Wellbeing Interventions in the Experiential Setting

Stress and burnout are well-recognized among student pharmacists. Several factors influence student pharmacists' well-being. Evidence to support interventions to address well-being in the experiential setting is lacking. The purpose of this session is to discuss wellness assessment tools that can bring self-awareness and allow for self-calibration of students, and explore how to implement interventions to promote wellbeing.

Key Steps in Developing a Research Proposal

It is essential that pharmacy learners develop a professional identity by internalizing a core set of professional norms which in turn affect their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Coincidence Analysis: Case Studies for Practice-based Implementation and Programmatic Assessment Projects

A Virtual Training Session for Practice-based Implementation and Programmatic Assessment

Pharmacy faculty, graduate students or administrators engaged in or interested in pharmacy research, programmatic assessment or implementation science are encouraged to attend this interactive, 90-minute virtual session on Thursday, October 12, 2023.

Your Next Academic Chapter: Career-Sustaining Behaviors for Career Vitality

The events of recent years have exacerbated pharmacy faculty burnout, negatively impacting morale and engagement. As a result, some faculty are disengaging while others are choosing to leave academia altogether.

Remediation Renovation: Creating Your Toolkit Using Strategies, an Encore

Successful remediation is a key contributor to on-time progression rates. Remediation approaches vary in timing, maximum opportunities allowed per student, structure, preparation efforts, and faculty workload.

From Small Improvements to Rebuilding Curriculum

There has been a call to action to champion equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within pharmacy curricula. Speakers from two schools will present approaches used to incorporate EDI into self-care therapeutics courses.

Getting Comfortable being Uncomfortable

Talking about death tends to be an unpopular and underutilized topic in education. For schools that do cover it, death education is often limited to end-of-life pharmacotherapy and advanced care planning. Through the pandemic, the fragility of life has come to the forefront as important for students to be prepared to address this sensitive topic. In this session, faculty from two schools will discuss novel teaching tools available to engage students in compassionate conversations about death in the didactic, experiential, and interprofessional settings.

Kids Need Meds Too: Incorporating Pediatric Patients into Pharmacy Competencies

The goal of this webinar is to provide practical suggestions as to how pediatric patients can be addressed in existing curricula, including pharmacy calculations, patient education, and medication administration.

Introduction to AACP’s Code of Conduct Policy and Implementation

This webinar will provide an overview of AACP’s draft Code of Conduct and related policies.

Admissions Landscape: Where Are We Moving?

This webinar will focus on the current state of admissions within pharmacy programs across the nation and potential approaches to improving recruitment and student success.