What Really Matters in Educational Scholarship-Impact or Output?

This session introduces an evidence-informed model examining impact and the "people, processes, products" framework as a method for describing the impact of educational scholarship.

Showcase of the 2022 Laboratory Innovation and Teaching Excellence (LITE) Awards

The Laboratory Instructors SIG is pleased to showcase the LITE award finalists in this webinar.

Incorporating Self-Awareness Training into Student Pharmacist Education

This webinar will describe the importance and process of enhancing students’ self-awareness through the lens of three pharmacy programs.

Gender Equity: Voices from the Academy

Despite diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at higher education institutions across the United States, research has demonstrated that men and women continue to face different barriers to advancement in academic pharmacy.

Pharmacy Education 2022

Pharmacy Education 2022 is Back on the Big Stage. Be part of the action at the premier professional development event for pharmacy educators, July 23–27, in Grapevine, Texas.

Overview of the AACP Financial Survey

This webinar will provide an overview of the AACP Financial Survey, guidance for completing the survey, and the opportunity for institutions to ask questions regarding the completion of survey items.

INvigorate 2022

Get ready to breathe new life into your professional development at INvigorate 2022. Join your colleagues in San Diego for three-and-a-half days of networking, learning and problem-solving. You’ll leave re-energized and ready to implement new ideas and strategies to help you prepare for transformation in pharmacy education and practice.

Pharmacogenomics Education and Real-World Utilization for Pharmacy Graduates

This webinar seeks to address such gaps by engaging PGx practitioners from diverse practice settings to provide an overview of how PGx is utilized in their settings, address any competency gaps observed in pharmacy graduates, and provide approaches (educational and experiential) that can be used to mitigate these gaps.

Cold or Caring? Approaches for Integrating and Assessing Empathy Development

This session will focus on ways to intentionally integrate empathy development in simulated and actual clinical learning, best practices for assessing empathy development, and approaches to aid students in self-reflecting on their performance.