PharmGrad Resources

PharmGrad logo

The Pharmacy Graduate Application Service (PharmGrad) is a centralized application service to apply to multiple M.S. and Ph.D. programs offered by colleges and schools of pharmacy. PharmGrad is a national platform for driving applicant volume and enhancing exposure to advanced science programs. The service is available at no cost to all AACP member programs.

If you are a potential applicant looking for more information on pharmacy graduate education, please visit the Graduate and Research Students page.

PharmGrad Contacts

For Graduate Degree Programs
AACP Staff -
WebAdMIT -, tel: 857-304-2020

For Applicants
General PharmGrad questions -, tel: 617-612-2091
PharmGrad Application Portal
PharmGrad Applicant Help Center

Resources for Graduate Programs

PharmGrad Resources

WebAdMIT Resources

  • WebAdMIT Help Center – Programs are encouraged to bookmark this site for quick and easy access to help content for all things WebAdMIT.
  • WebAdMIT Getting Started Guide – New to WebAdMIT? This guide provides essential information to help you get up and running in WebAdMIT.
  • WebAdMIT Training and Support – Many training and support options are available in a variety of formats, including webinars, live training, virtual courses, and in-person workshops.
  • WebAdMIT API Documentation Site – This site includes detailed information about using an API to migrate WebAdMIT data to your internal information system. Learn what the WebAdMIT API is and how it can help you automate data integrations between WebAdMIT and your SIS/ERP here.

AACP Connect List of All Communities



Types of Communities

  • Section or Special Interest Group: Communities specifically for that Section of SIG. Members can join up to two Sections and unlimited SIGs. 
  • Special Communities: Communities created by AACP members that are not Sections or SIGs. Please refer to the Community Guidelines for a definition of special Communities. 
  • View Only: Communities you are not currently a part of. You can view their description and leadership but not the discussions and library contents unless you join the Community. 

Joining a Community

  1. To join a Section or SIG Community login to the member database using your AACP username and password.
  2. Hover you mouse over My Account and click on My SIGs or Sections.
  3. Scroll down the page to the Select SIG section.
  4. Click the magnifying glass to browse all the SIGs available to AACP members.
  5. Click the SIG you would like to join, click Select, then click Save back on the Select SIG section.
  6. This same process should be followed for Sections.
  7. Allow the systems 30–60 minutes to refresh and capture the changes you have made.
  8. For any questions please contact

Current Communities

ACT Pharmacy Collaborative

The mission of the Academia-CPESN Transformation (ACT) Pharmacy Collaborative community is to serve as an engagement and communication vehicle for the pharmacy academia participants of the ACT Pharmacy Collaborative (ACT Champions).

Contact Candelaria Moralez for information to join this Community. 

Administrative and Financial Officers (AFO) SIG

The mission of AFO-SIG is to lead and partner with our members to contribute financial/administrative expertise in a manner that supports the AACP and its membership in advancing pharmacy education, research, scholarship, practice and service to improve societal health.

Administrative Services Section

The mission of the Section of Administrative Services is to cultivate a professional environment among its members that will foster the development of excellence, innovation and leadership in all professional endeavors including administration, practice, scholarship and service within the organization, the larger academic community, and the healthcare professions.

ALFP 2020-21 Cohort 17

The Cohort 17 Connect Community will be used for distributing session agendas and content information as well as serve as a means to collaborate with other Fellow’s and Leadership Facilitators. This venue provides you the opportunity to present ideas, make plans and discuss topics with your colleagues.

Advocacy Champions

The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Advocacy Champion's mission is to collaboratively advance strategies and partnerships for academic pharmacy professionals to advocate for advanced standards, conditions, resources, and opportunity for pharmacy practice at an institutional, regional, and national level. We strive to champion education, foster inclusivity, and influence policies that strengthen the foundation of pharmacy.



ALFP Alumni Community

All Former ALFP Fellows. Members must be a former ALFP fellow to be part of this Community. 

Assessment SIG

The mission of the Assessment SIG is to facilitate acquisition of assessment knowledge and skills, to shape curricular and programmatic assessment innovations and strategy, and to promote the scholarship of assessment in pharmacy education.

Biological Sciences Section

The mission of the Biological Sciences Section is to provide an academic forum for the exchange of ideas pertinent to the effective teaching of biological science based material in the professional curriculum of colleges of pharmacy and the promotion of effective biological sciences whose content is based primarily on biological facts and principles.

Board of Directors Community

The Board of Directors mission is to advance pharmacy education, research, scholarship, practice and service, in partnership with members and stakeholders, to improve health for all.

