching approaches focused on a city-wide science festival and a Comprehensive Reinforcement (CoRe) process for didactic courses. The presentations will be designed to offer tips on how to adopt similar approaches in other locations.
How to Cope with Life Transitions and Build Resilience During Uncertain Times
This webinar will discuss how graduate students (PhD/MS) in pharmaceutical sciences can cope with life changes and life transitions during uncertain times.
Remote Remediation- Successes, Challenges and Future Directions
This session will compare two Big Ten Schools’ approaches and experiences with remote remediation. The goal is to stimulate good discussion and to share best practices.
Identification and Mitigation of Adverse Drug Events Through Use of a Novel Digital Clinical Tool
This dynamic webinar will explore the science and real-world applicability of simultaneous multidrug analysis to minimize the risk of adverse drug events and improve quality of care.
Overview of the AACP Financial Survey
This webinar will provide an overview of the AACP Financial Survey, guidance for completing the survey, and the opportunity for institutions to ask questions regarding the completion of survey items.