Pharmacy Education 2023 - Continuing Education

CPE Activity Information

Date: July 22–25, 2023

Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center

Aurora, Colorado

Target Audience

The AACP 2023 Annual Meeting is planned and designed for all pharmacy educators, practitioners, and leaders.


Please see the annual meeting programming webpage for the schedule of events.

Overall Meeting Objectives

Pharmacy Education 2023 - Hotel and Travel

Pharmacy Education 2023 - Speakers

Pharmacy Education 2023 - Registration

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2024 Comittee Volunteer Information

2024 Call for Committee Volunteers 

Now is your chance to enrich your AACP membership experience and make a significant impact on pharmacy education! Dr. Anandi V. Law, AACP President-elect, is calling for volunteers for the 2024–2025 committee cycle. Volunteering for an AACP committee allows you to share your expertise, connect with fellow members, and work alongside colleagues on programs and initiatives to advance the Association's mission and strategic priorities.

AACP Council of Deans Mentee Survey

AACP Resource

The COD Mentoring Committee developed and piloted the COD Mentorship Program in leadership/ administration in 2022-23, and AACP looks forward to offering this important program again this year. We are now seeking mentees for the upcoming year, July 2024 to June 2025. If you are interested in being a mentee, please answer the short survey below. All potential mentees will be sent a list of available mentors and asked to rank order their top five preferences. The mentoring committee will do its best to pair mentees with mentors that will create an optimal relationship.

This survey will open on April 1, 2024, and close on April 30, 2024.