CEO Deans

Members must be a CEO Dean at an institution to be part of this group. For more information or to be added to this group please contact Candelaria Moralez

Chemistry Section

The Section of Teachers of Chemistry exists to represent pharmacy educators in the development and implementation of programs and policies which facilitate the provision of a sound chemical foundation in professional and graduate curricula.

Co-Curricular Community

The Co-Curricular Community provides a forum to share ideas and promote scholarship related to co-curricular administration, opportunities, best practices, and assessment that meet accreditation standards and the needs of student pharmacists. This community specifically focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of co-curricular programs in schools and colleges of pharmacy. AACP members interested ...

COF Department Chair Community

Members must be a department chair at an institution to join this Community. Please contact Candelaria Moralez to be added to this Community. 

COF Junior Faculty Community

This Community housed within the Council of Faculties (COF), is intended to serve newly hired faculty within their first 5–6 years to connect and network, learn and discuss and exchange experiences. The vision is to conduct most of these activities virtually during the year from the comfort of one’s office/computer. AACP Connect is an online platform that allows for this exchange.

Please contact Candelaria Moralez for more information. 

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Section

The mission of the Continuing Professional Development Section is to champion and showcase life-long learning, including continuing professional development (CPD) principles and outcomes, within the pharmacy education and practice continuum as defined by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education for the purpose of advancing patient care and the pharmacy profession.

Council of Deans (COD)

The mission of the Council is to identify and address major issues related to the conduct of professional, post-professional and graduate education, research and service in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences.

Council of Faculties (COF)

We connect faculty to people and programs enabling them to innovate and thrive as educators, scholars, and leaders.

Council of Sections (COS)

The Council of Sections (COS) is composed of the administrative officers (chair-elect, chair, immediate past chair) of all Sections. The primary focus of the Council is to represent the collective interests of the academic disciplines within pharmacy education to the Association and its Board of Directors (BOD).

Members must be part of the Council of Sections to be included in this Community. 

Curriculum SIG

The Curriculum SIG shall work within the academy to focus on, promote and address key issues related to curriculum in pharmacy schools to ensure that curricula are always meeting the current and future needs of pharmacy graduates.

Development Directors SIG

To provide support, continuing education and networking opportunities to development officers at colleges and schools of pharmacy.

Experiential Education Section

The mission of the Experiential Education Section is to promote excellence in experiential education.

Geriatric Pharmacy SIG

The mission of the Geriatric Pharmacy SIG is to positively impact and improve geriatric care and pharmacy education through collaboration and communication of ideas among faculty regarding innovative teaching, clinical practice, research, scholarship, and service activities related to geriatric pharmacotherapy topics.

Global Education SIG

The Global Education SIG was established to provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and programs that pertain to pharmacy education, research and healthcare on a global basis. As an organizational unit sponsored by the AACP, the SIG will work with the AACP to support its global outreach initiatives such as the Global Alliance for Pharmacy Education.

Graduate Education SIG

The mission of the Graduate Education SIG is to strengthen pharmacy graduate education and post-doctoral training by fostering a national dialogue that will enable development of programs, courses, and shared resources between institutions.

Health Care Ethics SIG

The Health Care Ethics SIG promotes research and education in pharmacy ethics across the Academy and within the pharmacy profession by fostering collaborative relationships between disciplines within pharmacy, and between pharmacy and other healthcare professions.

Health Disparities and Cultural Competence SIG

To support Health Disparities and Cultural Competence SIG members in their endeavors to design, implement, assess and evaluate research, educational and pharmacy practice initiatives that foster the delivery of culturally and linguistically competent, evidence-based, patient-centered care that effectively address disparate health outcomes.

History of Pharmacy SIG

Promote the teaching of pharmacy history at pharmacy schools throughout North America. Advance research and scholarship in the history of pharmacy. Disseminate historical information about the profession to members of the academy. Foster the collection and preservation of historical artifacts related to the pharmacy profession.

House of Delegates Community

Members must be a delegate from their institution to have access to this Community. For more information please contact Adam Jackson

Interprofessional Education (IPE) Community

This is an open access Community. Members can join this Community directly through AACP Connect. 

Laboratory Instructors SIG

The mission of the Laboratory Instructors SIG is to improve laboratory course content by providing direction for laboratory courses in the professional pharmacy curricula.

Leadership Development SIG

To support the development of leaders in all facets of the pharmacy profession and the Academy.

Drug Information and Library Science Section

The Section of Drug Information and Library Science of the Association was established to support librarians and information professionals who directly serve or are affiliated with colleges or schools of pharmacy or branches thereof.

Minority Faculty SIG

The mission of the Minority Faculty Special Interest Group is to identify issues of importance to minority faculty and assist the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, AACP in responding to them.

Pediatric Pharmacy SIG

The mission of the Pediatric Pharmacy SIG is to facilitate pediatric faculty collaboration and communication of ideas and innovations in teaching, research, practice, and service activities related to neonatal and pediatric pharmacotherapy that will positively impact student learning.

Pharmaceutics Section

The mission of the Teachers of Pharmaceutics Section is to enhance the delivery of pharmaceutical care by providing a forum for exchange of information and expertise that supports the discovery and promotes understanding of the unique body of knowledge known as pharmaceutics.

Pharmacogenomics SIG

The objectives of the Pharmacogenomics Special Interest Group are to advance education in the growing fields of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics in member institutions of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and much more.

Pharmacy Practice Section

The mission of the Section of Pharmacy Practice is to cultivate a professional environment among its members that will foster the development of excellence, innovation and leadership in all educational endeavors including practice, scholarship and service within the organization, the larger academic community and the healthcare professions.

PharmCAS Community

Within the PharmCAS Community, AACP staff will share important announcements, including PharmCAS volume updates, training opportunities, and WebAdMIT updates, and solicit your valuable feedback. You can also use the community to network with colleagues across institutions.

Please contact to be added to this Community and for more information.

Public Health SIG

The AACP Public Health SIG shall work to enable the Academy to focus on issues and impacts that serve to protect, promote, enhance the health and well-being of all people and the environment; and prevent disease in a global framework.

Self-Care Therapeutics/Nonprescription Medicine SIG

The mission of the Self-Care Therapeutics\Nonprescription Medicine SIG is to facilitate acquisition of self-care knowledge and teaching skills, to share teaching innovations and strategy and to promote the scholarship of teaching.

SIG Cabinet Community

The mission of the SIG Cabinet is to ensure that the unique planning, learning and networking needs of AACP members are effectively met through SIG programs, projects and leadership development opportunities.

Members must be in the SIG Cabinet to have access to this Community. 

Social and Administrative Sciences Section

To advance social and administrative sciences in the education, research, practice, and service missions of pharmacy schools with the goal of improving the health of populations.

Student Services SIG

The Student Services SIG represents all aspects of student services activities within a college or school of pharmacy. The SIG brings together professional staff, faculty and administrators to discuss issues of importance in the student activities arena.

Substance Use Disorder SIG

The mission of the AACP Substance Use Disorder Special Interest Group (SIG) is to collaboratively promote and enhance professional and public education concerning substance use and addiction, to promote and foster the provision of assistance and recovery support for professionals and the public, and to promote scholarly inquiry as it impacts the profession of pharmacy and the public whom we serve.

Technology in Pharmacy Education & Learning SIG

The mission of the Technology in Pharmacy Education and Learning SIG is to maintain a focus on learners, learning strategies and informatics while identifying, promoting, developing and facilitating the use of educational technology grounded in sound pedagogical practices for the purposes of teaching, learning and assessment throughout pharmacy education delivered onsite and to distance students.

Walmart Scholars Program Community

AACP and Walmart are committed to helping colleges and schools of pharmacy ensure there is an adequate number of well-prepared individuals who aspire to join the faculties at our institutions across the country.

Webinar Community

The main purpose of this Community is to promote all AACP hosted webinars by posting the event’s information in the discussion board. This Community is only for AACP hosted webinars. You will also be able to access all webinar recordings and slides in the Community library.

Well-Being and Resiliency Community

This Community works within the academy to create a space for AACP members who share an interest in promoting individual and community well-being, social and emotional intelligence and resiliency within pharmacy education. This forum is used to champion networking, share ideas and current innovations and practices, create opportunities for collaboration and dissemination of research, and support leadership ...

Women Faculty SIG

The mission of the Women Faculty SIG is to identify issues of importance to women faculty and assist the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in responding to them.

ACT Pharmacy Collaborative Commitment Form

AACP Resource

This form should be completed by each school/college’s designated ACT Champion. Please be sure to attach the completed Dean’s Statement of Commitment as a PDF. 

Pharmacy Education 2023 - Code of Conduct

AACP staff members, service providers, and all others are expected to abide by this Meeting Code of Conduct. This Policy applies to all AACP meeting-related events.

VIP Treatment for Vets

COPD CARE began with one University of Wisconsin- Madison pharmacy professor’s vision to help veterans. The primary care service is expanding to VA clinics across the country to reach patients in rural communities.

Pharmacy Education 2023 - Programming